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Messages - Redlynne

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Mastermind / Re: It's a BOW Time! (Ninja/Time/Mace)
« on: October 18, 2022, 10:02:58 am »
Oh wow, especially with this latest info (which finally clicked in my brain)

Well ... I did warn everyone right from the beginning ...

Okay … this … is going to take some explaining.

And yes, the WALL OF TEXT CRITS YOU!!! was absolutely necessary to provide THAT LEVEL OF INSIGHT, simply because the firehose of information density is simply THAT POWERFUL ... that once you start putting all the pieces together, your whole PARADIGM for what is possible (let alone plausible!) gets upended, turned inside out, spun wrong way 'round ... and then settles into a NEW PLACE that you hadn't even conceptualized as even existing before.

It's not just the radical redirection of thinking away from the Conventional Wisdom™ of the past that has trapped so many in the cavernous ruts of "do it this way or you're gimping yourself" that turned Mastermind builds into cookie cutters ... but it's also the SYNERGIES that are possible when you break free of that past paradigm of thinking (and assuming) to realize that there is a "wider world" of possibilities out there which have remained unexplored for more than a decade now. Once you can overcome that Paradigm Paralysis that has gripped Mastermind builds for far too long ... well ... this happens ...

Some people drink from the Fountain of Knowledge
While others merely gargle
And some pee in it...

I'm going to have to re-examine my competing builds for Wyldhaunt (Beasts/Dark* v Necro/Dark), and Sturmboter (Bots/Storm). So much potential, it has me "/em plot"-ting.

Trust me ... putting the Overwhelming Force Knockdown proc into T1 Pets is an absolute GAME CHANGER for Masterminds, as is putting in the Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up proc (although you have to wait until Level 50 to do the latter, since it's part of a purple set). If you do it for your Robots/Storm Mastermind, you're barely going to believe your eyes(!) since your T1 Robots will suddenly have a 20% Knockdown chance on EVERY ATTACK THEY MAKE ... including ranged attacks (and there are three T1 Robots available, so ... Chuck Lots o' Dice ...?). For Ninjas, the T1 Genin have a ranged Shuriken attack ... which with Overwhelming Force slotted into Genin can do Knockdown AT RANGE ... which is just Stupid Powerful™ for the way that Ninjas tend to be played (especially if you're also taking the personal attacks as a Mastermind!).

The synergies just build ... and stack ... and build ... and stack ... and when I was playing the build, I just stopped worrying about the survival rates of my Ninjas and instead started (coldly) calculating the survival durations of my adversaries in every encounter.

When you get to the point of Scrapperlock while playing a Mastermind ... you KNOW you're doing it RIGHT.

*The reason why this would be particularly worthy of a re-look is that the Beasts primary attacks are already useful; proccing them for BU/debuff would help that much more.


THIS right here.
THIS is why I go to such lengths to detail and document my build "discoveries" as exhaustively as I do.

Being able to INSPIRE OTHERS is the greatest reward I can possibly receive for my efforts ... which all too often feel like I'm just toiling away in futility.
The highest praise that I can receive in response to one of my build posts is someone taking what I have done ... and incorporating those ideas into their own character builds, learning all kinds of new tricks and ways of thinking about complex problems (such as coherent build design) in the process.

Knowledge Shared Is Knowledge Multiplied

I don't have All The Answers™ ... nor do I even pretend to presume omniscience in this area of research.
There are entire Archetypes that I haven't played myself, so I don't know the ins and outs of their build strategies and engagement tactics.
Likewise, there are plenty of primary and secondary powersets that I have never played to a high enough level to properly understand how those powersets "gel" together the way they do (and need to) in order to be successful.

I don't have All The Answers™ ... but what I can do is share the tools I used to find the answers that I have found ... and hope that there are others who can pick up those tools, recognize them for what they are and start using those tools themselves to find their own answers to questions they didn't even know to ASK (or even begin looking for).

It's that whole "teach a man to fish and you'll feed him for the rest of his life" kind of deal, rather than just feeding them ONCE with a single fish.

I did --> THINGIE <-- doesn't necessarily explain WHY you did something the way you did, or what decision process led you to that conclusion.
As Admiral Kirk once said to Mr. Saavik ... "You need to know WHY things work on a starship."

So yeah ... WALL OF TEXT CRITS YOU!!! ... but once you understand the TOTALITY of what I was trying to convey (and there was A LOT of information to process!), I'm thinking the damage taken was worth the effort.

Controller / Re: Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)
« on: October 18, 2022, 09:19:05 am »
Redlynne, thank you for jumping in with a fully-detailed explanation of proc chances - definitely saved me from finding another source for it, and I think your response deserves its own post in the Guides section of our forums rather than just a response for my build. I will be definitely be using this to compare proccing variations in Fluixic's build.

And that's part of the FUN challenge of weaving all the disparate threads of the totality of a build together.
Pick your Powers.
Assign your Slots.
Choose your Enhancements that go into all those Slots.
Verify your choices of Enhancements in Slots do not violate the Rule Of Five on global set bonuses (so you aren't "wasting" set bonuses).
Determine what your "standard rotation" attack chain(s) are going to be using those Powers as slotted up (paying attention to Arcanatime animation sequence stacking and recharge times).

And then when you've done ALL OF THAT and gotten everything settled where you want it ... that's when you go in and compute what your proc chances are for all your offensive Powers and have to decide if you like those proc chances AS IS, or if you want to adjust things a bit to reshuffle how your attack chain(s) stack up so as to get higher proc chances per activation of powers (along with, undoubtedly, alternative slotting of sets into selected powers). Mind you, barely anyone goes to THAT level of effort in both laying out and integrating the totality of their builds that they post. To my knowledge, I'm the only one who (consistently) gets that detailed once the PPM Formula was teased out and tested over on Homecoming by Bopper (and friends).

If you want to have a 90% proc chance in a power, you can use the formula to compute where the "Recharge Threshold" for that power is and then scrupulously select the enhancements you're going to slot into that power so as to "Price Is Right" it so that you get as close as possible to that threshold "without going over" (so to speak). In the case of Slowed Response in my build, I was able to use the formula to determine that a 3.5 PPM proc has a 90% chance to proc threshold at 59.14% slotted Recharge. I then played around with various combinations of slotting options until finding a combination that yielded a total of 59.11% slotted Recharge ... thereby giving me the combination of the "most" Recharge in Slowed Response for the "highest" proc chances possible (90%). That then represents the "sweet spot" for both recharge and procs that can be usefully combined within Slowed Response, so it can be used both OFTEN and RELIABLY (both highly favorable features for a Proc Monster power, particularly for an AoE!).

This is why I say that just because an attack power has a slow(er) recharge than other alternatives (or a longer animation time) ... that doesn't necessarily make that power a Bad Power™ to have (and Proc Monster) in the context of an overall build. It just means that (native) Damage and Recharge are not ALWAYS the answer in every single case. Sometimes you WANT to have slower (base) recharge powers that can then be augmented by the totality of the rest of your build into being something simply extraordinary when put into the full and complete holistic context of the rest of your build.

Sure, Slowed Response has a 90 second (base) recharge time ... so what? That just gives me MARGIN I CAN USE to slot the power up intelligently, using the Proc Formula, to maximize output from enhancements slotted into the power, and then leverage the totality of the rest of the build's global recharge buffing (mainly from Hasten and Chrono Shift, but also set bonuses) to knock the recharge time on Slowed Response down to something ~30 seconds (or less in some build combinations!), which then opens the door to being able to STACK multiple castings of Slowed Response on Foes when the PLAYER knows what they're doing and employs their powers SKILLFULLY in actual gameplay.

So long recharge times kind wind up being among your best opportunities to Proc Monster your powers.
As a bit of "left as an exercise for the disinterested viewer" ... have a look at computing how much Recharge you have to slot into Level 18 AoE Holds for Controllers before you hit the 90% threshold on procs for those powers.
If you can run the math for that, I'm pretty sure you're going to learn a thing or two about "how to maneuver" within the min-max clamps for slotting procs into long recharge powers.

After all ... doing a Show Your Work like that helps not only yourself, but also anyone else who might come along afterwards who wants to LEARN from your example.

Knowledge shared is knowledge multiplied, after all.
/em thumbsup

Mastermind / Re: It's a BOW Time! (Ninja/Time/Mace)
« on: October 17, 2022, 10:21:32 pm »
Interesting.  Good to know about the suppression, but it's almost certainly 10 seconds on the dot

Hmmm. Could be a programming "fiddle" involved that I was unaware of (or just plain forgot in the last couple of years I wasn't involved with CoX at all). Skills that aren't in use tend to atrophy, and all that (memories too).
Might be something as simple as the suppression lasts for 9.99 seconds, so activations that "align" nicely with 10 seconds happen every 10 seconds like clockwork (no no, not that Metronome guy, I'm "Rusty" ... remember?).

In any case, the "rule" is that anything that is a toggle (or behaves like a toggle for proc purposes) will only have opportunities to proc every 10+ seconds on the activation ticks of the power itself. So fast activations (like 0.5 seconds) will resolve "inside the 1 second" granularity of your data recording scheme and look like it is doing an "on the dot" type behavior as you cite.

I'm excited for the test server to come back online so that I can actually test that on an MM. (Or I may just PL an MM to test)

Please do.
The last time that Gaussian's proc was tested in Tactics for a Mastermind, the report came back ... it won't stop proccing! ... by the tester. Easily more than 1 PPM with 6 Pets around the Mastermind.
Unfortunately, I can't remember where that report got posted (probably in someone else's build post where I'll never find it again), but we were able to corroborate that on Homecoming putting Gaussian's into Tactics was a major advantage for Masterminds ... but only if they took their personal attacks (Build Up only works if you're personally dealing damage, after all). It's mainly the Chuck Lots o' Dice!! solution to the problem, where even if the odds are low ... if you only need one success then lots of throws of the dice will make it happen a lot more often than you would otherwise assume.

I was the one who then took that idea of "lots of Build Up procs" ... which CAN STACK MULTIPLES if you get really really really lucky (no, don't even try to "make it happen" on demand) ... to lift the Mastermind personal attacks up into "not a joke" territory for damage dealing ... and then combine that with Resistance Debuffing from Annihilation and Achilles' Heel procs (and now here on Rebirth, there's also the Witchcraft proc too!). So buffing yourself with Build Up while also enforcing Resistance Debuffing on your Foes had (I thought) the potential to make your personal attacks ... potentially respectable ... especially if you can crank them out fast enough, withering fire style, in rapid volleys.

And speaking of "crank them out fast enough" ... I've done a bit of a rethink of my Ninja/Time/Mace build here in response to some of the work that @wyldhaunt has been doing (you give me ideas, I give you ideas, which then gives me more ideas...) where I did a slight reshuffling of powers (drop Smoke Flash and Vengeance) so as to pick up Maneuvers and Tactics earlier in the build (@ 18 and 24, specifically) and still have room to get Hasten @ 30 (before Chrono Shift) and take Victory Rush @ 49 instead. Reshuffle the mid-level slotting a little bit, swap out 6-slot Panacea for 5-slot Regenerating Tissue so as to "liberate" a slot from Temporal Mending in order to be able to 2-slot Hasten for Recharge and ... it works ... BETTER ... for the later game (also "cheaper" to build too!).

Going to sit on the revision for a little bit longer, trying to figure out of there are any bits I've overlooked or neglected to consider as possibilities to stretch the build just a few microns further in terms of capability ... but I figure I'm so close to the screaming on the bleeding edge of performance, there just isn't that much room left to fiddle around with (aside from maybe slot allocation sequencing, if that, not really sure).

So a LOT in common with the "Hasten-less" build I've posted above, but the swap/reshuffle of Smoke Flash+Vengeance in favor of Hasten+Victory Rush instead puts a very different ... spin ... on the whole thing, especially for the repeating attack chains portion of it all (and simultaneous uptimes of various buff and debuff powers for greater overlaps).

Controller / Re: Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)
« on: October 17, 2022, 08:01:23 pm »
What you need to understand is the FORMULA that gives you the answers you are looking for (which I included in my build).

Click powers use a formula that looks like this:

Time Crawl: Impeded Swiftness (3.5 PPM), Pacing of the Turtle (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((15 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.6) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.83%)
Time Stop: Neuronic Shutdown (3.5 PPM), Gladiator's Net (3.5 PPM), Ghost Widow's Embrace (3.5 PPM), Unbreakable Contstraint (4.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 16.85 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 92.53%)
  • 4.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 16.85 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 118.97%)
Slowed Response: Shield Breaker (3.5 PPM), Achilles' Heel (3.5 PPM), Touch of Lady Grey (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)
There are min-max "clamps" to proc chances (no lower than this, no higher than that) to be mindful of.
The information slotted into the formula basically comes from the in-game database of powers.

Let's use Slowed Response as an example because it is both a Click and an AoE, so it uses "both parts" of the formula.

The procs I selected to put into Slowed Response are all 3.5 PPM (you can find this on the enhancement itself in-game when you mouseover it, if the info isn't in Mids already) ... Shield Breaker, Achilles' Heel and Touch of Lady Grey.
So the 3.5 goes into the first term of the formula.

3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)

The next term is the BASE UNENHANCED Recharge of the power, which you can find in Mids (or in-game on the power).
In the case of Slowed Response this is 90 seconds, which goes here:

3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)

Next, you need Mids to compute for you the total amount of Recharge Enhancement SLOTTED into the power. This is recharge that comes ONLY from the slots in the power itself ... ignore global set bonuses and/or LotG proc modifiers, Hasten buff ... NONE OF THAT. All that matters is the Recharge Enhancement amount computed by Mids as being derived from the enhancements slotted into the power. If you put in a single +0 Recharge SO enhancement into a power, that is +33.3% Recharge enhancement. You use Mids to get this value for all of the enhancements slotted into the power because Enhancement Dysfunction (ED) makes the math really wonky to compute by hand. For the slotting that I used in my build for Slowed Response, I had a combination of 59.11% Recharge enhancement slotted into the power within the slots assigned to the power, which then goes here:

3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)

Next, you need to get the animation time for the power, which can be obtained from Mids (or in-game). DO NOT USE Arcanatime for this number! The internal database that is pulling the information to plug into this formula "doesn't know about" Arcanatime and the data in the database is not parsed in terms of Arcanatime. So do not use Arcanatime for this if you are getting the info from Mids. Turn Arcanatime OFF in your Mids copy to see the value you should be using for this term. In the case of Slowed Recharge, the (NOT Arcanatime) animation time for this Click power is 2.27 seconds, which then goes here:

3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)

We then need to account for the fact that Slowed Response is an AoE power, which will "dilute" the chances to proc (by "spreading" it out over an area, rather than a single target). That is what the second half of the formula after the divisor is about ... normalizing the results for a 1 minute (60 seconds) time frame. There are really only TWO variables used in the second half of the formula ... the radius of the AoE (in feet) and the Angle of the AoE (to account for Cone attacks).

Slowed Response is a 25ft radius Target AoE, so it has an angle of 360º, which then goes here and here:

3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%)

Once you plug in all the variables into the formula, you just run the numbers and compute the results.
Note that this formula will yield a result of 1.0 for a 100% chance and a result of 0.5 for a 50% chance to proc.

Minimum chance to proc clamp is 5+(PPM*1.5) ... which is why a 1 PPM proc like Gaussian's has a minimum proc chance of 6.5%.
Maximum chance to proc clamps at 90% regardless of all other factors.

The formula for Toggles is slightly different (but not by much). Let's use Tactics as the go to example for this.

Tactics: Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control (1.0 PPM)
  • 1.0 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 60 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 6.5% (Pre-clamp: 2.15%) per Teammate buffed
A lot of this ought to look familiar by now (especially since I've just explained it all).
The "back half" of the formula has to account for radius (60ft) and angle (360º) and is a literal copy/paste from how it all works in the Clicks (ain't broke, don't fix).
The main difference is up at the front of the formula ... you don't have to worry about base recharge, slotted recharge or animation times when it comes to Toggles, since they just keep activating repeatedly until Toggled Off.
Just take the PPM, multiply by 10 (for the 10 second suppression duration, because it's a Toggle) ... and then divide by the "back half" of the formula (that accounts for area) as normal.
With Tactics, the computed proc chance yields an answer of ~2.15% (mainly because of the large PBAoE radius) ... which then clamps to a minimum of 6.5% for a 1 PPM proc rate.

Note that for Cone attacks, you just pull the Cone Arc (in degrees) from Mids and slot that in ... so a 60º cone uses a value of 60 (instead of 360 for a "circular" AoE).
This gets ... interesting for some powers that are coded as 5º Cones that act as "line of sight piercing" attacks that can hit more than one target (usually max 3) in a straight line.
I've got a frankenslotting arrangement that pushes the Tier 8 power in Dual Pistols out to something like 140-150ft range as a "snipe" attack, which at maximum range as a 5º cone is like 10ft wide at the far end of the cone, so that extra range can help "hit more baddies in a clump of them" when using that power at long range (often times, "too long" for Foes to attack back from, unless if they're Snipers themselves). Hover snipe FTW!

You can also have "melee range" Cones (usually 7 ft) such as the Sands of Mu power (and its counterpart in Dark Melee) and Crosspunch in the Fighting Pool, and so on and so forth. Frost in Ice Melee is one of my favorites.
Single Target powers simply use a radius of zero feet and an angle of zero (0º), which if you look at the math causes the denominator of the formula to simply default to 60 ... because there are 60 seconds per minute.

Things get more complicated for "chain" attacks, such as Jolting Chain out of Electric and the like.
For more information on how to compute those proc chances, I refer you to the original research (that I participated in) back on the Homecoming Forums as initiated by Bopper (hat tip!).

However, once you understand the FORMULA ... you'll begin to grasp how to Proc Monster.

Short answer is that longer base recharge times, with NO recharge enhancement slotted into the power, leads to higher proc chances ... so long recharge times "are not bad" depending on the rest of the context of your build. If you have a lot of "global recharge modifiers" in your build, you can even make long (base) recharge powers (like Time Stop) have extremely high proc chances (in excess of 90%!) while still having a not bad overall recharge time in the context of the overall build (especially if you have Hasten and Chrono Shift buffing for +120% global recharge before accounting for any set bonuses or LotG proc slots). So sometimes, you WANT powers with long recharge times in your build (such as Slowed Response) in order to turn them into "reliable" Proc Monster powers.

Understand the formula and you'll start to understand how (and where, and when!) to Proc Monster.

Controller / Re: Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)
« on: October 17, 2022, 05:08:06 pm »
I have been looking at Time Stop, however its base recharge is 16s, so it'd be used every other rotation rather than every. Time Crawl's base recharge is also 15 sec, so I could add this in to help Time Stop on the next rotation and debuff more. But Time Stop's activation is 2.17s, which is pretty dang slow compared to others, so using it might actually slow me down.

Yes, Time Crawl and Time Stop have "long" recharge times of 15-16 seconds ... but that's what makes them proc monsters with a 90% chance to activate procs that are slotted into them.

Also, you can think of Time Crawl+Time Stop as being "palette cleanser" type powers to alternate with other parts of your single target attack chain. The arcanatime for Time Crawl is 1.848s and for Time Stop is 2.376s ... for a total of 4.224s of animation time. If you've got other powers in your single target chain that take up to 4.224s to recharge, you can use the "long" casting time but reliable 90% proc rate of Time Crawl+Time Stop to "reset" the recharge on the rest of your single target attack chain in order to "go again" after throwing out Time Crawl+Time Stop at a single target.

Or if you're in a hurry, you can "alternate" between Time Crawl and Time Stop on alternating rotations of your attack chain, like you said.

As always, the daemonolgy is in the details and how you build the "chain of events" for spending your animation time, but adding Time Crawl and Time Stop into the mix will allow you to ... diversify ... your options in ways that might surprise you, especially if you're needing to reach for some really rapid lockdown (for whatever reason).

Controller / Re: Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)
« on: October 17, 2022, 04:56:27 pm »
Even so, I've found some proc potential for Suffocate and Deluge based on your Ninja/Time MM build, which I'm going to try next, especially since my goal for improvement is in ST damage.

And here is the benefit of experience and knowing what you want out of your playstyle and preferred engagement strategy. Figuring out what is redundant enough to not need is absolutely critical ... and in order to do that you need to synthesize and synergize EVERYTHING that your build is doing for you in a sense of Totality. Only then can you figure out THIS=YES vs THAT=NO like you're doing here, which is good!

Just because a particular layout of powers and slots combination works well for a different Archetype in a different context doesn't necessarily mean that the same will hold true for your Archetype in the context of your playstyle and strategy preferences (different strokes for different folks and all that jazz). What's important is understanding the THINKING behind the choices so as to make value judgements that work best for YOU and YOUR STYLE of play!

And just so you know, I've been "refactoring" my Ninja/Time/Mace build already (already!) so as to shuffle just a few things around and come up with something even scarier than what I posted previously.

The changes amount to:
  • Drop Smoke Flash (@ 18)
  • Drop Vengeance (@ 49)
  • Remove one slot from Temporal Mending (and reshuffle the sequencing of other slots between 31-42 as a consequence)
  • Move Maneuvers from Level 24 down to Level 18
  • Move Tactics from Level 30 down to Level 24
  • Add Hasten (@ 30)
  • Give Hasten a second slot (@ 31)
  • Add Victory Rush (@49)
  • 5-slot Temporal Mending with the Regenerative Tissue set instead of 6-slotting with the Panacea set
  • Replace the Regenerative Tissue proc in Health with the Panacea proc (ditching the rest of the Panacea set from the build)
  • Swap the common 50 Endurance Mod IOs in Health for End Mod and End Mod/Acc set IOs in Stamina in order to claim the Performance Shifter 3-slot bonus
The "core powers" of the build remain the same, but by throwing away Smoke Flash (which really ought to have been an "ALL Pets" within supremacy range effect, rather than a "Pick ONE Pet" single target effect!) I can fit Maneuvers, Tactics AND Hasten into the build by Level 30 before reaching the "mandatory" power picks at Levels 32 (pet power up 2), Level 35 (Slowed Response), Level 38 (Chrono Shift), Level 41 (Scorpion Shield) and Level 44 (Power Boost!). Furthermore, Hasten isn't "really needed" until Chrono Shift anyway, and taking the power at Level 30 ensures that when Hasten is available at Exemplar Levels 25-50 it won't be too terribly nerfed on slotted recharge value by the Exemplar condition. Of course, Hasten isn't perma without Chrono Shift (and ipso facto, Chrono Shift isn't perma without Hasten, but since Hasten "comes first" in power pick order, this isn't a problem for Exemplar) ... but it does mean that the entire build will "shift in character" with respect to how it plays in the low levels vs the mid levels vs the high levels vs the incarnate levels, with a "growth curve" that never really plateaus until into the Incarnate slotting regime.

Working on finalizing the changes now and trying to wring any last possible performance gains out of the build (through slot allocation sequencing) before posting the update. Needless to say, ditching the (full) Panacea set in favor of the rarely seen (in full) Regenerative Tissue set dramatically reduces the overall cost of the build in total ... while having Victory Rush as a Level 49 power will do all kinds of wonderful for team play in the Level 44+ range (which tends to be the heaviest for team oriented content in TFs/SFs, Trials and Raids), so definitely a "game changer" right at the end of the build!

Previously, I was just using Vengeance as a LotG proc mule ... but with Hasten in the mix, Vengeance as a LotG mule was no longer necessary, so ... enter the Victory Rush!

Being able to enact Area Denial OVER THERE through use of Distortion Field and Slowed Response (AoE at range) while ALSO maintaining Area Denial OVER HERE through Turbulent Aura and Time's Juncture (PBAoE) to protect squishy allies from "leakers" who like to melee would give you a powerful combination of simultaneous NEAR AND FAR area denial that would go a long way in team context settings as a Battlefield Controller. No, it wouldn't necessarily represent a "hard" lockdown capability like AoE Holds do ... but it would represent an exceptionally powerful "neutralizer" capability that renders hordes of Foes relatively "harmless" even if they aren't completely locked down "hard" like a Hold would accomplish. Your damage mitigation value would be exceptionally high, giving both yourself and your team "all the time in the world" to defeat your adversaries Wholesale Rather Than Retail™.

More on this - this idea has a hell of a lot of merit, because there are plenty of times on a team already where I use my aura and LAoE powers already where I am, and ST hold/damage someone away from where I am. However my current playstyle is to draw as many to me as possible, rather than keeping them where they are - except possibly that one range-preference mob which must be held, or where someone is playing with more than they can handle (blappers, anyone?) somewhere else and not bringing them in to the flood.

And this is a perfectly fine way to play.
Some Controllers play more like "magnets" who want to be up close in the thick of things (Dark and Kinetics types come to mind, for somewhat obvious reasons) while others are more "repellent" to play (preferring to play Keep Away instead) ... sometimes you get a mix of push/pull in the build strategy that lets you "mode switch" between the two options, depending on what you're up against. This is not a ONE SIZE FITS ALL TRICK PONIES type of ride we've got here to play with. Different strategies have different strengths against different opponents and circumstances.

What's important is that you understand the ... mentality ... behind HOW you intent to use your build and how it engages opposition (to ruin their day!). When you use the same tools differently, you can get VERY different results! The trick is organizing it all into a strategy where everything you DO helps you achieve what you're wanting to accomplish (or to put it another way, that your animation time is doing everything it can WHEN you need it to be doing things) ... and THAT is going to be the Real Challenge involved in settling on an Ideal Build FOR YOU.

Controller / Re: Water Control/Time Manipulation (Fluixic)
« on: October 17, 2022, 12:51:53 pm »
    So, I'm redoing this build to get rid of Hypothermia and introduce Time Stop again. However, before I do, I'm mulling over,1743.0.html to see what I can make use of from Redlynne's findings for proccing Time Manipulation. The basic thing I'm evaluating is whether my regular ST rotation of Suffocate/Deluge could be improved by adding in one of the /Time ST powers.

    Here's a trick question for you that I had to wrestle with in my Ninja/Itme/Mace build ... what is Hasten REALLY doing for you, in the full context of the entirety of your build?

    I the case of my build, the answer came down to...
    • Shortened Aimed Shot to under 1.188s (animation arcanatime for the attack) and Fistful of Arrows (the cone attack)
    • Up to 4 durations of Temporal Selection concurrent rather than 3 durations concurrent
    • Distortion Field and Slowed Response recharge a little faster (we're talking a less than ~10s difference)
    • Chrono Shift becomes perma with a recharge time below 90s minus animation time
    ... and that was pretty much it.
    In other words, Hasten fell into the category of "nice to have" if I had an abundance of spare power picks available (and an extra slot lying around unused), but otherwise wasn't making a tremendous amount of difference in the build a lot of the time. Oooh, 15s of duration downtime on Chrono Shift between castings for a 90s duration ... it's so unthinkable!

    Simple fact of the matter was that doing everything possible to make Chrono Shift "perma" was a LUXURY in that build, rather than a "go to the wall to get it" necessity. So I took Hasten out, just to see what would happen ... and was pleasantly surprised to see that the "losses" were relatively minimal.

    Note, however, that if you're REALLY pressed for slots, rather than power picks, you CAN go with a single default slot Hasten with a 50+5 common Recharge IO in it ... plus slotting 3x 50+5 */Recharge set IOs (think 2x End Mod/Rech and Heal/Rech) into Chrono Shift ... and for 2 power picks (Hasten and Chrono Shift) plus 2 extra slots (both in Chrono Shift) you can, with enough global recharge set bonus buffing, make both Hasten AND Chrono Shift perma (recharge faster than duration minus animation time) for 100% uptime on both. It would require "investing" into 20x Enhancement Boosters for the build, which might be pricey for some people's budgets to acquire ... but it CAN BE DONE if you really need the slots elsewhere within your build.

    Personally, I have no real "love" for Hasten as a power in my build strategies. Often times it winds up being something of a crutch for "overtightening" builds such that you don't need as much or as many powers to complete an attack rotation cycle (typical behavior being that you don't need 5 powers, you only need 4 instead, for example). Controllers, however, wind up being a MAJOR counterpoint to this notion, simply because the Level 18 AoE Mez power got over-nerfed back in the day (2x recharge, 1/2x duration!) such that if you want to use your AoE Mez power more than once every 3 spawn groups you practically have to have Hasten in your build to help close the gap on uptime ... which is another way of saying that what I'm doing for my Mastermind build will run into some "translation difficulties" if ported over into a Controller without modification for context.

    Sometimes, Hasten is the smartest play you can make in a build (Controllers, Kheldians, Soldiers of Arachnos...), while in other contexts Hasten can be something of a habitual frivolity ... at which point, HOW YOU PLAY (and prefer to play) suddenly takes on something of a rather extreme point of importance.

    Speaking of which ...

    What I tend to do is:
    1. Always run in first to get Turbulent Aura/Time's Juncture going, and get Water Golem engage.
    2. Hit Riptide/Geyser Burst so they can do their thing.
    3. If there's an AV/EB, or several bosses, hit Time Crawl/Slowed Response so their debuffs are going.
    4. If there is a single hard target I really want to hold, hit Suffocate/Time Stop.
    5. Start rotating Suffocate/Deluge on the hardest target left standing. Keep going until the spawn is done.

    And this is where preferences of engagement tactics start coming into play.

    Personally, I would make it a habit to use Time Crawl + Time Stop as a 1-2 combo hit as a standard practice, in part because the Delayed debuff will make Time Stop last longer. If you slot both Time Crawl and Time Stop as 90% chance proc monster powers like I did in my build (with NO recharge enhancement slotted into the powers themselves) then you don't have to choose either/or in terms of Damage OR Mez, because with proc monster slotting you're doing Damage AND Mez with the combination.

    I would actually add Distortion Field + Slowed Response before throwing down Riptide + Geyser Burst. Reason for that is (in sequence):
    • Auto-Hit: Slow (so mobs can't escape the Defeat Zone) + Recharge Debuffing (so they can't keep attacking OUT of the Defeat Zone) + chance to Hold + 17.95% chance Damage proc (AoE)
    • Defense Debuffing (so mobs are easier to hit) +90% chance Resistance Debuff proc (AoE) + 90% chance 2x Damage procs (AoE)
    • ... whatever Riptide does ...
    • ... whatever Geyser Burst does ...
    You basically set up a "NO ESCAPE" zone of defeat that $Targets are trapped in and can't get out of (quite often for the rest of their lives!).[/list]

    Also, just as a side note here ... with sufficient Recharge Debuffing, working to boost your own personal Resistances (S/L/F/C/N/E/Psi/Tox) starts becoming almost superfluous (in the Regen Scrapper sense) because if your opposition can't kill you with their alpha strike, THEY CAN'T KILL YOU ... thank you Temporal Mending and Chrono Shift. If you REALLY need to be taking a Resistance power as a Set Mule, my personal preference would be for the Sorcery Pool taking Mystic Flight (Fly/Teleport), Spirit Ward (+Arbsorb for Other), Rune of Protection (+Resistance Self) ... rather than reaching for Tough in the Fighting Pool (never cared for the Fighting Pool myself). So you could, if you wanted, swap out Fly+Boxing+Tough for Mystic Flight+Spirit Ward+Rune of Protection and be none the worse off in terms of power picks, while also using 1 less power pool on the combination (in case you wanted to get something else instead).

    Personally, I would keep the Turbulent Aura + Time's Juncture auras up and running as BACKUP in case Foes charge my position, rather than as a primary option to open engagements with. Basic idea being to use the combination of Turbulent Aura + Time's Juncture as a "KEEP AWAY!" preventing Foes from being able to easily melee with you. The Distortion Field+Slowed Response combination is going to be usable at some distance in range, including as an alpha strike(!), giving you flexibility as to when you want to lay down Riptide and Geyser Burst as follow ups to BRING THE PAIN to your $Targets.

    As far as Maneuvers goes, I really like to 6-slot maneuvers with the Reactive Defenses set, in part because the 6-slot bonus is higher than what you can get out of the LotG proc ... and because of the sliding scale 3-13% Resist ALL bonus from the proc, which is just to valuable to leave out of my builds. Your Mileage May Vary, of course.

    Spawns are not problem with Fluixic at all. In fact, I'll often act like a Tanker and pull in as many additional spawns as I can.

    To be fair, Tankers are just "melee Controllers" with better Mez protection (among other things) ... while Controllers are often times "ranged Controllers" who aren't always trying to get (and stay) within melee range.
    Being able to enact Area Denial OVER THERE through use of Distortion Field and Slowed Response (AoE at range) while ALSO maintaining Area Denial OVER HERE through Turbulent Aura and Time's Juncture (PBAoE) to protect squishy allies from "leakers" who like to melee would give you a powerful combination of simultaneous NEAR AND FAR area denial that would go a long way in team context settings as a Battlefield Controller. No, it wouldn't necessarily represent a "hard" lockdown capability like AoE Holds do ... but it would represent an exceptionally powerful "neutralizer" capability that renders hordes of Foes relatively "harmless" even if they aren't completely locked down "hard" like a Hold would accomplish. Your damage mitigation value would be exceptionally high, giving both yourself and your team "all the time in the world" to defeat your adversaries Wholesale Rather Than Retail™.

    But then, what do I know about such matters, eh?

    Single hard targets do take longer with Fluixic than many other builds (of course). So I'm considering what improvements might be possible to Fluixic's ST damage ability.

    Proc monster out Time Crawl and Time Stop (and Suffocate too? I'm not familiar with Suffocate as a power) and you will MELT FACES delivering 90% chance damage procs "in quantity" in rapid succession like that.
    Damage AND Hold power ... all at once, in combination ... what's not to like?
    Your only challenge would be to figure out what else you want to do while those three powers recharge ... which isn't that bad of a problem to have, all things considered ...

    You mean, some kind of "auto sort" functionality because the Player is too lazy to organize their own powers in their own trays?

    General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Mastermind ATOs
    « on: October 16, 2022, 10:23:01 am »
    3.5 - Masterminds


    This is the problem that this suggestion is attempting to solve.
    By adding the personal attacks to the powers that Mastermind ATOs can be slotted into ... you move from an average of 3.5 up to an average of 6.5 ... which would still mean that Masterminds continue to be "bottom of the pile" of archetypes, but the disparity with the next lowest average for an Archetype (Controllers @ 6.7) would be substantially mitigated.

    Player Help/Guides / Praetorian DISloyalty!
    « on: October 15, 2022, 08:50:45 pm »
    If you have every wanted to play ALL of the storylines in Praetoria on a single character ... changing loyalties each and every single time, always "betraying" your current loyalty in order to switch sides at every opportunity ... this guide is for YOU.
    Currently, on Rebirth, Praetorian story arcs are not accessible by the Pillar of Ice and Flame for flashbacks, so the only way to access ALL of these story lines is to halt accumulation of XP at Levels 9 (Nova Praetoria), 14 (Imperial City) and 19 (Neutropolis) until you have completed all 4 storylines for each zone. If you do not halt XP gain, you will outlevel the contacts in zones long before being able to access multiple storyline endings.

    Resistance (Warden)
    Nova Praetoria
    • Robert Flores -> Tunnel Rat -> Doctor Arvin
    Imperial City
    • Jessica Flores -> Luke Larson -> Doctor Steffard -> Seer 1381
    • Aaron Walker -> Penelope Yin -> Dark Watcher

    Resistance (Crusader)
    Underground Nova
    • Ricochet -> Splice -> Jack Hammer
    Underground Imperial
    • Hatchet -> Beholder -> Vagabond -> Wardog
    Underground Neutropolis (do Resistance Warden first)
    • Crow -> Helix -> Calvin Scott

    Loyalist (Responsibility)
    Nova Praetoria
    • Chief Interrogator Washington -> Cleopatra
    Imperial City (do Resistance Warden first)
    • Interrogator Kang -> Alec Parson -> Investigator Whitworth -> Chance McKnight
    • IVy -> Praetor Tilman -> Anti-Matter

    Loyalist (Power)
    Nova Praetoria
    • Deputy Assistant of Information -> Warrant -> Reese
    Imperial City
    • Mr. G -> Transmuter -> Tami Baker -> Praetor Sinclair
    • Dr. Hetzfeld -> Bobcat -> Neuron

    Resistance End
    Nova Praetoria (1-9) = Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> RESISTANCE!
    Imperial City (8-14) = Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Power) -> RESISTANCE!
    Neutropolis (15-20) = Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> RESISTANCE!


    Loyalist End
    Nova Praetoria (1-9) = Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> LOYALIST!
    Imperial City (8-14) = Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> LOYALIST!
    Neutropolis (15-20) = Loyalist (Responsibility) -> Resistance (Warden) -> Loyalist (Power) -> Resistance (Crusader) -> LOYALIST!

    Mastermind / Re: It's a BOW Time! (Ninja/Time/Mace)
    « on: October 15, 2022, 08:43:34 pm »
    There's a peculiar inter(re)action that goes on with toggles and the 10s between proc chances.
    You want to think of it more in terms of SUPPRESSION.

    After a toggle checks a proc, subsequent checks for procs are suppressed for 10 seconds.
    But it's not a case of "every 10 seconds, check for procs" ... but instead a case of AFTER 10 seconds have elapsed, the NEXT activation(!) of the power has a chance to proc.

    So if, for example, and am I'm just picking numbers to illustrate the point here, agnostic of any actual powers ... let's say you have a toggle power that activates every 2 seconds.

    The chances to proc are not going to be every 10 seconds "on the dot" (so to speak).

    A timeline like this for the activation ticks:

    00 . 02 . 04 . 06 . 08 . 10 . 12 . 14 . 16 . 18 . 20 . 22 . 24 . 26 . 28 . 30 . 32 . 34 . 36 . 38 . 40

    If you think that the chance to proc is every 10 seconds "on the dot" ... the ticks that check procs would be these:

    00 . 02 . 04 . 06 . 08 . 10 . 12 . 14 . 16 . 18 . 20 . 22 . 24 . 26 . 28 . 30 . 32 . 34 . 36 . 38 . 40

    However, the way it actually works is more like this instead:

    00 . 02 . 04 . 06 . 08 . 10 . 12 . 14 . 16 . 18 . 20 . 22 . 24 . 26 . 28 . 30 . 32 . 34 . 36 . 38 . 40

    The reason why it would work like that is that the first proc chance is the first activation AFTER 10 seconds have elapsed.
    So 00 to 10 seconds cannot proc anything, and the first tick AFTER the 10 second tick is then the first opportunity to proc again.

    For toggles that tick "quickly" ... such as every 0.5 seconds, the differential between 10.0 seconds and 10.5 seconds isn't going to be enough for most people to notice (except in an exhaustive statistical analysis), so we tend to use "proc every 10 seconds" as a kind of shorthand for this stuff. It's a nitpick, but depending on the power it can become important (damage auras tend to have longer activation times).

    Have you tested this on Rebirth?

    No, my main is still level locked at Level 20 and won't have access to Tactics (with a Gaussians proc) for a LONG time yet.
    However, I am quite sure that the underlying mechanics for procs works exactly the same as they did on Homecoming (meaning, proc behavior wasn't a "custom" creation on Homecoming). In fact, the way that procs "work" in game is pure legacy code from Paragon Studios ... so unless a server's devs go into the codebase with a monkey wrench and muck it up (beyond repair?), the proc system ought to work exactly the same on every CoH private server out there.

    The difference is that we've had people TESTING the behavior of procs and derive formulae for how they "work" under the hood on Paragon Studios' legacy codebase ... and that mathematical modeling has proven to be accurate enough for our purposes as character builders.

    Sure, there's always going to be random noise in any testing series (like you experienced) so there won't be a "perfect match" every time between the theoretical and the actual.
    Just like how it's possible to MISS your $Target three times in a row (or more!) even if you've got a greater than 75% chance to hit.
    Pseudo-random noise is going to make results not exactly match predictions.

    However, what I can tell you is that back on Homecoming, a Mastermind tested the Gaussian's proc in Tactics with their Pets summoned, and ... well ... according to their report, it just wouldn't stop proccing (so to speak).

    Dogs and Cats. Living together!
    Mass Hysteria!

    General Suggestions and Feedback / Mastermind ATOs
    « on: October 15, 2022, 10:02:15 am »
    I keep looking at the Mastermind ATOs ... and I can't for the life of me figure out why Paragon Studios coded them the way they did.

    I'm not talking about the choices of the enhancements themselves or the "pet procs" they put into those sets.
    I'm talking about what those ATOs can be slotted into.

    Why oh why in Positron's and War Witch's green monitor code base did they limit Mastermind ATOs such that they could only be slotted into 3-4 Powers per Mastermind in their primary powerset?

    Masterminds all have 3 Pet Summon powers in their primary powerset.
    A lucky few get a 4th Summon power at Level 18 (looking at you Gang War, and friends) ... which by virtue of giving those specific primary powersets an additional (up to) 6 slots to play with for Pets gives them a tremendous advantage relative to their peer Masterminds in terms of slot efficiency and capacity.

    What do the enhancements of the Mastermind ATOs modify?
    • Accuracy
    • Damage
    • Endurance
    • Recharge
    • Pet Buff(s)
    Now let's take the blinkers off and ask ourselves ... what OTHER POWERS exist in every Mastermind Primary that can take and use ... Accuracy, Damage, Endurance and Recharge enhancements?

    I'll give you an unfair hint ...

    See all those Personal Attack powers that Masterminds rarely take (or use) for reasons of ossified "Conventional Wisdom" ...?
    Yeah, THOSE Primary Powers.

    Why can't Mastermind ATOs be slotted into Mastermind Primary Personal Attacks?


    If Mastermind ATOs were "proliferated" (as is!) such that they could be slotted into the three personal attacks that every Mastermind gets in their Primary powerset ... Players would have an incentive to not only TAKE those Personal Attack Powers, but also to slot them up with Mastermind ATOs and USE THEM (because what's the point of 6-slotting a Power you never use or never intend to use?).

    Trust me on this one.
    Something as simple as "proliferating" Mastermind ATOs into being eligible for slotting into Mastermind personal attacks could very nearly revolutionize Mastermind playstyles all by itself ... since more builds would be taking and slotting up personal attack powers AND USING THEM, rather than kicking them to the curb like wasteful garbage that aren't worthy of power picks OR slots.

    All that needs to happen is a database update.
    Three powers per Mastermind Primary are edited to allow the slotting Mastermind ATOs into them, unlike previously.

    S imple.
    E asy.
    E ffective.

    ... hasn't been done or tried yet ...

    Can anyone think of a good/valid argument for why this either couldn't or (better yet) SHOULDN'T be done?
    I'm hard pressed to think of an argument that doesn't rely on BAD FAITH and/or the straightjacket of "tradition" simply because Paragon Studios didn't make the change themselves first.

    Of course, if this suggestion gets approved and implemented here on Rebirth, there would need to be an update to the Mids Reborn branch we use, but that's a secondary consideration of lesser importance.  ;)

    Being able to use more than a third HALF of your primary powerset as a location to slot Mastermind ATOs ... PRICELESS8)

    Your move, Rebirth Team.  :-X

    Mastermind / Re: It's a BOW Time! (Ninja/Time/Mace)
    « on: October 14, 2022, 07:22:38 pm »
    Bindloadfiles for controlling (my, specifically) Ninja Mastermind Pets.
    But first ... I need to explain a few more things.

    I know ... this is my shocked face.

    So, first of all, I need to explain what my keyboard and mouse setup is, simply so as to make the ergonomics of my user interface is like.

    I use a (wired) full keyboard Apple Keyboard (I'm a Mac user) ... and I use a dirt cheap wired Logitech M100 mouse.  These items look like this:
    (click to show/hide)

    Now, as for the keys on the keyboard I actually wind up using most/all of the time ... it's these:

    • The ESC through F1-F12 keys get used.
    • The Tilde through Backspace keys get used.
    • TAB is rarely (if ever) used, but it does happen occasionally.
    • Q and A are usually used for "throttle" functions in games, but I use them here for things like Auto Run/Walk and cancelling power queuing on the Q key (with modifiers for the extra functions) and doing the Ninja Run, Power Surge/Sprint toggling on the A key (with modifiers to differentiate) via slotting of those powers in specific slots in tray 9.
    • WER SDF are my movement keys, and I "invert the T" so as to put side to side strafing movement on top, with turning down below.
    • Backspace is used to return tells.
    • Backslash is used to open the Menu (so as to change costumes, check ID or simply Quit).
    • I have custom coded to require ' (the apostrophe) to startchat, so as to prevent "rolling startchat" after hitting Enter to actually send a chat.
    • The Semicolon key I have custom bound to toggle open the Auction House.
    • M is simply there to toggle my Mission window from the keyboard. Shift+M opens the Contacts window, and Ctrl+M is used to toggle back to the "map" window.
    • Spacebar is, of course, Jump and "fly up" ... while Shift+Spacebar is used to "fly down" when needed ... and Control+Spacebar activates the Jump Pack via keybind to a specific slot in tray 9.
    Which then brings me to all of the Mastermind (and as it turns out, Kheldian too) keybinds for controlling Mastermind Pets.
    • The T, Y and U keys are for all of the Tier 1 Pets.
    • The G and H keys are for all the Tier 2 Pets.
    • The B key is for all three Tiers of Pets ... but when doing Shift+B I can address the Tier 3 Pet individually.
    • Likewise, Shift+ T through U addresses the Tier 1 Pets as individuals.
    • And Shift+ G or H addresses the Tier 2 Pets as individuals.
    • Z, X and C are used for Attack, Goto and Follow.
    • Shift+ Z, X and C are used for Aggressive, Passive, Defensive.
    • V gets used invoking the Level 18 primary power (in this case, Smoke Flash), and gets "reassigned" depending on which set of Pets I'm currently commanding.
    • Control+X is used to Dismiss the Pets I'm currently commanding.
    Control+ T, Y, U, G, H or B allows me to select that specific Pet as my current $Target, allowing me to target and train/buff my Pets from keyboard alone.

    Alt+ T, Y, U, G, H, V or B allows me to issue Inspirations to a Pet if I've got them loaded as the Pet I'm currently commanding. This disables when commanding more than 1 Pet at a time.  Needless to say, this can come in very handy, but requires a good deal of practice/self-training to "get down" and loaded into muscle memory.

    So from here, an important starting point is going to be my "basic" default keybind set that I use whenever I reset and/or update the keybinds on ANY of my alts.  I use this keybind file as my goto so as to simply go into the Menu > Options and go to the Keybinds tab and hit the Reset Keybinds key on the left in the window, to reload the factory defaults.  I then simply click the Load Default Keybinds key on the right to pull my keybinds.txt file in and load it onto my alt.  This then gives me a common basic setup to use for ALL of the characters I play ... and then I can use individual bindloadfiles for each character to "personalize" their necessary keybinds for their archetype and so on.

    So this is my default keybind file used for all alts.  It's got a lot of extra functions built into it.

    Oh and incidentally, I use all 9 power trays in the bottom right of my screen, keeping them all open and visible at all times.

    Code: [Select]
    1 "powexectray 1 2"
    2 "powexectray 2 2"
    3 "powexectray 3 2"
    4 "powexectray 4 2"
    5 "powexectray 5 2"
    6 "powexectray 6 2"
    7 "powexectray 7 2"
    8 "powexectray 8 2"
    9 "powexectray 9 2"
    0 "powexectray 10 2"
    F1 "powexectray 1 3"
    F2 "powexectray 2 3"
    F3 "powexectray 3 3"
    F4 "powexectray 4 3"
    F5 "powexectray 5 3"
    F6 "powexectray 6 3"
    F7 "powexectray 7 3"
    F8 "powexectray 8 3"
    F9 "powexectray 9 3"
    F10 "powexectray 10 3"
    shift+1 "powexectray 1 4"
    shift+2 "powexectray 2 4"
    shift+3 "powexectray 3 4"
    shift+4 "powexectray 4 4"
    shift+5 "powexectray 5 4"
    shift+6 "powexectray 6 4"
    shift+7 "powexectray 7 4"
    shift+8 "powexectray 8 4"
    shift+9 "powexectray 9 4"
    shift+0 "powexectray 10 4"
    shift+F1 "powexectray 1 5"
    shift+F2 "powexectray 2 5"
    shift+F3 "powexectray 3 5"
    shift+F4 "powexectray 4 5"
    shift+F5 "powexectray 5 5"
    shift+F6 "powexectray 6 5"
    shift+F7 "powexectray 7 5"
    shift+F8 "powexectray 8 5"
    shift+F9 "powexectray 9 5"
    shift+F10 "powexectray 10 5"
    ctrl+1 "powexectray 1 6"
    ctrl+2 "powexectray 2 6"
    ctrl+3 "powexectray 3 6"
    ctrl+4 "powexectray 4 6"
    ctrl+5 "powexectray 5 6"
    ctrl+6 "powexectray 6 6"
    ctrl+7 "powexectray 7 6"
    ctrl+8 "powexectray 8 6"
    ctrl+9 "powexectray 9 6"
    ctrl+0 "powexectray 10 6"
    ctrl+F1 "powexectray 1 7"
    ctrl+F2 "powexectray 2 7"
    ctrl+F3 "powexectray 3 7"
    ctrl+F4 "powexectray 4 7"
    ctrl+F5 "powexectray 5 7"
    ctrl+F6 "powexectray 6 7"
    ctrl+F7 "powexectray 7 7"
    ctrl+F8 "powexectray 8 7"
    ctrl+F9 "powexectray 9 7"
    ctrl+F10 "powexectray 10 7"
    alt+1 "powexectray 1 8"
    alt+2 "powexectray 2 8"
    alt+3 "powexectray 3 8"
    alt+4 "powexectray 4 8"
    alt+5 "powexectray 5 8"
    alt+6 "powexectray 6 8"
    alt+7 "powexectray 7 8"
    alt+8 "powexectray 8 8"
    alt+9 "powexectray 9 8"
    alt+0 "powexectray 10 8"
    alt+F1 "powexectray 1 9"
    alt+F2 "powexectray 2 9"
    alt+F3 "powexectray 3 9"
    alt+F4 "powexectray 4 9"
    alt+F5 "powexectray 5 9"
    alt+F6 "powexectray 6 9"
    alt+F7 "powexectray 7 9"
    alt+F8 "powexectray 8 9"
    alt+F9 "powexectray 9 9"
    alt+F10 "powexectray 10 9"
    shift+ctrl+1 "inspexec_slot 1"
    shift+ctrl+2 "inspexec_slot 2"
    shift+ctrl+3 "inspexec_slot 3"
    shift+ctrl+4 "inspexec_slot 4"
    shift+ctrl+5 "inspexec_slot 5"
    shift+ctrl "nop"
    F11 say "Ready!$$emote thumbsup"
    F12 say "$battlecry$$emote attack"
    shift+F11 say "HELP!$$emote whistle"
    shift+F12 say "RUN!"
    lalt "nop"
    w "+left"
    e "+forward"
    r "+right"
    s "+turnleft"
    d "+backward"
    f "+turnright"
    up "nop"
    space "+up"
    shift+space "+down"
    ctrl+space "nop"
    q "powexectray 5 9"
    shift+q "++autorun"
    ctrl+q "powexectray 10 9"
    alt+q "nop"
    a "powexectray 6 9"
    shift+a "powexectray 7 9"
    ctrl+a "powexectray 8 9"
    alt+a "powexectray 9 9"
    tilde "targetcustomnear enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Cyst$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Sapper"
    shift+tilde "targetcustomnext enemy defeated"
    ctrl+tilde "follow"
    ' "afk Typing…$$startchat"
    - "nop"
    alt+- "nop"
    / "nop"
    \ "menu"
    b "nop"
    backspace "afk Sending tell…$$autoreply"
    c "nop"
    comma "nop"
    shift+comma "show chat$$beginchat /tell $target, "
    delete "++first"
    down "powexecname Hover"
    end "+zoomout"
    enter "nop"
    shift+enter "nop"
    ctrl+enter "em point$$say $target sighted."
    equals "nop"
    alt+equals "nop"
    esc "unselect"
    h "nop"
    home "+zoomin"
    nop "+lookup"
    lctrl+lalt "+camrotate"
    lcontrol "nop"
    lctrl "nop"
    left "nop"
    leftarrow "nop"
    ; "em cellphone$$ah"
    m "em clipboard$$windowtoggle mission"
    shift+m "em cellphone$$windowtoggle contacts"
    ctrl+m "em drinkenriche$$map"
    mbutton "nop"
    mousechord "nop"
    mousewheel "powexecunqueue"
    n "nop"
    p "powers"
    pagedown "sync$$reloadgfx$$camreset$$camdist 24"
    pageup "nop"
    ralt "nop"
    rbutton "+mouse_look"
    right "nop"
    rightarrow "nop"
    sysrq "nop"
    shift+[ "screenshot"
    t "nop"
    tab "target_enemy_next"
    ctrl+tab "nop"
    shift+tab "target_enemy_prev"
    v "nop"
    ctrl+v "nop"
    x "nop"
    z "nop"

    Note that this default keybind set assigns the 1-0 keybinds to power tray 2 ... not 1 ... and that the F1-F10 keys are assigned to power tray 3 ... not 2.

    This is because I use power tray 1 for "extra unlocked powers" on alts like Kheldian Form powers and the extra ammo types unlocked by Swap Ammo in Dual Pistols.

    Shift+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 4.
    Shift+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 5.
    Control+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 6.
    Control+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 7
    Alt+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 8.
    Alt+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 9 ... although I tend to load this tray with powers I'm in the habit of clicking with the mouse rather than using keybinds to address (due to the Alt+F4 combo being in here).

    This whole keybind regime lets me use a "common muscle memory language" for all of my alts such that I can put powers into similar places on different alts and not have to entirely "relearn" my whole keybinding scheme from scratch every time I start playing a new character.  Everything "goes" to reasonably common places.

    Additionally, the binds used for the power trays point to the Slot In Tray to activate the power in that particular slot on that specific tray.  This lets me reshuffle the powers in my trays without needing to completely rewrite all of my keybinds every time I need to move a power to a different slot in a different (or the same) power tray.  The powers just happen to be in the slots and trays that make it easy for me to invoke them via keyboard binds, rather than needing to click on them using the mouse.

    From this foundation, I then load in my bindloadfile(s) for each alt.

    For my Mastermind ... that means loading a "master" Ninja control file that uses "reserved" keys that don't get overwritten by sub-options in the various sub-files.  In my case, that is the Ninja.txt file which then controls which groups of Pets and/or individual Pets I'm wanting to address at any given time.

    Code: [Select]
    t bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
    shift+t bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaRoku.txt"
    ctrl+t "petselectname Roku"
    y bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
    shift+y bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaNana.txt"
    ctrl+y "petselectname Nana"
    u bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
    shift+u bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaHachi.txt"
    ctrl+u "petselectname Hachi"
    g bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaJounin.txt"
    shift+g bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaShi.txt"
    ctrl+g "petselectname Shi"
    h bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaJounin.txt"
    shift+h bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaItsutsu.txt"
    ctrl+h "petselectname Itsutsu"
    b bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaAll.txt"
    shift+b bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaOni.txt"
    ctrl+b "petselectname San"

    For whatever reason, my game client simply WILL NOT accept any additional commands being appended onto a bindloadfile command.  This means I can't do something like load a bind file AND execute a power function (toggle on, toggle off, execute, etc.) within the same keybind.  It just doesn't work for me.  For this reason, I have needed to get as bare bones basic as possible with my keybinds so as to ensure that my keybinds actually WORK on my game client ... rather than FAIL spectacularly and utterly refuse to work (or even load properly, as it turns out).

    In my case, I named my Ninjas ... numbers (in Japanese) ... even my Mastermind.

    • Ku no Ichi (九の一) means literally "1 of 9" for my Mastermind ... but written as KunoIchi (くノ一), which sounds EXACTLY THE SAME to the ear, it literally means "Female Ninja" while also being the stroke order for the kanji used to write woman (女).  So yeah, multi-level linguistic pun in this context.
    • San (三) is the number 3 ... is my Oni ... uses the B key.  The pun here being this makes him Oni-San ... for those who like their onii-san jokes.
    • Shi (四) is the number 4 ... is my Jounin 1 ... uses the G key.
    • Itsutsu (五) is the number 5 ... is my Jounin 2 ... uses the H key.
    • Roku (六) is the number 6 ... is my Genin 1 ... uses the T key.
    • Nana (七) is the number 7 ... is my Genin 2 ... uses the Y key.
    • Hachi (八) is the number 8 ... is my Genin 3 ... uses the U key.
    As for what happened to number 2 ... Ni (二) ... I deliberately leave that number (and pun potential) "unused" so it can mean anything anyone wants it to.  Ninjas are just mysterious that way, you know?

    So that's how I named my Ninjas.  I've explained it this way so that anyone who is (still) reading at this point will be able to easily identify what they need to do a Find/Replace on when converting my bindloadfiles for their own use, either as other Ninja Masterminds (easy) or as other primary type Masterminds (a little bit more involved, but doable with some extra effort).

    Also, just as an extra aside, I incorporated emotes that my Mastermind will "perform" whenever issuing any commands to my Ninjas.
    • Attack emotes a Throat Slash.
    • Goto emotes a Point.
    • Follow emotes a [url]Firework Bloom[/url] (so they know where to fall back to).
    • Aggressive emotes a Bring It (as my Ninjas race to engage any hostiles nearby).
    • Passive emotes a [url]Stop[/url].
    • Defensive emotes a [url]Backflip[/url].
    • Dismissal of Ninjas emotes a Buzz Off.
    If you're adapting my bindloadfiles to other Mastermind primary powersets, you may want to edit which commands incorporate which emotes, and to do so you'll want to do a simple Find/Replace All with the desired replacement emote in all of the bindloadfiles you're using for your own command set.  I picked these emotes because they're thematic to a Ninja Mastermind, but feel free to get creative on your own if you want something else.

    So these are the requisite bindloadfiles called for by the "master" bindloadfile of Ninja.txt above (there are 9 of them).

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcomall attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcomall aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcomall goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcomall passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcomall dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcomall follow$$em fireworkbloom"
    shift+c "petcomall defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Hachi$$petselectname Nana$$petselectname Roku$$petselectname Itsusu$$petselectname Shi$$petselectname San$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "nop"
    alt+y "nop"
    alt+u "nop"
    alt+g "nop"
    alt+h "nop"
    alt+v "nop"
    alt+b "nop"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Genin attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Genin aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Genin goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Genin passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Genin dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Genin follow$$em fireworkbloom"
    shift+c "petcompow Genin defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Hachi$$petselectname Nana$$petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "nop"
    alt+y "nop"
    alt+u "nop"
    alt+g "nop"
    alt+h "nop"
    alt+v "nop"
    alt+b "nop"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Jounin attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Jounin aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Jounin goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Jounin passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Jounin dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Jounin follow$$em fireworkbloom"
    shift+c "petcompow Jounin defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Itsusu$$petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "nop"
    alt+y "nop"
    alt+u "nop"
    alt+g "nop"
    alt+h "nop"
    alt+v "nop"
    alt+b "nop"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Oni attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Oni aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Oni goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Oni passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Oni dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Oni follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Oni defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname San$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
    alt+g "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Shi attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Shi aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Shi goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Shi passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Shi dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Shi follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Shi defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
    alt+g "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Itsutsu attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Itsutsu aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Itsutsu goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Itsutsu passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Itsutsu dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Itsutsu follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Itsutsu defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Itsusu$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
    alt+g "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Roku attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Roku aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Roku goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Roku passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Roku dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Roku follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Roku defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Figh$$em alakazamt"
    alt+g "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Nana attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Nana aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Nana goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Nana passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Nana dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Nana follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Nana defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Nana$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
    alt+g "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Code: [Select]
    z "petcompow Hachi attack$$em slash"
    shift+z "petcompow Hachi aggressive$$em bringit"
    x "petcompow Hachi goto$$em point"
    shift+x "petcompow Hachi passive$$em stop"
    ctrl+x "petcompow Hachi dismiss$$em buzzoff"
    c "petcompow Hachi follow$$em fireworksparkle"
    shift+c "petcompow Hachi defensive$$em flip"
    +v "petselectname Hachi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
    alt+t "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
    alt+y "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
    alt+u "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
    alt+h "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
    alt+g "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
    alt+v "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
    alt+b "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

    Now ... if you're still reading this, there's a few things I wanted to point out as little bits of clever conveniences built into these bindloadfiles, and how they inter(re)act with the ergonomics of the keyboard setup I'm using.

    So the first thing I've got is that if I've got the All, Genin or Jounin files loaded/active, because those files all address multiple Pets simultaneously, it's simply not possible to use a keybind to issue an inspiration to a specific Pet, because you need to have a $Target chosen to sent the inspiration to THAT specific Pet.  This is why I've got the Alt+(T-U, G-H and V-B) keys doing this work of selecting the Pet and issuing the "largest" inspiration of that type available to that individual Pet automatically for me.  All I need to do is use the Shift+(T-U, G-H or B) key combination FIRST to pick the Pet I want to send the inspiration to ... and then use the Alt+(T-U, G-H and V-B) to send the right inspiration TYPE to that Pet.

    Alt+T = Break Free
    Alt+Y = Accuracy
    Alt+U = Damage
    Alt+G = Endurance
    Alt+H = Heal
    Alt+V = Defense
    Alt+B = Resistance

    I set things up this way so that it's at least easier to remember "what goes where" by grouping categories together as a mnemonic aid.

    Break Free / Accuracy / Damage
    Endurance / Heal
    Defense / Resistance

    Another thing that some people may notice about my bindloadfiles is ... what's going on with that +v key in there?

    Well, that's a trick stolen from the Kheldian keybinds.

    By setting up +v the way I did here, it's going to try to activate Smoke Flash on the down press of the V key, and then when you release the V key (if you don't let go of it "too fast" it will queue up Temporal Selection to activate next ... all with a single keystroke.

    The idea here is that in a lot of situations (not all, granted, but a lot of them) I'd want to be using Smoke Flash as either an opener for a Pet about to take an alpha strike for me ... or because that Pet is in trouble and their green bar is dropping fast and something needs to be done to save them.  The Smoke Flash will Placate nearby $Targets and enable a critical hit on their next few attacks (for 10s) by a Ninja Pet, but I'm thinking that if I need to "rescue" them from too much aggro like that, they're almost certainly going to need more healing if I'm using Smoke Flash as an "Oh S***!" button.  What the +v keybinding does for me then is allow me to cause Smoke Flash AND Temporal Selection to be used on the same Pet with "one" keystroke ... assuming I've got that specific Pet's bindloadfile active so as to issue the keybind combo to THAT specific Pet.

    Another thing that I'm sure anyone else playing with these keybinds will notice is ... I've built in emotes for my Mastermind to "do" while directing traffic around the battlefield.  I've even got a Firework emote for telling my Ninjas to "heel" and follow me, so as to "signal" them from afar, if need be, on where the rally point is supposed to be.

    Telling my Ninjas to attack involves a throat slashing emote from my Mastermind.

    It took me a while to figure out what emotes I wanted to associate with what commands, but I eventually got it all worked out and tested (that took a long time!).

    At any rate, I hope that this (updated) Mastermind Control Scheme of mine winds up being useful to other people besides myself, particularly since I've gotten a few PMs from people asking me for an update on the current state of play of my bindloadfiles for my Mastermind.  Well ... here they are.

    Enjoy.  8)

    Mastermind / Re: It's a BOW Time! (Ninja/Time/Mace)
    « on: October 14, 2022, 07:21:59 pm »

    You can have three guesses as to who's going to win.
    The first two don't count.

    This Villain build was built using Mids Reborn 3.4.6

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build |

    Level 50 Technology Mastermind
    Primary Power Set: Ninjas
    Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery

    Villain Profile:

    Level 1: Call Genin
    • (A) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27
    • (3) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (5) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Level 27
    • (7) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10
    • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: Level 50
    Level 1: Time Crawl
    • (A) Impeded Swiftness - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27
    • (7) Impeded Swiftness - Chance of Damage(Smashing): Level 10
    • (17) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 20
    Level 2: Snap Shot
    • (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27
    • (5) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (9) Decimation - Damage/Recharge: Level 27
    • (21) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27
    • (21) Decimation - Chance of Build Up: Level 25
    Level 4: Temporal Mending
    • (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 10
    • (42) Panacea - Heal/Endurance: Level 27
    • (42) Panacea - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    • (43) Panacea - Heal/Recharge: Level 27
    • (43) Panacea - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    • (43) Panacea - Heal: Level 27
    Level 6: Train Ninjas
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 8: Aimed Shot
    • (A) Entropic Chaos - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27
    • (9) Entropic Chaos - Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (11) Entropic Chaos - Damage/Recharge: Level 27
    • (19) Entropic Chaos - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    • (19) Entropic Chaos - Chance of Heal Self: Level 20
    Level 10: Fistful of Arrows
    • (A) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure (Dam/Range)
    • (11) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure (Dam/Range)
    • (25) Detonation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (31) Detonation - Damage/Endurance/Range: Level 27
    • (33) Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20
    Level 12: Call Jounin
    • (A) Edict of the Master - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (13) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15
    • (13) Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27
    • (15) Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance: Level 27
    • (15) Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    • (17) Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Level 27
    Level 14: Time's Juncture
    • (A) Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 27
    • (40) Witchcraft - Universal Debuff: Level 27
    • (40) Witchcraft - Accuracy/ Universal Debuff: Level 27
    • (42) Witchcraft - Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    Level 16: Temporal Selection
    • (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 20
    • (45) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27
    • (45) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27
    • (45) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27
    • (46) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27
    • (46) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27
    Level 18: Smoke Flash
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 20: Distortion Field
    • (A) Entomb - Recharge/Chance for +Absorb: Level 20
    • (34) Winter Storm - Recharge/Chance for Cold Damage: Level 27
    • (34) Winter Storm - Accuracy/Slow: Level 27
    • (34) Winter Storm - Damage/Slow: Level 27
    • (37) Winter Storm - Accuracy/Damage/Slow: Level 27
    • (40) Winter Storm - Damage/Endurance/Slow: Level 27
    Level 22: Time Stop
    • (A) Neuronic Shutdown - Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: Level 27
    • (23) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 10
    • (23) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 10
    • (25) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 20
    • (50) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
    Level 24: Maneuvers
    • (A) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 20
    • (46) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 27
    • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 27
    • (48) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27
    • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 27
    • (50) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27
    Level 26: Oni
    • (A) Mark of Supremacy - Damage
    • (27) Mark of Supremacy - Damage/Endurance
    • (27) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance
    • (29) Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen
    • (29) Hamidon Origin: Endoplasm Exposure (Acc/Mez)
    • (31) Hamidon Origin: Peroxisome Exposure (Dam/Mez)
    Level 28: Farsight
    • (A) Karma - Knockback Protection: Level 10
    • (31)  Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
    • (33)Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure (End/Def/ToHit Buffs)
    • (33)Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure (End/Def/ToHit Buffs)
    Level 30: Tactics
    • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up: Level 21
    Level 32: Kuji In Zen
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 35: Slowed Response
    • (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50
    • (36) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27
    • (36) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
    • (36) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 10
    • (37) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 10
    • (37) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 21
    Level 38: Chrono Shift
    • (A) Efficacy Adaptor - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50
    • (39) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge: Level 50
    • (39) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge: Level 50
    • (39) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Recharge: Level 50
    Level 41: Scorpion Shield
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
    Level 44: Power Boost
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 47: Assault
    • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 49: Vengeance
    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
    Level 1: Supremacy
    Level 1: Brawl
    • (A) Accuracy IO: Level 50
    Level 1: Sprint
    • (A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 15
    Level 2: Rest
    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
    Level 2: Swift
    • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
    Level 2: Hurdle
    • (A) Jumping IO: Level 50
    Level 2: Health
    • (A) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration: Level 10
    • (9) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20
    • (17) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 30
    Level 2: Stamina
    • (A) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
    • (13) Endurance Modification IO: Level 50
    • (23) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 21
    Level 1: Disintegrating
    Level 1: Genin
    Level 12: Jounin
    Level 26: Oni

    Set Bonus Totals:
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    Set Bonuses:
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