UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie
This series had long been suggested to me by a friend in highschool back in 2004. I finally watched all 32 episodes of it a few years back and though I felt it heartwarming and a good story, I was kinda (:/) at they way they ended it (though I wont spoil the contet nor ending, this is just my opinion). I thought "Surely there must be more to finish the story", so I went looking for the manga hoping to see the story continue to it's end.
that... did not go as planned.
What I found is there's only 4 issues of the manga in existence. The manga doesn't even cover the majority of the story in the anime. And the manga doesn't really provide any insight into how the author desired this story to end. (which is probably why the anime never got that far, they didn't want to overstep their authority so as to give the author a chance to decide on an ending on his own).
Most of the story in the anime is well composed, perhaps better than in the super short manga.
But the questions I have are
"Why did the author stop writing the manga after 4 issues?"
"Who's bright idea was it to make 32 episodes of anime content out of a 4 issue manga?"
Other than that it's a highly suggested anime, it does have some adult content(so it's not for kids), but it's no more so than a similarity to nudity in dragonball (casual nudity in anime was actually normal in japan back then. even japanese children's shows would use nudity in casual or comedic ways), this anime was designed for teenagers in japan, given it only has top nudity and minor adult themes; mostly alcohol, that would qualify it for PG-13 or T for teen ratings in the USA.
The English dub was at one point on cable TV in the US.
If you've never seen this story, it's a kinda heart string puller and perhaps a little depressing at times in my opinion, though I think the story is potentially a great story.
a few notes; due to the plot of this series it may not be legally safe to view in the EU, UK, Canada, nor Australia. If you live in these regions, do not watch it online without a really good script blocker that blocks analytics and trackers, and perhaps a vpn.
sadly alot of japanese anime series are illegal materials in the UK, canada, australia and the EU, and could send you to jail for ordering, watching, sharing, or viewing them.
with that said, I'm not linking where to watch it.
If you do want to watch it, I suggest starting with episode 2 and 3 then episode 1,4 and on. they misordered episode 1 as a kinda "Pilot episode" releasing it first to give a general synopsis of the story without explaining events that led upto it clearly, where as Episode 2 shows the real beginning of the story, and episode 3 is a direct continuation. Episode 1 chronologically fits in after that.