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Captain Shock's PVP build Buy list

Started by Joshex, Feb 23, 2025, 04:08 PM

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Bids on the L 28 recipies are up in WW

I'm a need a slew of LOTGs(Luck Of The Gambler): will buy for 10 mil each and 25 mil for the proc in any form.
the catch: I need them all at Lvl 28

I need a total of:
4: 7.5% global rech/def
4: Def
3: Def/End
3: Def/Rech
1: Def/End/Rech
1: End/Rech

sub-total: 220 mil

I can always convert so I just really need a total of 16 LOTGs at Lv 28. thanks.


Reactive Armor Lvl 28, 5 mil each:
3: Res
31: Res/End
32: Res/Rech
21: Res/End/Rech

sub-total: 55 mil

again I can convert if needed.


Kinetic Combat Lvl 28, 5 mil each:
1: Acc/Dam
1: Dam/End
1: Dam/Rech
1: Dam/End/Rech

sub-total: 20 mil

after that:

Miracle Lvl 28, 2 mil each:
1: Heal
2: Heal/End
1: Heal/Rech

sub-total: 8 mil

even after that:

Mocking Beratement Lvl 28, 1 mil each:
1: Taunt
1: Taunt/Rech
1: Taunt/Range
1: Taunt/Rech/Range

sub-total: 4 mil

yet after that:

Performance Shifter Lvl 28, 10 mil each:
21: EndMod
21: EndMod/Acc

sub-total: 40 mil

and last:

Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control Lvl 28, 10 mil each:
1:ToHit Buff
1:ToHit Buff/rech
1:ToHit Buff/rech/end

sub-total: 30 mil

Grand total: 377 mil

I'll cross off and red what I get.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Quote from: Joshex on Feb 23, 2025, 04:08 PMthe catch: I need them all at Lvl 28
Why would you want them @ Level 28 ... instead of Level 27?

At Level 28, the set bonuses are "operative" down to Level 25 (-3 below the enhancement level) ... but in terms of flashback story arc content, the brackets are:
  • 1-15
  • 16-19
  • 20-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
  • 35-39
  • 40-45
  • 46-50

I suppose that if your only concern is about TF/SF exemplar limits, those tend to be "multiples of 5" Levels (15, 20, 25, 30, etc.), at which point Level 28 for enhancements to slot makes some sense ... but personally I would prefer (and use) Level 27 for enhancements (whenever practical) rather than Level 28. Being able to do flashback content and retain set bonuses @ Exemplar Level 24 tends to be beneficial in the long run (I'm thinking).

There are some sets I try to obtain as Level 22 (so the set bonus is "operative" in the Exemplar Level 16-19 flashback bracket), while others I try to obtain as Level 31 (so the set bonus is "operative" in the Moonfire Task Force at Exemplar Level 28).

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Quote from: Redlynne on Feb 23, 2025, 11:29 PM
Quote from: Joshex on Feb 23, 2025, 04:08 PMthe catch: I need them all at Lvl 28
Why would you want them @ Level 28 ... instead of Level 27?

At Level 28, the set bonuses are "operative" down to Level 25 (-3 below the enhancement level) ... but in terms of flashback story arc content, the brackets are:
  • 1-15
  • 16-19
  • 20-24
  • 25-29
  • 30-34
  • 35-39
  • 40-45
  • 46-50

I suppose that if your only concern is about TF/SF exemplar limits, those tend to be "multiples of 5" Levels (15, 20, 25, 30, etc.), at which point Level 28 for enhancements to slot makes some sense ... but personally I would prefer (and use) Level 27 for enhancements (whenever practical) rather than Level 28. Being able to do flashback content and retain set bonuses @ Exemplar Level 24 tends to be beneficial in the long run (I'm thinking).

There are some sets I try to obtain as Level 22 (so the set bonus is "operative" in the Exemplar Level 16-19 flashback bracket), while others I try to obtain as Level 31 (so the set bonus is "operative" in the Moonfire Task Force at Exemplar Level 28).

the lowest level PVP zone is Bloody Bay and maxes out at Lv25

according to mids this specific build does not actually lose 0.1% def nor res unless I set the enhancement levels to Lv 27 and under. As I had to fight hard to get each 0.1% def when building with max level sets, I didn't want to lose anything when I downleveled to the lowest lv pvp zone+3.

one main challenge I've had is in my main PVE build I lose too many bonuses when I enter lower level pvp zones, that build is great for pve, and honestly it was a pvp winner on live, but now with all the new one-off tricks that people use in pvp I needed to get more clever as the pvp field has drastically started to tilt away from tanks being easily strong to ranged being a bit too strong. (one issue is the amount of def ranged users have available now, the original devs always refused to make a ranged +armor AT on live for that reason, and put in limits like the def from afterburner is lost in battle. and most sets which add Def bonuses are slotted mainly on armor. that has changed now. on live I'd struggle to get like 30% def to minimal things in pvp on a ranged at, but now it's kinda easy to get mid 30s and 40 and more generally accross the board too.)

Most tanks cannot use afterburner, most have some sort of reliance on touching the ground for powers (which I've long thought was silly, it's like the paragon devs hated the idea of flying tanks, I guess they hate superman, shazam, black adam and a whole bunch of flying powerhouses).

but yeah lv28 sets wont lose any major end result compared to 50 sets in this specific build. but Lv 27 and lower does start to lose potential in the end result department. "it's almost like the cryptic devs planned it that way"

in example on one power with sets at 50, I have about 51% enhancement of defense, but with level 28 sets it drops to like 48.9% enhancement. which oddly enough doesn't actually equal a difference of 0.1% def or more in PVP because of substantially nerfed def returns in pvp(because people complained they couldn't hit tanks enough to actually keep damage on them, same reason they nerfed regen "I can't hit the tank with my cranked out sniper attack! or if I do he regens it before my cranked out -regen beam recharges nerf them all!").

but if you slot a lv 27 or lower and it drops to like 44% and that does cause an 0.1% def loss.

so yeah lv28
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).


Quote from: Joshex on Feb 24, 2025, 01:40 AMso yeah lv28
Then that is an end user scenario that I was not previously aware of.
Good to know that there's always "more to learn" in this game!  ;)

Verbogeny is one of many pleasurettes afforded a creatific thinkerizer.


Bids at the rates listed are posted on the L 28 recipies in WW. keep em coming.
Ye cannie be dividin by zero! However, ye can be dividing 0.0 by a non-zero! that'd be a float.
always Decimal(str(your float)) before you int( your float).