So we all know energy control right?
Wait? you don't?!
oh.. right, it doesn't exist.
this is what went through my mind today when I had the bright Idea of making a new toon. I openned up a planner and chose controller then went looking through the different primaries and couldn't understand it. I thought I was just failing to see it. I thought "Energy 'everything' was one of the earlier sets in CoH, you'd think there'd definitely be an energy control."
turns out, no, there isn't an 'energy control'.
I know I suggest a lot of things. but this one seems like it should have been done on Live in like Issue 8 or so. how could we have not created this upto now?!
I got to thinking about the set, based on the hallmarks of energy, we're talking a situation of a Mez(Disorient) show where "would you like some Knockup and repel with your knockback good sir?" is the basis of the control set.
then I got into "what would an Energy Immobilize or Engergy Hold look like?" Immediately I was brought to the thought of the energy rings around the fists of my energy manipulation blaster.
So I imagined an energy immobilize places an energy ring around the enemy's legs. a hold could be anywhere from multiple rings one around the head, one around each hand and foot, to, energy balls around these, then I thought "well they could still move their arms if you just put energy around their hands" then came up with the mental image of "Energy Shackles" simply put a bar of energy connecting each shackle hand to hand, foot to foot and hands to feet, and an energy ball around their head. then I figured it'd restrict airflow so it'd probably cause choke and -recovery.
but as I thought about that I said to myself "where's the trademark knockback?" and so I paused until I thought, "well if the enemy tried to move and touched the energy ring.... BOOM. they'd go flying, and probably be significantly damaged too, add on a nice disorient for good measure if they trigger that Knock Up by trying to move or trying to attack when held."
then I was like "but there's no Anti Fly..." and then I thought "well, that's moving, even just hovering in place has some motion.. so.. that'd trigger High Energy Damage + Knockup+disorient. Ouch. I'd hate to be hit with that while flying.." cast> target is flying BOOM> 1,2,3,4,> target is still flying/trying to move/trying to attack, and attack duration has not expired = BOOM> repeat.
" '-fly' why would I do that? you can fly all you want! here let me help you fly higher! but that cieling looks like it'll hurt.."
*I now imagine a loop animation where someone is being controlled and smacked repeatedly into a cieling.* and the controller saying "stop smacking yourself into the cieling, stop smacking yourself into the cieling, stop smacking yourself into the cieling".
I mean they are "Trollers" what kind of behaviour did you expect? I'm surprised they aren't inventing magnet powered flight and trying to make schemes to bankrupt organizations they don't like and profit.
jokes asside, Energy sets are typically fairly Single-Target Centric. They typically have limited AoE or Cone in each set, and as a troller really needs to address the crowd, not just single targets, I figure after the first 2 single targets there should be alot of swirling energy fields, auras and bubbles. and tons of enemies getting knocked around and repelled and maybe even pulled back in to go all over again via a single attract, top it off with disorient and I think that's a good basis for an energy control set.
Thinking about a swirling energy aura, it could be fairly defensive +Def (all) +res(energy negative) add in Moderate Damage when enemies touch it, and repel and disorient and I think it's a good L8
but then I ran out of ideas for L12, L18, and L26... at that point I kinda thought it was too heavy in AoE, cone and chain already. and most sets do some variant of an AoE here.
I figured, an "energy controller" probably should be able to controll masses of energy and make them do his bidding, so he should get a pet, or 2. probably an energy golem/servant/spectre at L32 similar to dark servant but with a bright color tintable energy aura body-part-basis rather than dark clouds. it'll probably fizzle out on it's own over time, so a limited time summon perhaps. then I got to thinking about attacks for it and thought, "what happens when all that energy making this energy pet gets dispersed when it dies?" and I went looking through Energy sets and saw [Energy Blasting: Nova PBAoE Extreme Damage Energy/Smash foe: knockback] and was like "yep. that's what happens when energy golem or energy specter dies. it's pretty much a bomb with legs and arms.." and figured it should have 1 ranged and one melee attack probably in high damage due to it's limited summon time, so I added in [Power Burst(High Damage Energy/Smash foe Knockback)] for a ranged single target, and [Staggering Burst(Melee(AoE) Smash/Energy foe disorient)] for kinda an energy dispersal attack from the pet, as it's attacks, also it definitely needs a healthbar, that way if something does kill it BOOM.. either it's timer runs out and Nova, or something kills it and Nova, or the player(with enough haste to perma-summon it) replaces it's summon and: Nova on desummon.
and with that I'm semi-fresh out of compiled ideas for this set.
Maybe a ground-pounder, some field/energy-object that comes down on top of enemies and hits them with Energy smashing and Knockdown every time they stand up as it attempts to bash them into the ground repeatedly like an energy troller made a giant energy mallet and decided to play whack-a-mole.
and maybe a single target mega-hold at some rediculous magnitude.
maybe a Range Wide Cone energy smack, like a mass-target(upto 30) mega KB+disorient
maybe another energy aura with -acc -tohit to go with that disorient
another pet? Idk.
this is what I came up with:
Energy Control:
L1 Energy Ring: Ranged, Moderate DoT Energy/Smashing (6.12x5), Foe: Immobilize. When foe tries to move/or is flying; Foe: KnockUp (Mag 4.99), High Damage Energy (50.16)
L1 Energy Shackles: Ranged, Moderate DoT Energy/Smashing (6.73x5) Foe: Hold, Choke, -recovery. When foe tries to move/or is flying or tries to attack; Foe: Knockup (Mag 6) High Damage Energy (50.16). "Energy Shackles Cover the Foe's Head, Hands and Feet rendering them unable to move or attack, the head covering restricts breathing, leading to a lack of ability to recover strength for a short time. If the enemy moves or tries to attack, the shackles tighten and release an energy pulse which will severely damage and send the foe flying up."
L2 Energy Wave: Ranged Cone Chain, Minor DoT Energy(4x2), Foe: -fly, Knockup (Mag 10), Foe: GrantPower: ["Energy Conduit", Ranged Cone to player foex1, Minor DoT Energy, -fly, Knockup (mag 10) if time remaining on player cast: grant power ["EnergyConduit" from each target]] "you release a fast-vibrating wave of energy that loops from target to target repeatedly for 27.94 seconds, violently knocking them into the air and pulling them back down every time it hits disabling their ability to fly. the energy burns as it runs through their nerves causing minor energy damage over time on each hit. This power can effect upto 7 targets at a time, it then arcs off of them to any other nearby target which has not recently been hit on the previous tick"
L6 Energy Torus: Summon: Wide Field, Foe Attract, When the foe touches the center; Foe: High Damage Energy, Knockback Mag 16, Stun, Disorient. "you create a feild in the shape of a large energy bubble in the sha[e of a donut, the center has a gravity anomaly which pulls enemies in rapidly, when enemies touch this anomaly it violently reacts causing high damage and sending foes flying backwards leaving them stunned and disoriented for a short time."
L8 Energy Cyclone Toggle: +Def(All) +Res (Energy Negative), PBAoE Aura Moderate Damage Energy(30.59), Foe: KnockUP (Mag 4), Repel (Mag 3), Disorient. "you create a whirling cyclone of energy around yourself that redirects attacks around you, any foe that touches it will be moderately damaged, then thrown up and away from you causing disorientation for a short time."
L12 Energy Flash: TAoE Minor Damage Energy(5), Foe: Stun(160s), Blind(320s), Disorient(160s), -ToHit(20%), -Def(20% all), Knockback(Mag 1)
L18 Weld: Ranged High DoT Energy(10x5), Foe Hold(Mag 36, 360s), -Def(30%), -fly(Mag 10) Knockdown
L32 Summon Energy Specter: High Damage Energy, Attacks: Power Burst(High Damage Energy/Smash foe Knockback), Staggering Burst(Melee(AoE) Smash/Energy foe disorient), On Death: Nova (PBAoE Extreme Damage Energy/Smash foe Knockback).
thinking about this I've come up with another power:
Energy Flash/Flash: TAoE Minor Damage Energy(5), Foe: Stun, Blind, Disorient, -ToHit, -Def, Knockback
"You launch a very bright exploding ball of energy at your foes kocking them back and blinding them for a long period of time, it waves through them stunnign and disorienting them. because of the light burned into their retinas they are unable to see well causing a -20% decreased in ability to hit targets and defend themselves from being hit."
essentially energy has the ability to bind and knockback sure, but it can also blind, probably some of the strongest longest lasting blinds in game, like laser eye surgery gone wrong.
Weld: Ranged High DoT Energy(10x5), Foe Hold(Mag 30, 360s), -Def(30%), -fly(Mag 10) Knockdown
"You use your energy to literally, not figuratively weld your enemy to the ground. they find it very difficult to move so avoiding attacks becomes almost impossible, the welding process damages them over time for the initial application phase." -single target Super Hold