Author Topic: TEST SERVER May 9, 2021 - Ri1e2  (Read 7584 times)


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TEST SERVER May 9, 2021 - Ri1e2
« on: May 09, 2021, 09:49:53 pm »
Base Pass-code Changes
    -We have removed the base entry slash command.
    -This command was an admin command that wasn't intended for wider use by the playerbase.  We added it in as a way to give players more options to cross sides and open up the Cathedral of Pain Trial to Coop play.  However certain Technical and Gameplay issues have arisen that caused us to re-evaluate the slash commands continued use. 
    -Universal base access with passcodes (regardless of alignment) can still be used at any base portal.   
    -We apologize for any inconvenience.

Economy Rework
    - Reduced prices of Reward Merit Invention Recipes by 25-50 percent to be more in line with Rogue/Vigilante reaffirmation rewards
    - Reduced prices of Alignment Merit and Empyrean Merit PVPIO and Purple recipes

Floating Absorb Number Disable
    -Option has been added to disable the number that float over your head for absorb applications.  This is intended specifically for toggles that apply the same number every few seconds.  However it will apply to all absorb floating numbers.
    -This option can be found in the Misc section on the General page of the Options window

Super Reflexes Fixes
    -Stalkers should now take heal IO sets properly,
    -Absorb coverage should no longer drop every 10 seconds,
    -Practice Brawler should no longer de-toggle if held,
    -Sound looping issue should be fixed
    -Some minor balancing work is being done and feedback will be appreciated.

Radiation Composition
    -Fixed missing FX for ground zero
« Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 10:12:54 pm by ElBee »


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Re: TEST SERVER May 9, 2021
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2021, 09:00:12 am »
We have discussed this as a team and after a quick look at the code it will be possible to re-enable the Base Portal slash command.  We will enable it to only work near a base portal and all previously written macros should continue work (near a base portal).