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Topics - RandomRabbit

Roleplaying / Dark Reckoner comes to Collect
Nov 12, 2024, 03:21 PM
Casinos were like weeds in the Isles.  With regulation quite limited unlike the States on the gambling establishments it wasn't uncommon to see a few slot machines stapled on to any watering hole.

This particular one was a hair on the dingy side, as things in the Isles are wont to be, but not overly so.  The aging blue wallpaper might have been trendy in the 70s.  The brown rug at least looked vaguely younger, but still a couple decades old.  Few tables had cards going, slot machines, nothing really spectacular, and a bar with drinks.

A corpse stepped into the establishment.  She was dressed in a long brown coat with a matching fedora, blue-jeans, boots, skin pale hair dark.  The few patrons who noticed her doing so went from vague attentiveness to a lazy double take.  There was definitely something off with her.  The paleness of the skin was deathly so, faint blackened veins beneath her cheeks.  They couldn't see the faded eyes behind her shades or the burns and bruises from noose hiding behind her scarf that would never heal no matter how many decades passed.  Only a few sets of eyes followed her march to the bar, off-putting things weren't exactly new in the isles, best not to stare when you do see one.  She stopped at the bar, waited for the bartender to pay her heed and she rasped out 3 words from her wounded larynx, "Rye, double, neat."

She glanced over the crowd holding the drink idly in one hand, leaning against the bar counter.  Looking over the crowd her gaze fixed on Jay Tucker.  The man was too busy talking with a few friends at a table.  Few suits, likely family were milling about but otherwise uninterested in him and only vaguely eying her like a potential problem.  She took her drink and strode over towards Jay's table and plunked down in a seat like she had every right to.  The table went instantly silent.  She ignored the eyes boring into her with growing annoyance as she took a sip from her drink.  She just levelled her gaze at Jay.  Finally he broke the silence, voice irritated as he asked, "What do you want lady?"

In a quick smooth motion she tossed a bounty poster on the table, the one for Jay.  "You can make this easy or you can make this hard."  She rasped out coolly, almost disinterested sounding.

What followed was an explosion of action as they all went at her at once.  She rose quickly, taking a knife in her forearm and pressing the blade and the hand that held it back towards the owner, throwing him off balance and into position for a fierce headbutt.  Darkness roiled about her as she struck and he went down.  The chair to her back only knocked her off balance slightly with dull pain.  She wheeled around and struck back with a fierce blow wreathed in darkness.  The assailant wasn't expecting her to shrug the chair off and the assault sent him crumpling.  Jay was trying to run, but she could run faster, closing the gap in a flash and knocking him face down with a vicious strike from behind.  She was upon him as he landed, hammering him with shadowy blows until he stopped moving.  A quick check indicated he was still alive but pretty battered.  She didn't know what he did, nor did she care.  All that mattered was he was money in the bank.  Grabbing some duct tape she got to work binding him.  She didn't even look up as one of the family goons started to move in with his gun, but she did speak in that raspy voice, "You want a bigger mess?  Go ahead."  The goon paused a moment and then stood down. 

She hefted her bounty on her shoulder and stepped to the bar.  She noticed the knife still embedded in her left forearm, pulled it out, and dropped it on the counter.  Fished out some bills and dropped it there as well, "Keep the change."  She rasped out.

"Who the hell are you?"  Asked the bartender as she turned for the door.

"They tend to call me Dark Reckoner, it's a good a name as any."
If you are an old-hand at warshades stick around.  Same deal if you are a new person to the archetype, because playing a Kheldian on rebirth is a significantly new experience compared to live or any other server.  The Kheldian archetypes received significant reworks in Ri4 and this guide will help give you a rundown and some basic Warshade tactics. 

For those wanting a peacebringer, standby, I'll get to that eventually.  I got a higher level warshade though and more experience there, so warshade comes first.  Some of the notes though on the Kheldian changes will give you some insight on what you got to look forward too.

Warshades in a Nutshell

Kheldian archetypes in general focus on 3 different forms with 3 different power options and characteristics.

Human form has the access to the greatest set of powers, including some defensive toggles. 

The Dwarf form (often referred to as the lobster) is a big bulky thing that has built in heavy resistances, buffs to maximum hp, and a focus on melee attacks and taunting, allowing it to act as a tank.

The Nova form (often referred to as the squid) is a free flying tentacled terror of ranged attacks with boosted damage and not much in the way of defense.

The human form differs the most between Peacebringer and Warshade.  Warshade human forms have a variety of ranged blasts that debuff recharge and speed with some knockback.  The only heavy hitting melee attack that warshades have is "Gravity well" which does double duty as control and damage.  The archetype has powers that act on fallen enemies in numerous ways.  They can absorb health and endurance from bodies, turn them into summons, and even cause explosions from bodies.  Warshades also have several ways to pull buffs out of enemies as well.  Sunless mire boosts damage, eclipse refills endurance and boosts resistances.

Slotting is problematic because the archetype tends to saddle you with more powers then other archetypes, forcing you to make choices on where you want to focus those slots.  The Ri4 changes try to alleviate that.

Ri4 Changes

The changes of Ri4 focus on a couple facets of the archetype.  They try to ease some of the inconvenience with changing, while making it easier to manage the large array of powers you get from all the forms combined.

One of the biggest changes you might notice off the bat is if you have your defensive human toggles on and you change form, your toggles will not turn off.  The effects of the toggles are suppressed, however, and you get an endurance rebate equal to the cost of the toggles.  This lets you pop in and out of your human form without having to juggle a ton of toggles each time.  Two toggles will work in nova and dwarf form however:  Orbiting Death and Inky Aspects.  The former greatly helps with tanking since it adds some extra attention-grabbing power to your dwarf form in the form of a damage aura.

Dwarf and Nova form no longer have unique powers associated with them that require independent slotting.  Instead the forms take powers that you have and cause them to change into the form-specific version of the power.  This allows you to spread the benefit of a slotted power across multiple forms.  Its important to note that while the powers change, their cooldown does not reset.  They may have different cooldowns in the different variations, but if the power is in cooldown, both varieties of it are not useful.  Tri-form enthusiasts are hit the hardest by this change.  Example:   In classic COH, a warshade has a move called Sunless Mire which produced a nice fair duration buff to damage for every enemy it hit with a small PBAoE.  It had a long cooldown.  Dwarf, however, also had its own version o Sunless mire that lasted shorter, but had a quicker cooldown.  So tri-form warshades would often use Human mire and change to dwarf form to immediately mire again for a larger damage boost then either power individually.  This is no longer possible since using either mire puts both on recharge, though doing so in dwarf form puts both in recharge for a shorter time.

To make up for this Sunless mire has had its buff increased, and some of the increased buff will fade away after a short while and then a while later the rest of the buff fades, to emulate the sort of boost characteristic you'd get from a double-mire.

Dark Detonation and Gravimetric emanation are now given to you as part of snagging Dark Nova.  Sunless mire and Essence drain come part of the Black Dwarf Package, so you still will have more powers then an average hero, so slotting still will be spread thinner if you want to work all those powers with enhancements, but it's a little less strained then before.

Finally, in a later update rebirth added an attractor mechanic to the game engine.  This was applied to several Warshade powers.  Gravimetric emanation now stuns hit enemies and drags them to you for several beats.  Gravity Snare and Gravity well will cause naerby enemies to be pulled towards the primary target for a few beats.  These powers give you some powerful tools for controlling enemy grouping, but be careful as they'll make bosses more in erratic fashions which can be a problem in incarnate raids.

You may use your teleport powers while in any form, but doing so changes you back to human. 


As noted before you may get access to up to 3 forms with their own associated powers and abilities.

Dark Nova

Dark nova is your tentacled floating offensive form.  The change has opened up its repertoire of moves.

Shadow Bolt becomes Dark Nova bolt, Shadow Blast becomes dark nova blast.  Gravimetric Emanation becomes dark nova emination and loses all attractor and stun features.  Dark Detonation becomes dark nova detonation while in dark nova form.  Essence drain becomes shadow essence drain and gains range

The following powers remain useable in dark nova form, dark nova applies a universal damage buff, so all these powers hit harder while in Dark Nova form:  Ebon Eye, Sunless mire, Orbiting Death, Quasar.

All other toggles can be activated and remain activated when in Dark Nova form, but their effects are suppressed.

THe nova form has the same HP as human form, but without any defensive toggles it's pretty squishy.  This can be offset by using eclipse in another form and changing back to Nova, which carries the buff even after you change forms.  Dark sustenance resistance boosts from having tanker/corruptor/mastermind/defender teammates do carry into nova form, so a defense heavy form can produce surprisingly tanky novas.

Because you have more attacks to play with, the basic nova attacks have been slowed down with their power increased proportionately, for easier attack cycling. 

The fast fly speed combined with ranged blasts generally encourage you to pelt the enemy from afar safely away from the cluster nugget that is the melee pit.  However with the ability to run orbiting death and having Pulsar available to you, you will be encouraged to be in closer.  Orbiting death particularly is damage without any animation time tied to it beyond the initial activation. 

Black Dwarf

While the nova is offense, the Dwarf is defense.  The dwarf form has resistances to most damage types.  They got access to all the survivability moves.  They got a taunt, they can tank. 

Gravimetric Snare becomes black dwarf strike, a melee strike.  Gravity well becomes black dwarf smite, a hard hitting strike.  Sunless Mire becomes black dwarf Mire.

Shadow bolt and Ebon Eye can be used in black dwarf form, as well as Orbiting Death, Inky Aspect, Stygian Cycle, and Eclipse all are available to dwarves.  Orbiting death picks up a taunt effect while it's active on a black dwarf, which makes it a great tanking tool, you can now use your dwarf the way you use most tanks, letting the aura power snag attention of nearby enemies and focusing on using taunt to pull in the outliers. 


Human form focuses on survivable utility.  You have 3 toggled defense buffs, (Gravity shield, penumbral shield, twilight shield) which buff your ability to take damage.  Shadow Cloak gives you a perception buff (Always welcome when smoke grenades come out). 

You have a set of blasts, shadow bolt, ebon eye, and shadow blast, as well as the AoE Dark Detonation.  However since dark nova gets a damage boost, if you are firing blasts you are better off switching to Nova mode.  Gravity well hits hard as it controls, making it a move always worth dropping out of Nova for, but using it in Dwarf mode robs you of an attack in your cycle.

Originally Stygian circle was a common reason to drop to human form to recover.  But with the change it's useable in dwarf form now.  Dark Extraction though remains a human-specific power.  This is a VERY useful move.  Each extracted essence only sticks around for a set amount of time, but with hasten and a pile of recharge you can get 3 of these death balls in play.  They are uncontrolled pets so they'll just open fire on any thing that gets in range.  You always want to drop to human form to use dark extraction whenever it's an option. 

Gravimetric Emanation is very useful power in that it reels things in towards you as it stuns them.  This synergizes well with the knock back effect of Quasar, allowing you to unload without scattering your enemies to the four winds for long. 

While its tempting to use Quasar in Human form, there's a couple benefits to using it in Nova Form.  First off, the damage bonus for nova form is applied.  Secondly you can position yourself more above the enemy when exploding.  This causes the knock to be more angled towards the floor, which mutes its effect a little.  Always avoid standing in the middle of a group of enemies when using Nova when possible.  That scatters them.  Instead aim to use it in a way that pushes them all in roughly the same direction, stand to the side of groups, or even better, float above and to the side.  Or, get the knockback->knockdown enhancement from summer blockbuster.

Unchain essence is also a human-specific move that hits like a truck with a huge AOE and stuns.  It requires a body as your AOE origin.  It makes a great followup to a judgement power or pulsar, allowing you to convert one of the bodies you just made into a followup whammy that usually finishes off the cluster.  If anything survived the unchain it might be worthwhile to whack'em with another stun if you got it, the stacked stun can easily lead to heavier things being thrown for a loop.

Any pool powers you snag will be limited to human form.  Hasten is incredibly useful for making a lot of those long-recharge powers more readily available so it works real well with Warshade and I'd strongly suggest it.

The Juggle

With this in mind the multi-form Warshade play changes up a little. 

While previously it was beneficial to bounce between three forms constantly, the gameplay leans a little more towards an offense or defense routine depending on your needs.  Constantly dancing between all 3 forms though is a bit diminished in favor of favoring combos towards offense or defense.  Though when defending you always got the oppertunity to pop the nova-head out now and then to unload some nukes.


Nova and sunless mire are your friends in offense mode.  You want to nova as much as possible.  Drop into human form as needed to get hasten up and extract essence at every opportunity.  Nova can't use eclipse so you'll want to use that at every chance so you got heavier defenses vs any retaliation.  The extra resistance also lets you get in close with that orbiting death more safely where it's easier to mire as you please. 

You'll want to be using most of your attacks in Nova form but Gravity well and Unchain essence require Human form and are fierce enough attacks that you'll want to pop human form on whenever they are ready. 

A thing to be aware of with extract essence is if the enemy body despawns midway through the animation you'll be robbed of a murder fluff ball.  So always work with the freshest bodies you can get your hands on.


Defense means staying in Dwarf form as much as possible, letting the orbiting death agro things up close while your taunt pulls in the long range things, as a tank would.  You can use Stygian circle in this mode which means you got two avenues of self healing:  the life steal and the circle.  Eclipse is useable in dwarf mode so all your defenses and recovery is at your finger tips.  So the key reason for leaving dwarf form is to squeeze a little more damage out.

This turns into a game of figuring out how much you can get away with without endangering yoruself.  Using human form to squeeze off a extraction is usually my biggest risk, those those add up as well as making sure I swap to human as necessary to refresh hasten (something I sadly forget to do).  The biggest pitfall is the fact that any controls you had on you unnoticed in dwarf form will immediately assert themselves the instant you go human, utterly killing your momentum, forcing you to duck back to dwarf form, and forcing you to spend some time to re-toggle orbiting death. 

Be aware that while it's easy to cap human resistance with eclipse, your HP will still be higher in dwarf form, so every hit in dwarf form will still gnaw off less of your health bar.  But it is still far easier with capped resistances to get those essence extractions and unchained essence hits off quicker. 

If you are really feisty you might try quick hops to nova form to pop off a pulsar or some AoE blasts.  This is best done after an eclipse, it's not uncommon for nova to hit resistance cap in a team when you get a good eclipse hit off, at which point it becomes no less squishy then human form.

Unlike the blasts, there's no bonus you miss out on when you don't do eclipse in dwarf mode, so don't feel obligated to swap to it. 
Character Bios / Beast of a Thousand Torments
Sep 24, 2023, 04:56 PM
The Call

Bellindra stretched and breathed the air her wings stretching as a spade tail swished.  There was a tangy quality to it.  Being summoned to the material world in ways was like awakening from the dream that was the drawn out existence of eternity.  It had been a while so the moment felt particularly real to the purple skinned woman of a fiend.  She tucked some black hair behind a curled red horn as she got ready to give her usual proclamation of who dares summon the beast of a thousand torments when the voice of one of her summoners spoke up, "Dude!  It worked!  Holy shit!"

Bellindra cocked a brow as she took in her surroundings more.  Television playing a random video.  Beat up couch.  An herbal smell in the air as well as that tangy odor from before, a trio of stunned young men staring at her.  "Dude it's purple babe!"  One of them called out. 

Bellindra was torn between being disappointed or just amused.  This was hardly the sort of welcome she expected from a summoning.  She stooped down and inspected the circle she was standing in.  Expertly drawn in a red fluid, Ketchup.  Only the summoning circle, no binding circle.  The juxtaposition of skill and ignorance was refreshingly jarring.  Bellindra stepped out of the circle.  The trio gasped, shrinking away from her. She smirked as she explained, "If you do not include a binding circle around the summoning circle, the demon can walk right out and do whatever she pleases to you."  The color drained from the men's faces as they shrunk against the corner.  Bellindra relished the looks of abject terror on their faces, another Rookie mistake, not having the exit behind you.  The thought crossed her mind about how easy it would be to do anything she darn well pleased to them, live up to that moniker of hers.  But her heart just wasn't in it.  Kill them, go back to lurk in hellish ruins?  Maybe some simple pleasures were in order.  Bellindra flicked the nose of the central man, presumed leader, pale, black hair.  He yelped in surprise more then pain. "There's your torment.  Now get me something to eat."  She said.

"That's it?"  Said the leader.

"I mean I could kill you and make you feel agony every step of the way if you prefer." She responded wryly.

The man backpedaled quickly on his statement, "No no no!  This is alright!"

"Excellent," She said, striding over to the beat up couch and throwing herself into it.  Despite appearances it was precisely the right levels of soft and comfortable.  Bellindra stretched again with an indulgent grunt, letting herself sink in, "I need a change of scenery, and his couch is rather comfortable.  How about in return for me not visiting unspeakable horror to you, you provide me with room and board."

The men were starting to step out of the corner, still breathing a little quickly from the earlier scare.  She could see the wheels turning in their head as they were coming to grips with their capricious fortune in all this, "S-So you'll help us against those creepy Helion cultists ganger people?"  This was one of the others speaking, red headed lad with freckles.

Bellindra turned her head to glance at him, "Don't press your luck."  The three suddenly started back as if struck.  Bellindra smirked with an amused internal heh at the reaction and softened a bit, "You can discuss things around here with me and if anything sounds fun I might get involved."
Guardian / Rabbit Reviews Guardian
Sep 20, 2023, 06:40 PM
I have tried a WHOLE lot of guardian.  So I decided to put my thoughts down on paper about it.  Well digital paper, this.  Have a look!

Guardians Review

Guardians are a class unique to the Rebirth server.   They are a jack of all trades class that combines a mixture of melee and ranged attacks like a dominator with a unique secondary that fuses self-protecting powers with supportive powers.  This archetype allows for playstyles one couldn't get previously.  Closest option would have been the VEATs though this is quite unique in its own ways.

Guardians by the Numbers
Guardians are aggressively average with their attributes.  Nothing really stands out as exceptional, but nothing is excessively weak either.

Damage wise Guardians are roughly in the same band as VEAT and dominators.  VEAT have a multiplier of 1.0 for melee and ranged.  Guardians have a multiplier of 0.95.  Stalkers got a 1.0 too, but they can also make something cease to exist in a blink of an eye when stealthed.  Your secondary powersets might have moves that leverage more damage out of you (♥ Anguishing cry), but leaving that off the table you're swinging at a notch behind scrappers and blasters, and the rest of the table is behind you (And brutes are either behind or ahead of you depending on their mood).

Defensively your toggles will give you about as much mitigation as a scrapper or stalker.  But your HP will be more corruptor/VEAT tier, you can buff your HP higher then a corruptor, but anything offensive will have more hp then you, that includes blasters.  Though the fact you have damage mitigation does let you take a hit better than a blaster.  Also you got access to heals in a lot of your sets which does stretch out your survivability.

You'd think with support powers you'd have some multipliers for such things that make them solid.  Generally though, you're bottom rung compared against any other support class.  So while you won't make maneuvers or heal other rock especially hard, the fact that you got secondary pool powers that heal puts you above tankers and scrappers though.

While we are talking about healing, we need to be aware of one thing.  While guardians tend to get the PBAoE heal out of whatever support set they riff off of, like healing aura.  It's a special version of the power with TWICE the recharge time as the version every other AT gets.  You are not going to support a squishy team with that power alone, spot heal a tank who is in a rough patch, sure, expect to save a team that's getting creamed, not happening, though if you combine it with your other powers and some offensive you got a chance.

Primary Powersets
Guardian primary powersets are generally the same as the dominator secondaries.  There's some changes between them.  All dominator secondaries have some sort of move that boosts damage and the effectiveness of controls.  Guardians lack controls so they get buildup, or a buildup-like move instead.  Some powersets are shuffled up a bit, guardian electric assault trades off havoc punch and voltaic sentinel for chain induction and lightning rod.  Generally speaking a standard assault array for guardians is: 3 ranged attacks, 2 melee attacks, 1 cone, 1 PBAoE, buildup (or something similar), and one flex power (usually a sniper but might be a hard hitting melee move or a control or something else unique to make the set stand out).  There are exceptions, like with electricity, it keeps its sniper, has only two regular ranged attacks.  If we count lightning rod as it's PBAoE then chain induction (Technically a melee move)  would be eating up one of its ranged slots.

Dark Assault
If you played this on a dominator you are familiar with it.  Only change is swapping gather shadows for buildup.  It has a sniper move, one of the three ranged attacks is life drain.  No it does not have shadow maul, now weep.  The -acc on the attacks means if you are stacking defense or have a defense based secondary you'll have far better suviveability.  I generally slot that life drain for extra damage since I already have damage mitigation from my secondary, though you could slot it for healing if you prefer that.

Earth Assault
I haven't used this one yet.  It has more melee moves then average at four and no sniper.  Instead of the usual cone it has a targeted AoE an a PBAoE.  One of those melee moves comes at the cost of mud pots which the dominator version has.

Electricity Assault
Already mentioned this one.  Its PBAoE doubles as a teleport (which is neat), and has chain induction on top of a cone attack.  This translates into more AoE options at the cost of melee.  It does have a sniper.

Energy Assault
Almost all in on single target attacks.  Only AOE at your disposal is whirling hands.  Almost the same powers as dominator except total focus and power burst swapped order.  I haven't tried this one to verify but in general single target attacks are substantially more efficient then AoEs, so it should be less taxing on your energy then other sets when you go all out.
Fiery Assault
Trades in dominator's consume for an extra melee attack.  If fire is your secondary you'll have consume there.  Stacks up like a pretty standard assault attack set under guardian with the secondary effect being moar damage as things catch aflame.

A guardian only set that is absolute pain and misery in some ways for something that looks so cool.  It has an array of kicks and gunshots.  The kicks can be swapped for satisfying animations of thwacking your foe with your guns.  This set uses a weapon that must be drawn, which is where the pain and misery comes in.  Any time you use a melee attack, even though you keep your pistols out, using a pistol will force you to go through that pistol twirl animation again and again.  You'll constantly be hitched up briefly on pistol draw animations, and while it's faster then a lot of other weapon draw animations, the fact that it's constantly happening makes it glaringly present in your mind.  And then there's spinning kick, how I loathe thee.  Spinning kick is a melee cone attack.  So you would presume it takes a target, you presume wrong.  If you click it and there's nothing in front of you, you just wasted endurance, which you'll do often, when you misgauge enemy positions or have enemies move out of range when you use it or forget for the 100th time that it's not targeted and click it assuming your character will turn and face the foe before sweeping the air like a derp.  That particular aspect is only useful in edge cases where you're blind and you are flailing an AOE in front of you in hope of hitting a foe.  That said, crippling axe kick something and then crane kick it away and load it full of lead as it tries to get back into melee range, slowly.  That should lighten your mood.

Hellfire Assault
Ever look at the demon mastermind's whip and think "I want to use that without the pets."?  Now is your day.  There's some whip moves, some fiery melee moves and some fiery ranged moves.  It almost shakes out to a standard array of guardian assault moves.  Instead of a sniper it has "Wrath of Hell".  Using wrath of hell locks you into a rather long animation, if you hit with the attack the enemy will be held for the duration of that rather long animation and take heavy DOT.  If you miss your attack, you'll still be locked into that animation and look like a fool while you leave yourself wide open.  Using this thing on foes agro to you and immune to holds, like bosses, is a dicey proposition, but a thing I will do on my hellfire/pain dom because she's a bit crunchy.  Instead of buildup this set gets "soul searing".  Soul searing instead of being a straight damage boost adds some toxic damage to all your attacks.  It lasts significantly longer then buildup and it still boosts your to-hit.  Given how fast it recharges I find myself using it a whole lot.

Icy Assault
While dominators get chilling embrace, guardians get bitter freeze ray.  This gives you a control option that can be flexed as an attack depending on your preference.  You get chilling embrace as part of your secondary powers if you choose ice for that, combined with the slowing aspects of this sets attacks and you can drive the enemy's attack rate through the floor.  More or less a standard attack array for an assault set except the sniper attack is traded out for the hold that hits like a truck and leaves you wondering if you want to slot it for damage or control.

Kinetic Assault
I have not toyed with this one.  It looks much like a standard array for an assault set.  On top of various debuffs, these attacks generate stacks of impulse which you can cash in with whammy attacks to make them extra-whammy.  Without some hands on I can't comment on how well that plays in practice.

Luminous Assault
Now you can attack with blasts of light without having space alien magic.  It's more or less peace bringer attacks with the serial numbers filed off.  This takes the standard assault array and trades in the sniper for a melee hit.  It has -def and it has knock.  The knock might be more useful for keeping the foe from hammering into you, though the -def has some edge uses for those occasional foes that are evasive.

Mace Assault
Arachnos soldier mace fun without the arachnos soldier.  I haven't toyed with this personally so I only know what's on paper.  And what's on paper is 3 melee strikes, a melee cone, a ranged cone, and a ranged AoE, two ranged shots, and your standard buildup with a whole lot of knock.

Martial Assault
This is a mix of shuriken and kicks.  It's so odd it'll throw you for a loop.  Of non-sniper single target attacks you have shuriken throw and thunder kick.  Exploding shuriken is sort of a single target attack, sort of, in a "the AOE is a side effect" sort of way.  Instead of buildup it has a longer lasting envenomed blades which adds toxic damage to your attacks.  You may think trick shot is a single target move, but it has endurance use and overall damage more like the AOE it is.  And then you have spinning kick, which if you came out of gun-fu would have you glancing at it suspiciously, but it actually behaves like a proper targeted cone when you use it, which leaves you looking at gun-fu spinning kick and going "Dammit!  Why can't you be normal like martial spinning kick!"  And then there's caltrops because you totally needed a slow movement over a darn single target attack.  Thing is AoE attacks are expensive to use.  So this powerset will leave you gasping for endurance, especially in the midgame.  It's real hard to use without a team tossing you something to help keep your endurance topped.  In a team with large crowds though, you won't have want for ways to mess up a crowd.  It's more or less the exact same set as dominators get though, so if you played with that you know what to expect.

Military Asssault
I haven't toyed with this one, but if it has the same weapon draw issues as gun-fu, we may have a problem.  It looks similar to a standard assault power array, except one of the ranged attacks has splash-as-a-side-effect.  Lot of lethal with -def as you'd expect from a blam blam.

Ninja Assault
The two ranged powers are thrown daggers.  Everything else is sword with a side order of caltrops.  I haven't tried this one personally.  This means your AoEs consist of a cone slash, a PBAoE slash and caltrops.  No, you don't get the +def attack, though a lot of the attacks have toxic DoT stapled to them.  It's buildup is another non-standard one that converts some of your lethal damage into energy damage, which is handy against things like spooks.
Psionic Assault
I tried the dominator set for this a while back, so I had impressions based on that.  Glancing over this powerset though tells me that it's greatly changed from the Dominator set and my experience with the dominator setup does not apply here.  Psionic dart hits harder and recharges slower.  Telekinetic thrust becomes the harder hitting telekinetic blow.  It boils down to the standard array of melee attacks and ranged attacks for guardian with the cone nad PBAoE.  One of the ranged attacks has a side effect of immobilize but its damage is heavy enough to use for offense.
Thorny Assault
Pretty much the same as the guardian version.  Right down to having aim instead of buildup.  Pretty standard array with the sniper power traded in for "thorntrops".  It has been a while since I tinkered with thorn assault on a dominator, but I recall it being rather satisfying.

Secondary Powersets
This is where the unique flavor kicks in.  Guardian secondaries are a hybridization of tanker/scraper/brute/stalker defense powers with powers with support.  Almost every guardian support power is designed in a way to be beneficial to the guardian, this means you aren't sacrificing solo utility for your ability to support.  Anything you do to benefit you teammates you benefit yourself.  There are exceptions, like some resurrect powers.  Generally speaking you are about as tanky as a VEAT really, though by combining your support powers and defense powers the right way some really potent combos can happen.

Atmospheric Composition
So what you are looking at is a bad time endurance wise until level 35, and then you are unstoppable.  It's a mix of electric armor and storm support moves.  You lack the traditional electric fire/cold toggle, only having some resistance from grounding.  Steamy mist will have to be used to cover the rest if you want full blanket.  This set gives broad range status protection, including confusion.  Your immobilization and knock protection are stapled to grounding, which means interesting things may happen in the brief moments your feet ever leave the ground.  You want to favor super speed on this.  Mass energize gives you some endurance discount, it's not much, but until you get power sink it lets you fill the gap.  Once you get power sink that combined with mass energize will cover your endurance nicely.  Pay attention to gale winds, it isn't just a knockback, the guardian version stuns sub-lt enemies, great thing to hammer enemies with to keep the riffraff from fighting.  Aim for a wall to keep them off balance.  Save snow storm for real rough fights until you get your endurance situation sorted.  Freezing rain is god.  It makes the damage go up, especially in a team, it not only makes the enemy sprawl all over, it debuffs their resistance which means more damage.  Use it early and often.   Since this set isn't strong on self healing (mass energize has a hella cooldown) you get to play with more damage resistance then any other guardian set.  THis is pretty rock solid if you can keep the endurance situation under control.

Dark Composition
Anyone who is familiar with darkness sets knows where this will likely go.  You got the main defensive toggles from dark's defensive set combined with the excellent shadow heal: Twilight Grasp.  It has a long windup and might miss, but it heals harder.  Anticipate missed heals, always start healing yourself (and yourself) early enough that you can suffer a missed heal, because if you miss as a guardian you got a hell of a wait.  You get tarpatch at level 4.  That debuffs resistance which is always a good time.  You want that thing firing off early and often.  You do NOT have knock resistance, but you do have fear resistance.  You'll be gasping for endurance until level 35 when you get soul absorption, at which point it's going to be your new favorite power.  You do get the ever-so-versatile howling twilight at level 38 which is a mass disorient that hits hard that also raises anyone around you.  In combat you're going to be largely debuffing enemy resistances, which occasionally harrying them with cloak of fear and twilight as necessary.  You lack knockback resistance.  Have fun with that.

Energy Composition
On the surface this is a energy armor combined up with kinetics.  I haven't tinkered with this so I cannot comment on it strongly.  There's no speed boost power, but you get an endurance boosting move at level 35.  Also you get mass energize at level 20 much like storm composition.  I imagine the endurance situation is going to be rather similar to Storms.  You get siphon power and fulcrum flip, which means if the enemy rolls a nat 20 when hitting you, at least they won't hit has hard.  Status resistances does include knockback, which is always nice.  Weird stuff like fear and confusion aren't covered but that's situational.  You do get slow resistance, so those artemis mercs can suck a lemon.

Feiry Composition
Much like a fire tank your resistances aren't so hot (pun not intended).  But like a fire tank you got a healy clicky, except yours is the AOE soothing flames, and it will heal everyone around you at the time.  You don't have immolate so you can't cancel immobilization, so yes, this is a powerset that lacks not only knockbacl resistance but also immobilize.  You get rooted your life sucks.  Do you get fringe resistances like fear or confusion?  Hell no.  Not even slow resistance.  Let's face it Feiry composition's status resistances ABJECTLY SUCK.  So you may be asking what this has that makes it worthwhile?  Well, it has a PBAoE Reforge (+damage +tohit), that's nice.  Cooldown is much longer to make up for the fact that it's not single target.  I find it's much like having a second buildup... that buffs the whole team.  You get consume, which handles the endurance situation very nicely at the low low level of 16.  You can stack that with melt armor to debuff foe resistance and defense, heat exhaustion keeps their regeneration down.  This makes sure those big nasty bosses melt nicely.   The level 38 power is neat, it's a PBAoE disorienting Rez, you can even use it when defeated to self-rez while simultaneously raising everyone around you.  You'd be practically unstoppable... until someone uses an immobilize on you.

Force Composition
What if invulnerability but force field too?  It's an interesting concept. I haven't tried it but I am tempted to.  Actually the only real invuln power you get is Temp Invulnerability.  The rest are force-specific stuff that gives various damage resistances, and then dispersion bubble giving the status protection and some defense.  You got a max HP buff that's team-wide and various shield shenanigans like repulsion bomb and suppresions feirce and a stunning force bolt.  WHile smashing lethal is resistance gets stacked up, pretty much everything else doesn't get near as solid a boost.  Being as I haven't tried this one yet I'm unsure how that pans out to taking non-physical abuse.  YOu do not get knofckback resistance or any esoteric status protections, but you do provide AOE status protection, which every squishy can appreciate.

Ice Composition
As you might expect it's a lot of the cold domination powers mixed with ice armor.  Your only heal is a team-wide max HP buff, so you'll be leaning heavily into the debuffs.  Like ice armor you got very solid status resistances including nice slow resistance and a perception buff allowing you to laugh off smoke grenades to the face.  You also have ice armor's chilling embrace, which is a nice solid attack speed debuff coupled with a damage debuff.  You got a team-wide stealth/defense/resistance aura in the form of arctc fog (which I ended up slotting for resistance to keep my fire/ice resistance viable).  What really makes this set sing is sleet, which debuffs enemy resistance and defense while leaving them tripping all over themselves.   Big problem is this powerset is a SERIOUS energy hog and will be until level 38 when you get heat loss.  Heat loss is going to require you to be near the target (and the team too) to benefit from it the most.  In fact chilling embrace wants you in close to your target to hinder them the most.  As an ice guardian you pretty much want to be up close in melee range, smothering the enemy with your debuffing aura.  Except getting up in there carelessly can get you flattened.  It's pretty fun and satisfying to pull off.

Infiltrator Training
I had so many endurance problems with this set.  I have caused an absolute amount of chaos, and also had a ton of infuriating deaths when the enemy rolled a nat20 with a hard hitting attack, obliterating me.  It's a mix of ninjutsu powers and traps and web grenade... at least it has an attack speed debuff I suppose.  You lack knockback protection, but you do pick up confuse and fear protection in its place as well as a perception buff, so it's a pretty fair trade.  Your stealth toggle is odd in that it gives an endurance discount and a pretty solid regen boost.  Traps take getting used to.  You waste so much time deploying them and leave yourself wide open.  Though some of them, like the poison trap, can be surprisingly incapacitating to things that resist most other controls.

Organic Composition
You know all that stuff I said about guardians having endurance problems?  That doesn't apply here.  Inexhaustible has you covered, and if you get your endurance handled better you can shift some of those slots in it off to healing instead.  It's a versatile little move with slow resistance and END DRAIN resistance.  Even then you get DNA siphon which can kick over more endurance at 28, which is lower then the level 35 most other secondaries get their succor at.  You can see why this powerset is a pretty easy one to work with... also it has knock resistance.  To top it off one of your toggles is a -res debuff.  The only real "drawback" is this powerset doesn't debuff resistance as heavily as some of the other ones, though you get overgrowth at level 38 which you can use to boost damage for the team.  Your heal is a non-targeted cone, so get used to manually aiming your heals.  It's a very solid and easy to work with set, one of the better guardian sets, especially if you want to lean more into defensive and do solo shenanigans.

Pain Focusing
Willpower meets pain domination and let me tell you it is Damn.  Glorious.  You get quick recovery at level 4 and you pretty much won't have much in the way of endurance problems after that.  Suppress pain will generate more Heal per second then spamming your nullify pain, so once you get that aura just keep it up.  You got nice rock solid defense against a wide variety of things, toxic is your main defensive hole. You got knockback resist AND repel resist, AND confuse and fear resist.  Oh yeah, you have boosted perception too.  Oh yeah, you can ignore placates too with world of pain.  This powerset is unstoppable.  Want to do damage?  Anguishing cry has you covered.  Only real "drawback" and it's a weak drawback is it's raise isn't useful in solo play, but with everything else you got going for you with this set you'll scarcely notice the issue.  My level 50 pain focuser has world of pain up 24/7 without having to resort to haste, that extra resistance and damage stacked on top of anguishing cries (enhanced with the witchcraft debuff) means I can cause atrocious amounts of damage, and if I'm in a team, the entire team is doing that atrocious damage too.  This is one of the best secondaries, you'll be hard pressed to find a downside.  Since your regen is rather high with this set, stacking max hp buffs when slotting can be awfully gainful.  Good recharge goes without saying.

Radiation Composition
Radiation armor meats radiation healing.  Since you ahve a PBAoE heal your defense is going to be a little soft, expecting you to use your healing and particle shielding to weather assaults.  This does have knock resistance as well as slow resistance.  Like the rad defenders you got accelerate metabolism, and like a rad defender you're going to want to min-max as keeping this thing up as much as possible, likely snagging hasten in the process.  You have one of the rad defender debuff toggles, and fortunately it's the -def -res one, so you can use that ot help make things fall over faster.  Play your cards right with that and ground-zero and you might actually leave things that become infuriatingly hard to hit like wounded paragon protectors, actually vulnerable. 

Reconstructive Healing
Empathy meets regen.  This is by far the most unique set.  The regen gives you resilience and integration and a self-rez.  The empathy gives you recovery aura, regeneration aura, and a PBAoE version of fortitude, all 3 of which you'll want to min-max to keep up as much as possible (yet another set that loves hasten).   Defensively it sort of plays like a regen powerset with one unique twist:  Pain absorption.  The first time you use pain absorption it eats up some endurance and gives you some damage absorption and a buff to regeneration and incoming healing.  It also is immediately reusable.  But using it a second time increases the endurance cost but increases the potency of the absorb shield and regen.  You can tap it up to 3 times at extreme endurance cost to give yourself an extremely strong absorb shield and enough regen tank an awful lot of things with only a couple small purples.  My recon guardian has pretty much gone toe to toe with a ton of preatorians in EB mode and flattened them rather handily thanks to that.  This powerset requires you to be very pro-active about your defenses.  You can't just wade into a rough fight and survive like other sets, you need to anticipate when it's going to get rough and tap pain absorption the right amount of times to match the inbound pain.  You may wish to just give it occasionally weak taps so it's there when you need it, or just go all in 3 levels (putting it into proper cooldown) to weather a hard hitting assault.  Stack enough recharge buffs and you might be able to keep those auras up most of the time, and since one of those auras is a PBAoE fortitude, that's a serious boon.

Stone Composition
One half of this is stone armor.  The other half is rather unique stone support moves.  I haven't used this, but it's got a few interesting things, such as a PBAoE absorb power instead of a heal, quicksand, earthquakes, and eruption.  There's a lot of -def and eruption boasts some -res from eruption.  Leans heavier into debuffs.  I'd have to tinker with this more to see how it works.  I don't see a lot of endurance management in it at a glance, it does have knock protection on top of some confuse protection with some +perc, making it almost as good as ice in the status effect resistance game.

Temporal Reaction
Another one I haven't touched.  Mixes super reflexes with time shenanigans.  Chronoshift at level 38 is the endurance mitigation move, so prepare to suffer until late levels.  No healing, so it's all on your defenses and damage mitigation.  Would need to try it to get a more solid opinion.

Expect to suffer on the endurance front, a lot.  At later levels you become feirce once you get your endurance under control.  It can be an awful fun archetype.  Almost every secondary has some sort of shenanigan that boosts damage, allowing you to do respectable damage.

You can fill multiple gaps in the team.  If the team's staying alive well, focus on attacking and using moves that amplify damage.  If the team is taking a beating stick near the squishier people and use whatever you can to mitigate damage.  If you want an easy first go, then go for organic or pain, they won't sucker-punch you for endurance and give solid resistances and buffs.  Pain focusing can be especially terrifying because it boosts damage and debuffs resistance for a one two punch of absolute pain.

Picture is worth a thousand words.  I wanted to make an IO stun duration enhancement and it took me a while to realize it was in "staggering burst"
Now, combat logs could be lying to me (which would in itself be a bug) but hellfire assault's "Wrath of Hell" is dealing energy damage by its claims.  The short and detailed description of the power, however, indicates it deals fire damage.