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Warburg LabTechnician Mapserver Bug

Started by Joshex, Jan 21, 2025, 12:07 PM

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I know this has been reported multiple times, this thread stands as a record of what it is and when it happens.

What it is: some players go to get a nuke in warburg, you know launch the missile,( "but I'm le tired" "well, then take a nap, then launch the missiles!" -if you get the quote), in the process of doing so as soon as they tell a lab tech to follow them all players in zone experience getting disconnected from the mapserver. Apparently, the mapserver resets to some previously known state before you told the technician to follow you, so you may end up standing in a different place when you return to the game.

I suspect this is a built-in failsafe to protect against bugs permanently bricking zones or characters.

Observations: When it happens:
#1: Genesis Incarnate Powers are Slotted

IF you do not have incarnate genesis powers and have this bug; clear all enemies around the lab technician and turn off ALL powers and unslot all incarnate powers from their incarnate slots. then talk to the lab technician and ask them to follow you.

If this works, the problem may be one of your powers or enhancement procs etc., to remedy it: With ALL powers off, as the lab tech to follow you, Try turning on each power ONE-at-a-Time, walk around and then turn on the next one. repeat until you mapserve, if none, slot your incarnate powers ONE-at-a-time, then walk around and slot the next one. What ever power you turned on before you mapserved is the culprit, report it. Someone else with the same power but no/different enhancements should try it. if they are also bugged then it's the power, if they are not bugged it's an enhancement.

If it does not work!: It may be one of your Auto powers, these are powers you cannot deactivate easily, you'd have to get someone to make a build with the same sets without those Auto powers, then if that doesn't cause the problem you'll have to build them in one at a time until it causes the issue.
It could be power casts too, or pets, or pet power casts, or bonuses, chances for something etc., use a process of elimination, watch Combat logs, and see what powers/pet powers cast before you mapserv. report them.

simple tests really.

But for now I do know that the following causes it 100% of the time Definitely:
Socket Core Flawless Genesis

it is not known if ALL genesis powers cause it but it is highly suspected as such.

Other possibly relevant information for Game Moderators and Devs (the following did not cause this bug during my successful tests)
AT: Tanker
Primary: Willpower
Secondary: Electrical Melee

Willpower Powers:

Electrical Melee Powers:
Charged Brawl
Jacobs Ladder
Thunder Strike
Build Up
Chain Induction
Lightning Rod


Fighting Powers:

Concealment Powers:

Leaping Powers:
Combat Jumping

Speed Powers:

Energy Mastery Powers:
Conserve Power
Physical Perfection

Alpha: Musculature Radial Paragon
Interface: Diamagnetic Core Flawless
Judgement: Ion Core Final
Destiny: Barrier Core Epiphany
Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment

the following did cause the bug in all my unsuccessful attempts:
Genesis: Socket Core Flawless
temp powers not listed. I have a ton of those, it'd take me a long time to list them lol.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


I hit the same issue with my kinetic/electric defender. Socket core flawless genesis being equipped caused a crash, not didn't. Re-equipping genesis when I had a technician following caused a mapserve within maybe 5 seconds. (Unlike some people's experiences my socket was still equipped after I loaded back in)

I however had reactive core flawless for my interface socketed (as socket affects that proc at higher levels) so this implies a: it's the genesis being socketed specifically, and b: as warburg is below 50 it's likely the under-level-45 proc component causing issues.

We'd need someone with a different genesis to check, specifically if using the granted genesis power of the other three counts. (The reason being the other three grant a use power, but socket gives a proc and it's a delayed crash so could well be on the proc activating)
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Quote from: RagingCheney on Jan 26, 2025, 09:58 PMI hit the same issue with my kinetic/electric defender. Socket core flawless genesis being equipped caused a crash, not didn't. Re-equipping genesis when I had a technician following caused a mapserve within maybe 5 seconds. (Unlike some people's experiences my socket was still equipped after I loaded back in)

I however had reactive core flawless for my interface socketed (as socket affects that proc at higher levels) so this implies a: it's the genesis being socketed specifically, and b: as warburg is below 50 it's likely the under-level-45 proc component causing issues.

We'd need someone with a different genesis to check, specifically if using the granted genesis power of the other three counts. (The reason being the other three grant a use power, but socket gives a proc and it's a delayed crash so could well be on the proc activating)

I had a thought about this, I'd be interested in knowing what form of critter the lab technicians are. specifically because they are in a pvp zone I wonder if they are coded to have tohit or resistance though they do not have a health bar and cannot die.

My point is, if socket core flawless is casting a debuff or buff on the lab tech that it can "technically" recieve because it does have that stat, but that stat is hardcoded or causes a chain reaction to modify values which do not exist on the target.. that'd definitely crash the mapserver or at least confuse it beyond recovery.

imagine casting a tohit check on a critter that is an invalid target with no stats at all, OR nothing to modify where an Unresistable effect is cast.

imagine if it was trying to cast DoT onto the labtech who has no health value to be adjusted and cannot die, NoneType - 5 DoT = crash..

I suspect this is the shared issue between all toons which cause the crash genesis or not.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Except the lack of any PBAOE running on my character during the crash, or otherwise. Genesis should only proc when you're attacking, with socket. Or when you're using the power otherwise.

If Genesis was firing on everyone automatically without needing to attack them, *everyone* would have it because it's now a PBAOE proc dot/debuff incarnate, which would be a tad broken.  ;)
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