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Topics - Joshex

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Off-topic / Absent
« on: May 30, 2024, 09:16:34 pm »
This thread is for notifying that you are to be absent for a prolonged period of time. you can leave reasons dates or other info about potential return dates.

Any one can use it for that purpose.

if you become active regularly in game, you can edit your post leaving the date you returned.

I am currently inactive here on rebirth, haven't logged in in months since like february. I do not know when I will be back regularly. See spoiler for details of absence.
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Off-topic / be cautious of Discord's new ToS
« on: April 15, 2024, 10:01:40 pm »
They are a US company, they host their data in the US. Yet users in the US are being told discord is now following european commission regulations on behalf of all users regardless of your locale. Not only that they say they have a right to sublicense and modify anything you upload even if you don't own rights to do so yourself.

for example, if someones uploads a game you made without your permission when you licensed your game to forbid modifications, discord is saying they have a right to modify it. This is inherently illegal because they are gaining their permissions from a third party that does not have the legal or documented authority to grant them the permissions they are demanding, and with their intent to bypass the rights of the legitimate owner. Further more if you or someone on behalf of your company does agree to the ToS whom has the authority regarding something your company has made and uploaded, then discord gains all rights to use distribute and modify and redistribute whatever it is as if they own it, even for profit.

I do not agree.

I will not be using discord any more.

they've proclaimed themselves under the law of the EU even though they are a US company. - this has got to be illegal where there are conflicts of law between the US and EU.
and they say they have rights to sublicense and modify your uploads, even games you don't own the rights to yourself. this is a big legal no.
also you cannot opt out of the arbitration clause any more.

It's all a contract under duress, a forced contract.

It's actually violating multple consumer and product protection laws in the usa, no wonder they'd rather say they are following eu law. eww. insert meme "this is illegal you know"

do not agree. if you agree as a developer, close that account, it's not worth it as a developer "but I'm not releasing anything via discord" that doesn't matter any more, if you agree to this ToS they have a right to use distribute and modify your content that's uploaded by others!. oh and they claim the right to profit from your stuff by using it in advertisements and sharing it with partners. they name google as a partner.

discord has breached law of it's governing country and it's really, really bad for you if you are a content creator or developer.

They will arbitrate for their company's benefit in case of a legal problem where they have wrongfully modified and used something for profit that they got from your uploads and someone sues them,
They WILL blame YOU! and likely continue using it.

For me this new ToS visibly violates multiple product and consumer protection laws. It's illegal. it's not something I want to get wrapped up in. again when they get caught because of their illegal ToS they will blame the user, as you've agreed to let them arbitrate you have no way to defend yourself from this gross abuse of a use agreement and companies that come suing because of it. Get out while you can.

lets say in example you upload or link CoH sourcecode docs to discord, and Discord uses them for profit by selling them to google for $1.5 million, and NCSoft finds out. NCSoft will sue discord and Discord will arbitrate for you and say you the user should have known they would sell it, and so discord waives all liability. now NCSoft comes to you demanding $1.5 million you did not make and may not have.
Unless of course NCSoft themselves have an official discord account which has agreed to this new ToS. then they lose all right to sue and would legally lose ownership of the game according to EU law (and whoever discord sells it to would be the new owner. the ToS is a nightmare for developers.

Now lets say you as a developer make a game. through hard work blood sweat, tears and headaches. and you do not upload it to discord, but you agree to the terms of this ToS so you can use discord, and then some other user uploads your game, possibly in source because some games are in source. Discord sells it to google, and you try to sell your game and find out it and many other copy cats are on the google play store without your permission and google is profiting from it. you can do nothing because thats what you agreed to in this ToS. Now google is suing YOU for selling a game you made, that they bought from discord because it was uploaded by another user!

It's not safe for developers, your only safe bet is to not accept their ToS (meaning you cannot use discord), if you already accepted it, you'll need to close that account to nullify it. or disconnect your discord use from your development projects (meaning you can't share nor admit affiliation with the dev of such a project). For me that's already too late so I am hitting the red X reject button in the browser tab. good, I don't like keeping a modern browser open all day anyways, good riddance I'll go back to my flash enabled browser. again they do all sorts of tracking now too, it's in their ToS, they'll track you by device, so if they can link you to a dev project that way, then they'll assume you've accepted their right to steal your work.

so that's my reasons for not using discord now. this is a protection for if someone other than me uploads my game in the future, then having not agreed to this I can sue discord if they try to use, modify, profit from or sell it without my permission.

maybe this is a bit over the top for some people, but I do not want to have to spend time arguing against this ToS in court later.

now if you are not a developer and do not plan to even have your own company or your own products, then you can just be careful to not share things you don't own. and yes that can mean not sharing videos or images others own by legal registration. for example you cannot use any images containing trademarked characters or otherwise intellectually protected, otherwise if Discord does an advert and uses that image in the background "All rights reserved" the owning company will be told by discord to sue you.

for me, even as a user, that severely limits me from sharing content and engaging in a social way. so at that point it makes no sense to continue to use discord.

oh by the way, their ToS covers anything in "private" messages too. which means they are not private and anything uploaded there is now able to be used, distributed and modified by discord and their partners for profit.

it's a shame that we can't have anything nice, that a bad ToS will always kill it.

Off-topic / my method of personal internet security
« on: February 24, 2024, 04:25:44 am »
So I'll start this by saying in my experience so far, it's not possible to make an internet enabled device truely safe while you are doing anything online. Obviously some sites (like this one) are trustworthy-ish.

But today I want to teach you how to know if your device is safe. (this advice is not fool-proof mindyou). but it's good to at least know who is spying on you and on what sites and what sort of information they are gathering. it may leave a bad taste in your mouth and make you move away from certain sites and banks etc. but. meh I'll leave that call upto how much you can stand of the spies.

Why should you care? well if you trust employees at google, facebook and microsoft with your bank login info and password reset questions, and info about all your finances in your account then you don't need to read any further, you are as safe as you want to be, but all it takes is one bad employee and LEAK. your personal info was sold to someone in another country and now your bank account has mysterious charges or the password has been changed. now this doesn't happen very often. but when it does happen, it happens Enmass you will not be the only one effected. but it's a huge oops that can be avoided.


that deserved capslocks. you onboard mi hearty? cool lets sail this vessel off into the high seas and figure out how to stop it.

the following contains advice to use windows. Linux is also cool but haven't used it in years, it's also high maintenance and with the rate software advances you'll need to pull off your files once a year and install a new kernel before you can install any other dependencies to install the software you actually want to run.
I would never mac'ncrash though. if you need to know what a macn'crash or iCrash is you obviously didn't know crapple in the 90s. "mr librarian sir I need to use a computer for my school assignment but there are no computers available" librarian "what are you talking about there are plenty of macs avaialble right in front of the counter here, no one is using them" me "yeah but everytime I write a paragraph I get the spinning wheel of death and have to unplug it and start over".

remember kids in the beginning real people used IBMs, they were expensive and ran windows, and then a guy started a company called Macintosh and used old thirdrate hardware and only 1 option and made an os catered to that exact cheap hardware and called it macintosh (no drivers for other hardware so if you wanted a better CPU or grraphics card or memory sticks, tough apples.). be we called it crashintosh, because the operating system wasn't written well either.

if you are on a chromebook, you are already infested with malware. I suggest pulling your files off, transferring all your logins and such to a new non google machine, deleting all passwords and such on your google book, and selling it to some schlup, or selling it for scrap. if you are advanced enough you could try formatting the hardisk and installing another OS, but I've heard many google BIOS actually are spyware ridden and may prevent other OSes from being installed (which is actually illegal, as Dell was found guilty of that with windows in the 90s, bricking machines so you couldn't install anything else, but google gets treated special.)

If you are using windows, some tools that come with windows are very helpful.

Task Manager, we all know this, or at least you should, you can open it by holding ctrl+alt+delete and selecting task manager. you could also open a run dialogue with the "windows key and r" and type taskmgr.exe and hit enter, or search for and use cmd.exe and type taskmgr.exe and enter.

task manager is useful for seeing what programs and services are running. if you don't want Microsoft spying on everything you do (what you type, and using your camera and mic to record you without your knowledge (*cough*windows 8 and 10 *cough* no idea what I'm coming down with I hope it's not microsoftie) you should immediately go to the Services tab of task manager and disable BITS (Background Intelligent Transefer Service) the internet works fine without it, it's just for ONLINE BACKUPS (that you usually can't access, for microsoftie's eyes only). You may need to run taskmanager as administrator to disable this, in the Services tab you'll want to click BITS and then the Services button with the admin symbol on it, then use the dropdown menu to set it to "Disabled" and click the Stop button and you can watch it enjoy it's ban. If your copy of windows does not allow you to disable this, I truely am sorry. there's not much you can do, but I'll tell you anyways later in the post (it has to do with blocking ranges of IP addresses belonging to microsoft in your router). Naturally if you disable BITS or block microsoft you will not be able to update (if successful, if not successful everything you do is not secure, you are essentially spied on by microsoft and at their mercy hoping a bad employee with access doesn't sell private info) and will not be able to use microsft online backups! (seriously, get a usb thumb drive and back things up manually there). You can always reenable it if you really want to.

BITS may try to start itself back up (in example on login, at which point you may have to remove it from starup in msconfig.exe), if you notice this you may need admin priviledges by openning task manager as an admin to truely disable it. If you want to update you can always reenable it temporarily.

Resource Monitor: this is a critical tool to know whats going on over the web. You can find it Inside Task Manager in the Performance tab, merely click the button and it'll open. alternatively you can run it with a run dialogue as resmon.exe or in a cmd.exe prompt.

The network tab in resource monitor is great to see whats really going on when you do things(when you are connected to the internet, or open your browser, or load a certain website etc, or run software). (though you cannot see what the data actually is, but it's probably encrypted anyways, you probably already saw it and google wants their copy secret so you don't know what they re taking, you'd need to be a higher level keyjocky to even listen what the bytes say)

just because something shows up in the network list doesn't mean theres a problem. it depends on WHAT is showing up and WHEN. if you are just openning your browser with no site, just a blank page and google pops up or etc., then yeah thats a problem and you'll want to block that. If you visit a website that's not google and you get lots of addresses showing up or or edgestarmini addresses, than yeah your ISP or DNS server has sold you out to their monitoring, and you will want to block those.

in my experience actually blocking things like is practically impossible because they do not publish their entire IP ranges and do not resolve to all their IPs when requested by a user (they have outgoing-only IP addresses, which they ensure are sent to you as a URL so you cannot see the IP address) but you want to try to block them anyways, because google is one of the nastiest of all spies. facebook, cloudflare, cloudfront and amazon, even akamai are pretty bad too. you will want to keep toggleable firewall rules for them so you can block them when you want to. we'll get in to that soon.

First you'll want to know how to Check what something is in resource monitor. if it's a url a "" kinda thing then you'll need to find it's Ip address to fully block it. if it's an IP address such as "" to ""  then you'll want to find out who it belongs to before considering banning it (you'll also want to make sure it isn't an alternate IP address for the site you are visiting in your browser).

heres some tools:

cmd.exe in windows windowskey + r and run cmd.exe

inexample: ping
it will then send 4 pings to the site and tell you the Ip address it recieved from and the speed of the data and packet size. this can be used to determine if you are not correctly online. if every website fails ping, you are doing something wrong in your net settings, or somethign got corrupted and you should probably do a malware scan with malwarebytes. but we just want the IP address from here. some websites have multiple IP addresses, so you can keep pinging them and get different IPs. but some URLs don;t have an IP and if you ping them you'll get a "general failure" these are really bad spy servers. for example I caught them snooping once. as robotnik would say "Snoopingas Usual I see?!" Ping As. Keep in mind "General Failure" could mean you are blocking that IP in your firewall or hosts file too!
(This is a place where you can put in a .com address and get it's IP address (sometimes it resolves names to IPs that ping wont. it's a service hosted on cloudflare, lets be fair it's either them or google, and google lies about IPs and said "not found" a lot more than cloudflare does in my experience). so if you have a cloudflare blocking firewall rule you'll disable it to use this site then reenable it after. and make sure you are not doing anything private nor sensitive when doing this.)
To use it plop in the URLs on one line each in the box and hit the button, the page will reload and tell you the Ip addresses for what you entered.
Keep in mind many places have more than 1 IP address, google admits to having 25 million IP addresses, but in reality they have a lot more.
(This is a Database of Ip Addresses and who owns them.  it's a service hosted on cloudflare as well. using this service you can type (in example like this: ) and hit enter. this nasty IP range belongs to google llc they use it primarily for spying on people, but sadly some sites are hosted on it
(click to show/hide)

on that site you'll see they give you the entire range of addresses in that range. you'll also see that you can click on in example "google llc" under "Search the IP Address Locator for All Details" and it'll take you to a page and show you all their other registered google services' IP addresses in that category, and under the other ASN numbers it lists out as links (again this is not all of them, but it's a good start for your google blocker firewall rule).
(click to show/hide)

ok so now you know how to identify things you see in resource monitor. and from the information given to you, you can guess whether or not you requested a connection to them. if not, then they are spying.

Data Flow Consideration:

you also want to look at the data flow here, 1 letter is 8 bits(1byte), if every time you type something it's sending 1 byte somewhere that means theres spyware we call a "keylogger" being used, probably in the scripts of the website you are on or even worse embedded in the softare you are using. if it's sending 300,000 kb/sec thats a screenrecording or video, 4,000 might be audio, you get the idea. now data coming IN might be warranted! do not block your video hosts for watching your stuff, done that way too many times, easily rectified by unblocking them at least. but I don't watch things on Youtube, that's google
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but outgoing data to somewhere, especially google analytics or any analytics is going to destroy your hardware and overclock your CPU. all it takes is 2 of them fighting for whose spyware should get the video screengrab first, and your fan turns on and your CPU struggles, and things like webpages and browsers freeze and stop responding (sound familiar) until they are satisfied they got the uptodate info on you. they also monitor mousepointer locations and clicks. and you're sitting there going "gee it's really taking my computer awhile to struggle to load one shimmering table on this webpage". (it's time to check resource monitor when you hear the fan)

So now you know What they are trying to get by the data flow and the fact they are unrequested connections. and you may get the basic idea of why they want it and why it's valuable.
(click to show/hide)

How do they sort through it? they have massive massive spy servers the size of entire multi floor football stadium sized buildings, and these machines sift through collected data based on set rules input by the masters, these rules tell it to look for interesting or senisitive information and categorize it as "hey human this needs looking at", or for junk info like gamers talking about enhancements "categorize as 'unvaluable information', save in folder 'delete me' for the human janitors to go through with additional search queries before dumping the lot of it."

What can you do about it?

there are 3 key tools you'll need to use, 4 if you count your internet router. (don't use your phone for internet stuff, it's not safe there are no user security controls and the operating system comes preinstalled with unremovable spyware that bypasses the firewall for vendor requests. so kind of them to include that, just what I wanted. not..)

the Hosts file,
found in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/
open it with notepad or wordpad openned as an administrator (because only an admin can modify this file) it has no extension (no .something, it's just "Hosts") so you may need to tell the folder to show extensions(in windows file explorer, you go to tools>folder options>view tab>hidden files and folders>show hidden files, and unclick "hide extensions for known file types" , windows usually comes with this disabled to stop you from messing with things. the hosts document is just a simple .txt file with no extension(do not rename it to .txt, leave it as Hosts).
this is essentially a document of IP addresses and websites filled out by you manually, it has the same function as a DNS server, it can be used for more than blocking URLs, such as cleverly to avoid your internet service provider throttling (slowing) your connection to videos and other things by supplying the website and video hosts IP address and their url you can guarantee your connection without having to go through the internet to find the IP address.

normally thats what happens, you go to, but that means nothing, so your computer contacts the DNS server you set (and if you didn't set one, it contacts your internet service provider's server) and Asks "what does mean, where is it?" and during that DNS request even if it's to your specified DNS server, your ISP can hijack the request and say "I'm cloudflare and and I don't feel like telling you what's IP address is, you know what, I don't feel like giving you an IP address either" = "the connection is limited - no internet access". you cannot get online without an IP address because sites need to know where to send data back to. sometimes your internet service provider will Proxy the video and site to you, meaning they impersonate the website and forward it to you, this slows things waaaay down. if it gets really bad you can go to a search engine like and search for somethign simple like "blue" in images and it will say "no results" this is a fast way to know if you are beign proxied to fake sites. if this happens it can be extremely dangerous, log-in to NOWHERE and close your browser disconnect from the internet and restart your router and reconnect manually.

so in hosts you do:

in example # this is one of nintendo's IP addresses. they have awful routing, they fluctuate between 2 Ip addresses while you are loading causing the site to not load some times, but meh they'll lose what business they want to lose and I can't stop them.

# is used to comment so if you have an old Ip address for a site that isn;t current you can #comment it. or just leave 2 of them active it doesn't matter your computer will try them all.

Lets learn basic blocking: Hey look real spyservers pa!!
#block spyservers * *

this is just a selection of really nasty ones that as I said earlier do not say what their real IP address is when coming to your computer and tell you a different Ip address when you ask them what it is. for nasty sites like that, you set them to which is the local host and will not leave your computer "enjoy your ban google". they snoop in the background and you'll never know they are there unless you are watching resource monitor periodically.

but banning them all one by one is never going to work. spy servers can get around the hosts file by supplying their IP address hidden in your software or in a hidden .js script on a website (probably/usually hosted on google, and made by google) or making an agreement with your ISP or DNS server.

lets talk about stopping scripts, it can be done realitively easily, it is annoying to have to figure out what scripts are needed to make a website run by toggling them on and off, but the alternative is computer grape and stolen information, don't let computer-chan get graped, it's not a pleasant flavour she doesn't like it, consent was not given..

you can install the addon NoScript into your browser. it's a legitimate and official addon supported by all trustworthy browsers. it's simple to use, with a single click on it's icon on the browser or a rightclick on any page, you can access it's menu and see what URLs scripts are trying to run from.

hmm yep I'm on and I'm trying to login sounds like a script I want to run. hmm whats cdn mean? oh "content developer network" and it's hosted on that actual site, should be safe.

... um, yeah... no.

it takes a bit of trial and error but you'll get it. it beats the alternative "man this page is really workin my machine hard and it's so slow.." computerchan: "help..... me! .... please helpme!"

but things like yeah sadly too many sites use google video players and such. you'll start to learn just how many tentacles this hydra has. sadly some parts of it are necessary if only because everyone killed the old .js players and flash based video players, at googles advice because "they were unsecure". that bit abotu google advising people to kill their competition based on fake "security" reasons probably sounds worse than it actually is... I hope..

Next lets get to the Firewall. it's actually simple to use. you go to the start menu, you type in the search field Firewall, and "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" shows up. thats the one we want. it's one of the second things I open when I start my computer. resource monitor is one of the first.

you'll see Inbound and Outbound rules, google blocking requires both, blocking the outgoing stuff just isn't enough. but for most spyware outgoing blocks are enough. "hmm I don't hear anything from frank... frank must be offline.. yeah definitely offline, that's frank for you.... frank hasn't been online for months... I think franks dead... but I'm a machine and have no sympathy." frank unblocks them outgoing with a new Ip address and different browsing habbits and user names, server "huh new user, I'll name you dave, hi dave, you don't know it but I'm watching you"

ok so outbound is where to start, this prevents software which comes with spyware in it from phoning home. you'll collect the IP addresses and ranges like we saw above in db-ip and do "new rule> Custom> all programs> leave protocols and ports at default>

under scope this is where the action happens, under "which Remote Ip Addresses does this rule apply to?" > These Ip Addresses> Add> this IP address range.

to know what to enter in here takes a bit of half-assed experience, google may own the entire to range, but.. you never know for sure, there might be one legitimate Ip in there somewhere that google sold to some legitimate site. so lets not ban the whole range. maybe lets say to, but this is a rough example, you'll determine this based on what you see showing up in resource monitor, for example I know and a good portion of the rest of the way to IS still in fact a google spy server address, but it also happens to host other websites. so, figure it out as you go and block what you know is bad.
New Site? New Firewall rule. make it easy on yourself! especailly if a site you want to go to shares the same IP as a spyserver, best separate that out as it's own rule so you can turn it off independently.
you can add many Ip ranges to a rule and you can easily right click the rule in Outgoing once you've made it and edit more IPs in under "Scope" later, so don't worry about getting them all right now.

next Action > Block the connection

"Enjoy your Ban google"

don't modify profile not really necessary

finally lets name this character and add a description

"Goorble outgoing BAN-HAMMA"
description: "The Name Of The Evil One is so corrupt it shall not be mentioned. Gorble. like a garbled website that they made with a single javascript under the html header, in disarray and broken."

Remember you can always turn rules off if in example you want to watch some youtube or need to load those awful recaptchas, or upload an image to discord. some websites are entirely hosted on google, like nearly ALL the comic book viewing sites. "but joshex those images are hosted on some sort of blogspot page, thats not google." me "check the Ip range, take the IP of such a site, put it in yourbrowser's URL field and hit enter. huh howd that happen." at least cloudflare tries to hide theirs by saying "this Ip address cannot be visited directly, only by url name, this Ip address is part of the cloudflare network". wait, so you're saying google is responsible for hosting pirated scans of new comicbooks? yes, and they are unashamed. perhaps it's the one good thing they do those surley old dogs. if you can call it good.

Congrats, you are a level 1 keyjocky. google hates you even more. they've gone mad bro.

time for level 2~!

lets talk about that internet router, the wifi thing that supplies your net, did you know you can log-in to it via wifi or wire so long as you use the admin password printed on it's side and visit it's IP address in your browser? usually it's a 168. something IP address, check online abotu the unique login method for your router.

most have an "Advanced" tab or page, and here somewhere there will be an option to block access to certain IP addresses and ranges just like in firewall, because it is a firewall. this is necessary if like on windows 10+ blocking microsoft's IPs means nothing because that rule will get ignored by microsoft's software. well, now you have an exterior option to block them with.

Welcome to Level 2 Keyjockeydom j0053 73# 31337 #4x0r! (not really you probably just feel like it, this is only level 2)

these are the basics, I'm thinking of teaching a class on this and getting more people familiar with monitoring and blocking offending spyservers.

sorry no pictures, I'm lazy.

This one is simple

1: Proc: Chance for Anti-detoggle: Mez Protection Mag 6 (to prevent effects from detoggling this power), this applies to Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Stun, Fear, Choke, Mez etc. and Incarnate enemy/AV auto-detoggling powers. Having insfficient Endurance at the time of the toggle's next tick will still disable this power. UNIQUE.

2: Universal Toggle, Enhance Primary Effect
3: Universal Toggle, Enhance Primary effect, Secondary effects
4: Universal Toggle, Enhance Primary effect, Secondary effects, Accuracy
5: Universal Toggle, Enhance Primary effect, Secondary effects, Accuracy, Endurance
6: Universal Toggle, Enhance Primary effect, Secondary effects, Endurance, Recharge

here primary effect is the main thing the power does, it might be PBAoE damage, it might be Status protection, or resistance, or defense, or confuse, or repel, or regeneration etc. and may be scaled based on the number of enemies in a given range. Secondary effects might be +special, a debuff of some sort, -end, self heal, +end, +hp etc. whatever they are on that power, this enhances them, but enhances the primary effect the most.

suggested bonuses(up for revision):
12% regen, Mez Protection
3% defense (something, energy, negative?), AoE, Mez Protection
3% damage bonus, Mez Protection
6% Resistance Psionic, Mez Protection
15% accuracy bonus, Mez Protection

Irreparable Damage (Global Damage Set, Very Rare, UNIQUE):
A:enh( Chance for Mag4 -HP, -Regen, -Res to target, Self +Damage)
B:enh( Chance for Mag2 -HP to target)/ Damage
C:enh( Chance for Mag2 -Regen to target)/ Accuracy
D:enh( Chance for Mag2 -Res to target)/ Recharge
E:Damage/ Accuracy/ Recharge
F:Damage/ Accuracy/ Endurance/ Recharge

Set Bonuses:
2: 4% Damage Bonus
3: 15% enhancement Accuracy
4: Defense Smashing/lethal, Res Mez
5: Defense Energy Negative, Res Cold, res Mez
6: Defense Psionic, res Toxic, res Mez

A: Corrosive gas, Titanium Shard, Enriched plutonium, Empowered sigil, mutating genome
B: chemical formula, rune, plague spores, silver, Alien Blood Sample, Reactive Gas
C: Rune, unquenchable flame, heavy water, complex chemical formula, Psionic Manifestation
D: Iron, Corrosive gas, ensorcelled weapon, enchanted impervium, Psionically Charged Brass
E: chemical formula, Iron, symbol, Rikti Alloy
F: stabilized mutant genome, spiritual essence, Psionic Ectoplasm, Psionically charged brass

"Careful combinations of biological agents with harmful chemicals, radioactive materials, magical commands, and psionic connections embued into tough and jagged shrapnel can be built into any weapon or impacted during any attack causing irreparable damage to your target, they may heal but the parts of their body damaged this way will have to be replaced at a genetic and cellular level before they can function like they used to again. When combined in a single attack; The combination of agents grants all your attacks a huge damage bonus, the magic and psionic enchantments make targets hit by all your powers Very easy to hit again, the shrapnel causes many enemies to pull their punches causing them to miss, the energies create a field which can repel energy and negative damage types, the radiation and corrosive chemicals can melt ice and creates a heat aura around you and can react to and kill or distintegrate harmful substances, and the magic and psionic artifacts and scripts deflect attempts at getting into your head".

this damage set is meant to add a debuff to the slotted attack, Stackable (on each hit that connects) upto Mag 6 total in one hit (for the duration of the magnitude on the target) adding an additional debuff per hit(if it rolls in the debuff's chance range), the reason being is in example I noticed in my tank builds if there are no debuffs in the actual attacks there are very few cases where you can add say a regen, HP or res debuff, most of those procs are in sets for enhancing specific types of attacks or effects which your powers may not have (so you can't slot them), Like for melee and PBAoE I think theres close to nothing where you can slot a debuff proc. this makes it difficult for melee types to deal with armored regenerating foes, however this set can also aide ranged and control users as well.

it has 4 Effect adding enhancements (Procs), one with a chance to add a Mag 4 -HP -regen and -res effect to the slotted power, and then one other enhancement for each debuff (hp, regen and res) at Mag 2 mixed with some form of power enhancement, making an additional 3 Chance For procs.

given the nature of this set I felt it wouldn't really add any regeneration nor recovery to the user as it is rather degenerating in nature, it also doesn;t really interface with the character nor create any speed so I didn't include any recharge bonuses.

I felt that this entire set needed to be UNIQUE because allowing everyone to slot debuffs in every power might be a bit too much.

Looking for Group / Tina Macintyre contact run
« on: November 27, 2023, 08:42:40 pm »
So, for those who don't know, Tina Macintyre is a contact who will give you missions with some praetorian ArchVillains in them and also a few badges all of which are important for getting accolades such as portal jockey.

now also, there's a difference between Tina Macintyre and Ouro Tina Macintyre. they will set you out against different AVs, so to get the AVs from the non-ouro Tina's arc you need to run it with someone who has her as a contact in the level 40 to 44 range. if you have not been a completionist and missed her and are in this range, you may be able to get a detective to introduce her to you.

You do not need to have her as a contact to run the arc with someone else.

So as of the 23rd of November 2023 my character captain shock only has Tina Macintyre and Unai Kemen's first mission (warwolf world) as my only level sensitive contacts left. To be nice, for those who need the AV defeats and badges I will be offerring 7 spots to the first to claim them in this thread. I honestly wish I could offer more.

We will be handling AVs some of which are rather tough so bring your A-Game. We can probably get away with half the team being in their 20's or 30's and still get by. Any AT is fine.

This is LONG story Arc, not the longest, but we may need to negotiate several days when we can all do it.

I would like to get this done in the next 2 weeks so I can level to L45 before we do the LGTFs and rikti drop ship takedowns during the winter event (see other thread)

this is started, we missed antimatter because he spawned as an EB. so I'll have to do that part again. sigh.

other than that , I'm just doing it based on who wants to join when I'm active.

Finished for now, no more characters in this level range with this contact.

Off-topic / Project Bane
« on: November 12, 2023, 02:32:14 am »
so, in 2011 I began working casually on a project called "Project Bane" in blender. I knew what I wanted to do, and what I had to do. Then in 2012 when CoH was sunset I kinda went full-in for a bit and started making what I hoped would one-day be a spiritual successor to City of Heroes.

however all I could get out was on offline demo for my master's degree project. It was hard work to essentially cram the menus and overlay and characters items and scenery into 1 year. in the end I ended up cutting the scene short and setting very small map bounds. and the character animations were awful, I didn't even auto-inverse-kinetics (Auto IK) them, they were all manual bone rotations so they looked stiff.

this thread is for discussing this project.

so, what did I actually showcase during my masters degree if not a full game?

It centered on game tutorial philosophy, specifically training the character with minimal text. essentially we're talking Super Metroid style tips, but rather than placing them over the screen, I decided to make multiple billboards in game whose image would change based on conditions being met. such things as running out of stamina, getting low on HP, getting defeated, and tasks pointing you to click your contact to get a mission, and hand-in completed missions, even teaching you how to target enemies by clicking them. It was all helpful tips as graphical billboards.

you might see where this is going. recently there was a competition for billboard design, so, I'd like to share my idea with City of Heroes: have the billboards actually help communicate tips to players. I'll try to post them tomorrow. Looking back at them now is well kinda like looking back at childhood drawings, they are a bit humiliating in their current state so bear that in mind. also the graphics and symbols are my own custom designs intended for Project Bane so they may not match city's items exactly. I might change that if I get time between now and december 30th.

lastly, what became of project bane?

well, it's really on-hold. blender has some limitations I did not know well enough to get around at the time. the major problems are:
1: dynamic text that doesn't abuse memory is kinda unstable. in blender 2.5 to 2.79 you can use a text object, but that renders the text from a vector curve, and seems to suck up processor and memory power. In 2.49b you use a .tga image font, the problem there being that when you transfer the game to a different machine all the text turns into '@'s , the fix is to go in and re-unwrap every single text field and lay it out on the @ in the image, which is not something most casual players will easily be able to do. theres another method which requires a bit more programming expertise and essentially costs 1 polygon per letter in some cases, it also requires an in game dictionary of words and phrases so as to cut down on polygons. it would be a ton of work. also word wrap is something I need to program myself, as well as text window bounds, scrolling and such, it's likely it'll have to be some crazy videotexturemodule trick to make a chat box actually scroll and hide out of box text.
2: Dynamic shadows, blender only allows buffered shadows with a spot lamp. it also gets pretty pixelated over large distances. there's a gamelogic bricks function to make an object into a 2D n64 style shadow that follows the player around at ground level and hangs over edges floating in the air, and then theres theoretical raytraced shadows using a shadow scene and the render to texture module but it's not confirmed to work.
3: Encryption. this was a real kicker. I think python has some form of data encryption module, but there doesn't seem to be a controlled method for key negotiation and exchange. I did make my own data encryption method the problem is building it lol.
4: motion textures, blender can only do motion textures with the videotexture module, it uses essentially double the graphics memory and processor power as rendering the gamescreen then converts it to the desired image resolution. there's other methods I've stumbled upon more recently that should help essentially mesh swapping.
5: updates, patches etc. while there are methods to do this automatically, you essentially need to build the updater into the game, and as far as I know it has some critical limits. real-time mesh and image creation are essentially a pipe-dream in-game. they are meant to be done out of game.

the pros of blender were:
open source; so players could literally custom model their character model and animate their own attacks with custom graphics effects. the downside is these would only show up to other players once officially added to the server by mods and after the client is updated.

the downsides were mainly:
a lot of dev work, and no one wanted to help.

This project may be picked up again in the future. it's not abandoned. But right now I think I need to start smaller and put out something to generate interest in my game dev abilities (which I am doing, nearly done with my first game). If this project does go live again, training will be available.

what can I tell you about the game? not much, it kind needs some secrecy till it's ready to launch. I'm actually glad I didn't rush it out. building a superhero universe storywise is a big job that requires alot of careful assessment as you go forwards to prevent plotholes and limits which write you into a corner.

the game premise and setting are largely known, gameplay elements are in their infancy but are already 90% planned out. numbers are the real work there, I have a spreadsheet somewhere that needs a major reworking. @_@ math.. it is not city of heroes, there are a long list of monumental changes, some of which may need more testing to determine better methods of application. I currently have no funding.

Character models will need reworking: last I checked the character model I made had working rigging, but could be a lot better with my knowledge now. the polycount with clothes was about 10,000 polygons. which is crazy for a single character. so that will need toning down. I currently only have a male base model, I'm nearly done with a basic female base model, just need to finish rigging the hands and make eyelid shapekeys, but that's in anime style, so while we could include that, I still want to make a comic book style and realistic style, most of which is just the face.

but yeah, this is on hold. if you are interested let me know.

Looking for Group / Rikti Dropship Takedown
« on: October 06, 2023, 04:43:43 pm »
Saturday the 23rd of december is the date!
9PM GMT-5 (NewYork) time is the time!

In order to make this work we will plan a LGTF ahead of this event and the invasion it spawns will be our target. we will try to finish the LGTF at a specified time. we will be doing this the week starting 12/18 because LGTF is the weekly strike target!

On the day this will happen This will be scheduled as 2 events


We will add 5 events to the !e next list in EventHerald
1: some prior good day we'll hold some atlas park safeguard missions to get people the flight power
2: on yet another prior day we'll hold some VILLAIN side Atlas Park Mayhem missions, just in case that's where you want to get your flight power(though the drop ships will be blueside)
3: during the first week of the winter event we'll schedule events to get candycanes to get the golden rings temp power (likely tons of winter lord runs)
5: the post LGTF Dropship assault

it is my opinion we should have at least 2 teams do the LGTFs simultaneously and watch the clock to complete at the same time, so we have 2 invasions drop to maximize the chances of getting a an invasion in a good long zone.

What you'll need; either, hover, fly or a jetpack that can be used in combat, ///WARNING///Hoverboards and magic carpets will not work!///.

We will need a league of at least 2 full teams.

We will need SLOWS, HOLDS, and IMMOBILIZE, it has a slow resist that stops it from going to a full stop, the slowest we can drop it to is roughly 14mph

We will need damage.

ALL levels welcome.

We're looking for Invasions in LONG zones, such as Peregrine Island, Steel Canyon, Skyway City, Talos Island, Crey's Folley, Independence Port.

We need to Assemble and Wait at the War Wall where the ships will  be coming in! NO FIGHTING RIKTI ON THE GROUND AND NO BOMBS everyone focuses on 1 Ship as a league!.

Bring INSPS for yourself. Suggested; Reds Yellows and Blues. for squishies Purples, Oranges and Greens.

Temp Powers Welcomed.

Remember, Ground based powers such as summon:fields will not work as theres no where to cast them in the air. Summons will not be able to reach them, so unless you have groupfly your pets wont be able to help (so provide whatever attacks you've got). Some Self TP powers don't work while flying, such as Electric Melee: Lightning Rod.

Watch your Endurance!

from what I remember anti-fly doesn't work on them so we cannot ground them. or maybe we just need a ton of antifly like mag 10000

Squishies keep distance and use ranged, Solids (Joke) use taunt or provoke to hold the ships fire only as you are able!.

When one ship goes down we hit another!

What do you/we need to do ahead of time:

Before the LGTF you will need to obtain a combat type flight power, there are several ways to do this:
1: you can buy one if you are L20 in Siren's Call, or L40and go to the shadow shard
2: you can get one as a reward for completing the Atlas Park Safeguard mission, or if you were a villain or rouge recently you could do the Atlas Park mayhem mission.
3: you can get the Holiday Jetpack during the winter event.
4: you can make a second build with Hover or Fly
5: you can follow someone who has Group Fly (by getting Aerobatics and Fly) MMs and pets users will NEED to have a build like this for dropships. please make this build ahead of time it can be with normal enhancement or IOs you don't have to kill yourself on sets.
6: you can be a peacebringer or warshade
7: there is a Jet Pack Temp Power that can be crafted you can get the recipe from other players, from drops or buy it on AH if available.
8: if you are a villain or rogue there are several missions you can do through flashbacks to get a jetpack.
 8.1: Lt Chalmer's in Sharkhead Isle will give you a mission  "Help the Skyraiders fight off longbow", there is nothing in the wiki saying this mission cannot be Ouroed.
 8.2: Marshal Brass offers the mission "Steal a Goldbrickers Rocket pack" which grants you a rocket pack. this is not available via Ouro!.

every attending player should have a hold, even if it's just the dayjob power
you can get HOLD type powers by:
1: you can get the Ranged TAoE Hold: Tear Gas dayjob power by logging off in a police station and a vault till you get the dayjob badges, then log off again to earn charges.
2: during the winter holiday event you can get the Golden Rings Temp Power from the candy keeper, Ranged Foe Hold.
3: you can get a hold if you are a controller or dominator, some other ATs may have holds as well, like blaster.

sadly there are no craftable Hold type powers
sadly there are no hold type powers in power pools
sadly the hold type powers in other temp powers are limited use and no refill.

update: this event is in planning tentatively for december, because we'll do better with the golden rings temp power. no date has been set because I'll likely need to lead or take part in an LGTF which is min level 45, I still have 3 contacts in the L40 to L44 range. getting there slowly.

It WILL NOT be in the first week of christmas content! this is to avoid interfering with people getting the winter event out of their system. we'll aim for the second or third weekend of the winter event but NOT christmas week, just in case!

General Suggestions and Feedback / New Pool Suggestions
« on: September 24, 2023, 08:08:52 pm »
I know we just got new pools, such as utility belt and experimentation. it's time then to think about whats next, because making it will likely be a long job.

each pool has a theme, usually a combination of different things that other pools don't have ( so as not to make another pool's power redundant)

My suggestion is a "ninja arts" pool (your basic ninja arts) it's really hard to limit it to 5 powers.
starting level 4 selections are:
lv4 : Throw Shuriken Ranged, Minor Damage Lethal
lv4 : Substitution Jutsu, Targeted Aoe: Foe Placate, Summon Destructible Object, self +stealth(15seconds)
--must have chosen one of the above to select below--
lv14 : Taijutsu (toggle) +Run Speed, +Jump height, +Def(AoE, Melee, Ranged)
lv14 : Genjutsu, Targeted AoE, Foe blind, Foe Placate, foe Confuse, Moderate DoT Psionic
--must have 2 powers in pool to select below--
lv20 : Clone [summon clone] Endcost: 50, recharge moderate (can cast multiple times for multiple clones), clones: 10%% Your HP, 50 End, access to copies of 2 unenhanced versions of random powers from your primary and/or secondary, plus Throw Shuriken.

most of this pool is designed for squishies to cast when they need to run away.

Alternative powers I was going to include were, Throw Kunai (but we might not have the graphic), Caltrops, and Smokebomb(PbAoE minor dot Fire/Smashing, foe choke, foe blind (-perception))

Taijutsu was pulled from blaster secondary ninjitsu: Shinobi
An Alternate for Substitution jutsu, is to blind all enemies, placate, then TP the targeted enemy to you, hold them, and confuse the rest. thus they'll attack the held enemy and wonder where you've gone. naturally +stealth for the player so they can run away while the enemies defeat one of their own. I actually rather like this alternate, because it could be used to force arachnos to attack their Mu guardians and fortunatas, make malta attack the sappers, make tsoo attack healers, and make CoT earth mages cast quicksand on their own. but thinking about it technically this can be achieved with Substitution followed by Genjutsu.

Add other suggestions below.

General Suggestions and Feedback / New AT Suggestion "Leader"
« on: August 20, 2023, 09:54:35 pm »
Because someone mentioned sidekicks.

Long ago on the paragon studios forums, I mentioned an idea for a new AT. I haphazardly called it a "Sidekicker" we can probably find a better name for it maybe "Leader".

What is it? It is a Pet summoner, but unlike masterminds it can only summon minimal pets. usually 1 pet. but the pet is practically equal to just below one player (I'll explain more of this coming up).
The Primary Powerset would be a mix of armor, team buffs, and attacks.
The Secondary Powerset however, contains some variation of "Call Sidekick" as the first power, the powers after that are just for the sidekick, but may have some teamwork attributes where SOME defense, accuracy, damage buffs etc. are shared.

The Leader/player character(primary powerset), supplies self buff, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage.
The SideKick (Secondary Powerset), supplies Control, Support, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage.
The AT Specific Inherent power could be called [Team Synergy], where all their powers are increased in potential when a Plan of Action is being followed.

What is a Plan of Action? unlike the mastermind Pet Controls, the pet controls for this AT are more like battle strategies, Referred to as Plans of Action. things like (these are examples):
[Split Up] where your Sidekick Pet tries to take on any enemy/group except your target/group, going as far as their perception radius away from you to find trouble.
[My Target] same as the mastermind, attack what you are attacking.
[Current Target] attack the one I selected right now regardless if I switch targets.
[Fallback] tells the sidekick to get some distance from the enemies and use Ranged and Control only.
[Retreat] tells the sidekick to run away.
[Support] tells the sidekick to focus on buffs/debuffs and control
[Cover Me] Tells the Sidekick to attack with AoE, and run past enemies to distract enemies from you (get their agro).
[Hide] tells the sidekick to avoid enemy perception radii
[On my signal] coupled with any other Plan of Action, the side kick will not do anything till you either tap the same plan of action again, OR engage in combat/action.

One Big ability in [Team Synergy] is that in example when the Leader is defeated, if the sidekick is still alive, the player's control can switch to the Sidekick rather than being given the standard defeat message, the sidekick is not auto-defeated with the leader(also enters doors and transport before being 86ed from the map. thats just a graphic thing), the same vice versa if the sidekick is defeated, they do not disappear until resummoned or dismissed or until BOTH leader and sidekick are defeated, at which point the control switches to the Leader and the Sidekick disappears. While in control of the sidekick when the leader is down, the sidekick can employ all your Pool Powers as well such as Recall and Resuscitate if you have chosen those. This benefits the player in that they can leave their sidekick hiding in a safe place, go challenge something mean, die and then TP themselves out and resuscitate themselves, if they chose those pools, also it does not count as debt until both are down. In other words "Down, but not Out"

Each Plan Of Action grants a Specific Team Synergy buff in example:
[Hide] might grant [Peace of mind]; an increase in attack speed, defense power potential, Accuracy and Damage. but it's based upon your primary.

Team Synergy Buffs are ONLY granted if you follow your own orders. the side kick will, but if in example you switch to their target While [Split Up] is enagaged, you both lose the synergy buffs! or if they are discovered when using [hide], you'll then lose [Peace of Mind].
Team Synergy Buffs are granted differently in different situations:
You and your sidekick are both alive, and in perception radius of eachother: Power Value + Power Value (I.E. 15% S/L Res +15% = 30% Smashing/Lethal Resistance)
You and your side kick are both alive but out side of eachother's perception radius (but still enacting the Plan of Action): Power Value + 1/2 Power Value (I.E. 15% + 7.5% = 22.5%)
You or your sidekick are defeated, but in perception radius (and the defeated one died keeping the plan of action): Power Value + 1/2 Power Value
You or your sidekick are defeated, but either not in perception radius or were not following the plan of action on defeat: Power Value alone (I.E. 15%)

In addition there should be some small buff for having Team Members or League members Follow the plan of action in and out of perception radius. like +10%% of the Power Value. (I.E. 15% + (1.5%* Team Member following the plan)) and 1%% for each league member following the plan (I.E. 15%+ (0.15%* league member following the plan)), Team and League buffs could also be added to the team and league respectively!.

As you can see this AT CAN be pretty Tanky, getting buffs that could rival a brute or tank in SOME situations. So the Res Cap could be higher than 75%, keep in mind they WILL NOT be able to reach it if their Sidekick is down. I suggest a Res cap between(including) 50 and 90. it could be possible the Res cap could change Depending on Team Synergy effects being active, so long as you are following the plan of action the res cap could be 90%, it could be 75% if you're getting +1/2 Power Value, or 51% if getting no extra power value (if your side kick is down and out of perception radius, regardless team or league presence "Nooo! Why did they have to kill my sidekick!").

So the Caps as well as the Team Synergy bonuses all scale from the weakest link on the team to Tankin' like a pro.

Lets talk about the Sidekick being ALMOST equal to a player, They'll never exceed the abilities or stats of the Leader, maybe 10% less down the board, 10% less max HP, 10% Less max End, 10% less total Resistance, 10% Less total Defense, 10% less damage, 10% less accuracy 10% less to hit, 10% less regen, 10% less Recovery etc. This is not a Given! just a rough estimate based on default values! it can change if for example the Leader's first buff only applys to self, it wont raise the sidekick's stats! so there can be a large discrepancy.. plus by default sidekicks have 1 less power (which is Ironically taken by their summon). but other than that with a good build this is one pet that could maybe with inspirations stand up to a hit from an AV and keep fighting.

The WEAKNESS of this AT is that some powers, such as Attacks are NOT shared though they may have some secondary Team Buff and add Team Synergy, and over all the Leader's PowerSet (Primary) is a mix of self buff, team buffs/enemy debuff, and damage. out of 9 powers thats roughly 3 of each or 1.5 team buff/debuff (2 of one, and 1 of the other). So you'll only have 3 main attacks! plus whatever pools you get. Where the Sidekick splits Control, Support/team buffs, enemy debuff, and damage between 8 powers, so maybe 2 attacks, 2 control, 1 buff and 1 heal, and 1 debuff, AND NO ACCESS to POOLS UNLESS Controlling them. this means at any time a little more or less than HALF your potential is server (CPU) controlled.

Perhaps Team Synergy should allow the player to switch whether they are playing as the Leader or Sidekick as they wish.

Primaries will have to be specially made, and could look like;
Names like "Invulnerable Leadership" instead of "Invulnerability", or "Will of the Team/Leader" instead of "Willpower"
L1: Self Buff(Toggle or Auto)
L1: Attack.
L2: Team Buff/Enemy Debuff (Toggle)
L6: Attack
L8: Self Buff(Toggle or Auto)
L12:Team Buff/Enemy Debuff (Toggle)
L18: Self Buff/Rez(Toggle or Click type)
L26: Team Buff (Toggle)
L32: Final Big AoE Attack/ Tag Team Attack

Secondaries would also have to be specially designed, and could look like;
Names Like: Firey Sidekick, Icy Sidekick, Psionic Sidekick, Electrical Sidekick, Grim Sidekick, Staff fighting Sidekick, Mace Weilding Sidekick, Energetic Sidekick, Ninja sidekick, Gadget Making Sidekick, Weaponmaster Sidekick, Duplicate Sidekick, Robotic Sidekick etc.
L1: Summon Sidekick (they come with a power [Sidekick Brawl], or [Sidekick kick], or a ranged power similar to your Origin Inherent Power [Dart], [tazer bolt] etc, but they are weaker than yours and don't have things like stun nor kb etc.)
L2: Ranged or Melee Attack based on the Powerset.
L4: Control
L10: Support/ Team buff
L16: Enemy debuff
L20: TAoE Control
L28: Support/ Team Buff
L35: AoE Attack
L38: AoE/Cone Enemy Debuff

Notice there is no Build-up style power in either set. this is because they get build-up like effects from Plans of Action(when executed correctly), sometimes. they are permanent (while in battle and while the plan of action continues to be successful) unenhancable build-up style powers, but yield much less accuracy/to hit and +damage output, as they may include (an)other effect(s) like +Res, +Def, +Regen, +Recovery, -Rech, or a foe debuff Foe -ToHit, the effects of each could be based on your primary. in example if "will of the team" you'll see effects like: +regen, +defense, +recovery, +Status Protection, Enemy -ToHit in the bonuses from the Plans of Action. That is to say the plans of action just boost your primary and secondary abilities and effects. so Plans of Action will have "+Special" and buff based on power type. "+Special: Buff, secondary effect, +ToHit, +Damage"

It may be possible that SOME Secodary sets, Have another Summon Sidekick at a later level, Perhaps some mastery sets will have it as well for this AT. "Summon Arachnos Soldier" for Black Scorpion's Last Patron power, and maybe a fortunata for Ghost widow's patron. and maybe a Longbow Warden somewhere in a munitions mastery.

Survivability: 5 to 9
Melee Damage: 5 to 7
Ranged Damage: 5 to 7
Control: 3
Support: 3
Pets: 4

Of course they should be able to name sidekicks. and maybe, because it's so few "pets" even costume design for SOME of them and adjust body type.

What things do Sidekicks Inherit from their Leader?
Team Buff effects
Plan of Action Bonuses
Any and all Set Bonuses
Team Group Pool Power Effects and Enhancement of effects.
Perhaps Toggle based Pool Powers that are switched on by the player while controlling the sidekick, (I.E.: Stealth, Invisibility, Fly, Group Fly, combat jump, super jump. and maybe tough, weave, and leadership toggles, maybe. "Maybe" in that perhaps they should stay on till sidekick defeat even when switching back to control of the leader.)

What things do Sidekicks NOT Inherit from their Leader?
Leader's ToSelf power effects
Pool Powers (except when the player is in control of the sidekick, or in the case of effects from Team/Group pool powers (those count), toggle powers turned on will stay on when switching control back)
Holds, Sleeps, immobilize, -speed and other Debuffs dealt to the Leader etc.
Enhancement from the Leader's powers (except for Team/Group Powers).
Player Effects Applied to the Leader. such as single target buffs from another player.
The Leader's Location (big difference from other pets that TP to you when following and lagging behind. Sidekicks do not)
Endurance ( they both have their own endurance. End Bonuses or End mod from Team/Group/Support powers will still apply)

There may be more constraints.

There could be more Special interactions like Power Sharing, or Temp Powers(for example L10 or L28 Support/Team Buffs might be this), for Example a Gadgets Sidekick could have a "Make Gadget" power which makes a random gadget from a list (Temp Power) they can then give to the Leader or another player or use it themselves Or Immediately Grant to the whole Team. There could be a "Team Strike" attack that only works when you are both in the same place and alive and casts on your target the next available chance, it could be a way to Break eachother Free from Holds Immob and Mezes etc. and do a mega tag team attack(L32).

Then we get into the "Duplicate Sidekick" where the Duplicate's Attacks are weaker versions of your own, and rather than Support/Team Buff you could have "Summon Triplicate"(summon one more in addition to your duplicate) and "Summon More Duplicates" (upto some max number), where Control could be [Dog Pile] (all sidekicks attack the same target/group with a hold)(smashing+your primary damage type), or there could be an [Absorb Duplicate(s)] power to allow you to self heal your leader or another sidekick, gain their End, and get a temporary power boost. the downside would be that your duplicates have very few powers other than being duplicates (just 2 attacks from yours, no or limited Support/team buff, no Debuff) but you can have lots of them.

It really depends on what sets the player chooses. but these are the mechanics in this idea.

Yes, It's complicated. it would take a ton of work compared to making any other AT. but it's a tempting thought isn't it?

To Balance the fact you could basically Rez yourself and Apply Vengeance from a pet's defeat, the recharge on their summons should be much, much, much longer. 2nd and higher sidekicks (if using a set that gives more than one), could have to be resummoned after defeat, disappearing like a normal pet on defeat.

There are a few things in game which cannot be enhanced at current. one of these is Power Duration everything from Build Up to Click-type effects, number of ticks of damage in DoT, duration of castings/summonings such as Quicksand or other field type powers or "Blaster: Electrical Blast: Voltaic Sentinel".

For the name, the question is theme; we could give the name a temporal theme, or we could theme the name by something to do with willpower, training or extra effort.

I was thinking this should be a Global set "Global Duration Enhancement" UNIQUE

The Proc could be several things:
1: The first thing that comes to mind is perhaps a Global 33.3% duration increase to all applicable powers with positive effects to self, other, or negative effects to enemy, pvp enemy player.
2: The second thing which comes to mind is a +100% duration to the slotted power.

Another issue is the set construction, it'll be applied to many different types of powers; +HP, +Res, +Defense, +Speed, +Damage, +Accuracy, +Recovery, +Regen, +ToHit, +End, -Rech, Endurance Discount/End Mod, End redux, Timed Summon Duration, +range, and debuffs of all these so enhancing any of those effects will have to be under Damage, Accuracy, End Redux or Buff/Debuff(everything else including self-buff and buff other and debuff)   
1: Proc
2: Duration
3: Duration/End
4: Duration/Damage
5: Duration/(Buff/Debuff/Effect)
6: Duration/Accuracy

This set needs work, as at the moment it's great for duration increase, likely increasing durations well over 150% which for a 10 or 20 second duration would be 25 to 50 seconds, but it doesn't really add much else. maybe +/- 34% or 40% enhancement to everything else in the slotted power.

perhaps this can be fixed with bonuses? not really sure what to give it. maybe something special for all 6 slotted like a +10% Global Durable Effect Enhancement (+10%% to effects of all powers with durations)

this really needs discussion, it's just an idea I had that wasn't discussed yet to my knowledge.

for color tintable powers, it'd be nice to be able to color them in AE when designing custom characters. To be honest I'm not sure why this has not been done as it's already avilable for players it should be realitively easy to add it for AE custom characters who use almost the same character designer.

Therefore this request asks for this feature to be copied over tot he AE custom character design menu. it'd require adding the "Custom" tab from the character designer to the AE character designer and allow saving and loading of power color profiles.

This post is requesting "single bottoms" such as a snake tail or a pool of muck/slime in AE, a bottom that does not have 2 legs but rather a single tail or pedistal etc.

So we already have the graphics for a snake tail in the Talons of Vengeance it'd be nice to be able to make our own custom lamias and nagas and gorgons.

However, at the moment this is not possible as it's not an available option under bottoms> monstrous.

I know that it requires a different rig, so in example not all emotes will be available or may play differently on such a rig, To be honest, just giving it slither, stand, jump, and knock down/back anims would be sufficient.

Naturally kicking attacks would all have to default to a tail whip animation.

Secondly I'm proposing another such "single leg bottom" such as on a slime monster where it has 2 legs but they are fused in the middle and have a slime bolb around the bottom. but that could be farther in the future than a snake tail as we don't have the graphics yet. technically this could work under 2 legs, but I think kicks would be a bit strange.

lastly another single bottom we do have is the Mu vestment bottom.

I just noticed that water blasting is not available in the powers you can apply to custom AE characters. I hope this gets added at some point in the future.

Edit: I assume that because it was not added on the paragonstudios servers that they may have left no code related to it, nor any instructions, nor comments about how to make it an available selection in AE. I assume this would mean observing how other sets are coded in to the AE custom character builder and attempting to write it in in a similar fashion.

also I assume each power has an Ai attached to it to tell the custom enemy/ally how to use it and whether to attempt move to ranged or melee distance. so the correct Ai would have to be applied to each power in the set. I do know the Ai is not coded to use some powers at all (fields, rez other etc.)

last would be the XP value considerations for water blasting/ water control, those would really be a lot of headwork for the devs to consider. so I understand if this will take a while.

Pretty simple, Electric Blasting was as far as I can tell one of the original blaster sets before the devs really knew what the game was going to play like. and before Chain type attacks were introduced.

The devs as such gave Electric Blasting a PBAoE power in Level 6 probably thinking it'd be good for when enemies get close range. But then electric control was invented and with it Chain attack types(such as controller electric control: Jolting Chain). Electric blasting was never revisited to determine if a change was needed to incorporate a chain attack. Or if they did revisit it they decided to leave it alone with Short Circuit.

What I propose is one of the following:

Allow Blaster Jolting Chain to hit the same number of targets as Short Circuit(15?), Upgrade the damage for the Blaster version to Moderate DoT instead of Minor. add +Special against robots, add - recovery.

1: Replace Short Circuit with Jolting Chain.

2: Replace another power with this power. (not sure which power would be fair)

3: allow the player to choose from 2 L6 powers (possibly only able to pick one of them, or both if people think it's better) this would probably require  the most changes to the game as it would make Blaster Electric Blasting 1 power longer than any other blaster primary set.

Feel free to comment to explain your position when voting and to propose any changes to this power contrary to what I propose.

feel free to change your vote later if you change your mind.

This poll is not set to close, the server admins will likely make their decision at some point during the voting or even before the voting but who knows you might change their minds if enough people vote one way or another or someone's comment gives a good justification one way or another.

I voted to make it a second L6 power, so that if someone wants short circuit they can still get it and we don't have to replace any powers, just add another one. It wont change the maximum number of powers a blaster can get in total, but it would add 1 more attack to this set than others. For that reason I think it's fair that the player should only be able to choose 1 L6 primary power Short Circuit OR Jolting Chain.

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