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Topics - jordan_yen

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I'm really trying to utilize all the variety of contacts in the city, but it's sucks hard when they send you on stupid introduction missions and they're at the bleeding ass end of the map. I had that skyway contact all at the top and she sent me to Jim Tremblor and then Bloody Bay Liasion. Then I got someone in IP and figured I'd give it a go, but she's at the far south and sent me to Striga and NOW siren's call. It's the worst!

Just like mission TP, could we get some kind of contact TP? It would be really helpful for interesting travel possibilities too.

Player Help/Guides / Quick-set character customization binds video
« on: May 12, 2024, 02:35:56 pm »
I'm showing how I set up all my characters in seconds when starting a new hero and villain. Check it out!

 Just wanted to share some ideas for ways to have fun in the game. How to make a Vulcan character in the character creator.


General Suggestions and Feedback / Fix recall back to what it was
« on: September 12, 2023, 03:33:37 pm »
I'm not sure of the reasoning or necessity from a code perspective, but from a player standpoint, it's exhausting and endlessly frustrating when I try to TP and alt or teammate only for it to fail repeatedly instead of placing them at the nearest sensible spot to where I'm standing like Recall Friend used to do.

General Suggestions and Feedback / Permanently summoned pets
« on: September 04, 2023, 04:27:02 pm »
Like the Lepracuan, why can't shield drone, or black wolf or any of the other prestige pets stay summoned? It's really a pain having to bring them out on every zone change. I think it would be a real quality of life improvement.

I lose my history of where I've been which makes it much harder to see if I've gotten a specific badge or plaque. Is there any way to either prevent that behavior or undo it!? And if not, can we make one?

I briefly tried Homecoming way back and created a few character costumes. I ran across one of those this last week and it's GORGEOUS. I made the character anyway with the closest costume I could find (Psyche), but it's just not as impressive. The colors are amazing and I want to bring her to life!

[img src=][/img]

General Suggestions and Feedback / Screenshot naming convention
« on: April 02, 2023, 06:37:28 pm »

If not that, please just the Datetime? Or Datetime_screenshot if we must (though I don't think the screenshot word itself is necessary)

General Suggestions and Feedback / Walk is too fast
« on: March 26, 2023, 11:37:21 am »
I'm trying for "sexy strut" not "waddling quickly to the restroom". Let's slow it down.

Key to making one character feel different than another is the face and hair options (especially hair). I can cheat a little by using some of the scarves and helmets and other things that alter what the heads look like, but if I make anyone with a ponytail, they're going to remind me of my other character with that ponytail - there's only so much I can do... So while the costume stuff is top teir, no question, I feel like it's time to prioritize hair and face options

Right now, most split windows can be stretched to give extra size to the top and bottom areas, but not email for some reason. Given the email delivery system for character items and such, it would be really helpful if I could shrink the email content area and see more of the emails themsleves (the subject area).

General Suggestions and Feedback / Squeeze ability for enhancement tray
« on: October 17, 2022, 12:11:41 am »
Having the 10 trays is great, but kind of sucks when you get stuff all spread out. What about a text command next to "manage" that says "Squeeze" or something that pushes all your enhancements to fill from the left? Tray 1 then 2, etc. Gets rid of gaps?

General Suggestions and Feedback / Bring over Pretorean weather
« on: October 16, 2022, 06:54:46 pm »
I would love to see more variety of weather in general, but for now since it's already something that's in the game, what are the odds we can trick other zones into having pretorean weather?

Being able to summon various wolves and lions or tigers would be nice, but most importantly, I don't want some lions and some wolves, I want either one or the other. It would be great if we could use alternate animations or something to bring in all wolves or all lions (etc).

I think this one is an easy sound file substitution. I would guess that we have a few other more wooden sounding things. Or something bone like (not sure if we have a bone sound).

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