Lord RecluseRewarding the same enhancement set as Ms Liberty Task Force despite the Heroes at the end it is the easier and shorter of these two.
Mission 1: Assault the Longbow BaseThis mission launches from the submarine located near an island in the North West of Grandville. Once inside the map is composed of two main parts: A landing strip with a bunker on the left and a tower on the right, and the base propper located up and along bridges at the back of the runway.

The initial objective sees you destroying the longbow forces on the runway, be careful of any Longbow Wardens wielding bubbles as they can use Containment Field to temporarily take out the tank and make aggro go crazy, and there are Longbow Wardens with Spines/Regen that WILL resurrect again after their first defeat, so be sure to deal with these before moving on to the next group as they are a potential threat for squishies in the back.
Be careful of the turrets around the edge as they can hurt the squishies as well.
The first group of Chaser flyers will patrol above the runway, send flyers or use long range to take them out.
In front of the bunker will be a group of Longbow with a captured Bane Spider, freeing him will result in an ambush coming out of the bunker door.
Upon taking out the last turret on the runway area another ambush will spawn on the runway itself in front of the bunker.
Once all forces on the runway have been dealt with enter the tower via a door at its base, the two towers on this mission are identical, consisting of a ramp down from the door to a double set of doors, moving through a corridor towards a wider open room containing several mobs of Longbow. Once you have cleared the tower look and listen for two placeable barrel bombs, the locations of which change with each instance of the taskforce.

Back out of the tower once the bombs are planted and head across the sloping bridges up towards the base proper, there will be several turrets along their length as well as several mobs. Once you reach the top and pass under a large gate there will be a second set of Chasers that will need taking down by flyers/ranged. There are several mobs in a small courtyard to the left of the gate that can be safely ignored, your destination lies straight forward across another pair of twin bridges.

Once you have crossed the bridges and defeated the surrounding mobs a group of Longbow will appear out of the tiny hut at the end of the bridges as if it were a clown car.

Mop them up before defeating the turrets around the edge.
This platform will lead to further bridges but you won't need to cross them, however another ambush will come out of the furthest door on the main building as well as another clown explosion from another tiny hut.

Once all jokers have been defeated head into the second tower opposite the un-crossed bridges and repeat your prior efforts, defeating the enemies within and planting two barrel bombs.
Exit and head to the double doors of the main building you moved past earlier.
Enter, progress through a corridor filled with human speed bumps and enter the elevators at the end.
This is where more care needs to be taken.
Ahead is a wide room with a small underpass in the centre and a balcony along the back. A final bomb will need to be placed in the centre of the room which could aggro any mobs that might spawn in the underpass beneath it, so be careful. Two other mobs will be on this lower area, you could take them both out to choose a side and only clear those.
The upper balcony contains the real threat, a AV difficulty Hero accompanied by four Elite Bosses which may contain the power to Containment Field your tank and cause aggro to go crazy, it is probably best to eliminate these Longbow Ballista before dealing with the Hero. Once all have been defeated and the final bomb is placed, exit the mission.
Mission 2: Assault the Malta baseThis mission is entered through the helicopter on the northern beach of the main Grandville island, you will spawn in at the end of a pier with a warehouse running down its centre. While there are mobs on either side it is only the left side that concerns us.
The main threat along here is the inclusion of sneaky Malta Sappers that can easily detoggle the tank.
By using this macro: /macro SPR targetcustomnext alive sapper
You will be able to pick them out from amongst the crowd and deal with them quickly.
Kronos TitanGenerally, he has a sapper in the mob at his feet, the tank should taunt him and then fall back around the corner of the building near the dumpsters to break the line of sight. The goal is to draw him away from the mobs at the back.
Once he and the mob with him are dead the team should have the key. Enter the building being aware there is a mob in the room at the very top of the ramp. Deal with them, and the group in the corridors until you reach a large workshop. If your tank is still gearing up, dissemble this room by taunting things around the corner at the top of the ramp leading downwards.
You can avoid fighting some of this room by sticking to the left and slipping into the corridor. It's easy for snipes to grab extras accidentally. It happens often when queued powers decide to re-target when the original target dies.
Boss AreaThere is an outer corridor that forms a reverse L, with two roller doors leading into an internal chamber. First, clear both sections of this outer corridor with mobs normally scattered on the platforms along the wall.
Once it's clear, open the first roller door, and the tank should taunt individual groups to dissemble the room. Using the corner to break the line of sight and draw the taunted mobs out for the team to kill them.
When you have only the boss and two groups around him left, repeat this with him. Be aware that when his health gets low a continual stream of bots will spawn from the right hand side of the long corridor. If the tank is positioned on the corner they can control the boss, what stranglers are left and the boss. If you have an off tank or an earth controller with quicksand they can help lock down the bots while the dps kill the boss.
As soon as he's dead the tank should rush for the safe in the back and grab the temp power from it. When the exit button shows up everyone should hit exit asap. The tank usually leaves last in case of anyone being stunned; they can grab aggro until they recover.
Mission 3: Defeat Future PhalanxThis mission will be accessed via the portal inside the main Arachnos tower in Grandville, there is a mechanic in this fight where the players will begin to phase out, rendering them unable to interact with the team or the enemies, we are uncertain what triggers this but it seems to intensify as time goes on, so the working theory is that a timer begins when the first person enters the map, so it is probably best to have the entire team group up outside the mission then enter together.
The map for this mission is a ruined Atlas Park, there are many mobs scattered around but 99% can be avoided by flying high and then having everyone meet up on top of the shattered globe on the Atlas statue.

Getting close to town hall will trigger a cutscene showing the remaining members of the Freedom Phalanx. Once it has ended you will be able to get ready for the fight.
There are four AV level Heroes here, Sister Psyche and Manticore on the roof, then Backalley Brawler and Numina down below.
Sister Psyche and Numina are capable of flight, so they will be the first to respond, Backalley Brawler WILL be able to get up on the globe but will take his time to find a path.
Have a ranged player snipe either Numina or Sister Psyche, whichever is closer to you, you will want to focus either one of them down, be sure to communicate clearly with one another as to which will be the primary target so damage isn't split.
Both Sister Psyche and Numina can do heavy psychic AOE damage, so non-tank characters stay far back. If the tank feels confident then they can pick up Backalley Brawler when he eventually makes it up there, or you can have an off-tank grab him until you have dealt with the ladies.
Once those three are down you can fly across to the roof of city hall to deal with Bruce Wayne from
Typically you will have to take out some of the Freedom Phalanx below Manticore as they will be counted as part of their "group", it isn't clear which ones are needed so just stick together and kill away until the mission completes.
Mission 4: Assault Vindicators BaseThis mission is accessed via one of the south islands in Nerva Archipelago.
Inside the Vindicator's base the first level has a simple layout. Straight ahead from the entrance will be a fork, the right corridor can be ignored, and the left corridor will be easily navigable, though there will be mobs along the way. The first stop along the path will be a room featuring the ladies of the Vindicators. Swan, Luminary, Minx, and Valkyrie.
Have the squishies stand back from the doors that lead to their room, then have the tank taunt them and pull them around the edge of the door frame to group them up.
READ THIS BIT FULLY BEFORE EXECUTINGThe order of defeat is Swan >> Luminary >> Minx then HOLD DAMAGE ON VALKYRIE.
Swan is another nasty Psychic AOE user, so stay back from her, and Luminary will unleash a nasty nuke when at low health, Minx however is less of a threat.
When it is down to just Valkyrie we will want to take her for a walk.
Usually upon defeating Valkyrie she will resurrect and become invulnerable for an utterly obnoxious amount of time, this however can be skipped.
Pull her all the way back to the room with the mission entrance. Have the rest of the team stand in the T junction and fire away at her. It is best to keep her in the doorway so they can easily see her.
Keep an eye on her health, when she goes down IMMEDIATELY run back to the room where the ladies spawned, if done right she will lose aggro upon resurrecting allowing you to move forward without having to fight her again.
If she DOES remain aggroed then simply keep each other alive for the five minutes of her power then take her down again.
Proceed through the room where the Vindicators were and into the next big room. Pick a side and head around to the elevators at the far end, be careful of aggroing any mobs on the upper balcony around the centre. Communicate if any aggro so that no one gets picked off.
From the elevators it is a straight shot towards another big room. You will clear a path to the corridor on the right. This corridor leads to a tight set of corridors that are not shown on the map.
Enter the small corridor and follow the right-hand wall around to a slightly bigger room.

You will enter the back left of the room, your objective is the far corner (upper right) of the room via the upper balcony, this next short corridor leads to a sort of conference room with a computer.

Use the computer then wait in this room as
another meeting that could have been an email an ambush will be on its way. Defeat the ambush and then return to the large room and head through the door on the right, this will lead you towards Ms Liberty and a room full of mobs. To render Ms Liberty vulnerable the tank will need to use the Temp Power from the previous mission.
IMPORTANT NOTEDo NOT use the temp power to aggro her, this will prevent it from actually stripping her protection, so you should either hit her with an attack or a taunt THEN use the power.
Remember the mantra:
Tap then Temp™
Take out Ms Liberty and her followers and exit the mission, then return to the northern helicopter in Grandville.
Mission 5: Defeat the Freedom PhalanxStealth or fly the team past the edge of the square.

You will want to apply stealth to a sniper with extended range to try to pull Numina. A non-damaging, single-target debuff can also be used if a snipe is not available.
Try to target through the tank and carefully peak just above the lip (see screenshot) so as few of the Heroes are visible as possible when you pull.
Have someone watch to see who is pulled while the puller drops below the ledge with the team. If Synapse is pulled with Numina you should be ok, but still focus her down first. If you pull more than that (or after defeating these two), have the team fly immediately up to the top of the globe. This will limit your exposure to only the fliers (Positron, Numina & Citadel) and Babs (after a delay as he jumps up there). The priorities are Positron & Numina. You can have an off-tank grab Citadel's aggro and fly him around the map, as his fly speed is too slow to catch up and therefore keeps his damage off the team until the larger threats are dealt with.
When all the fliers are taken care of, the team can drop back down to remove the remaining threats. Yin is the largest threat by far; be sure to kill her pet immediately whenever she summons it. Synapse is next, if you haven't already defeated him (mind his whirlwind which can suck in nearby squishies). Manticore should be your last target as the least dangerous.
An alternate, though risky and tedious approach, is to take two characters with non-damaging confusion powers and stealth, and have them continuously stack confuse on Yin from max range. She will eventually kill all her teammates, though this can take a very long time. Additionally, she or another AV can sometimes randomly aggro on you even with stealth and blow this strategy apart. Finally, if Numina ever aggros, you will not be able to continue this strategy without logging everyone off and back on (mission reset). When she aggros, she starts putting her buffs on her teammates, which will stop Yin from being able to take out the others.