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The next bill will be due on March 1, 2025 and generated February 18, 2025. (I'll try to post the bill up sooner rather than later. Sorry for the pinch everyone.)

Mastermind / Re: [v2.4] Ninja/Time Supremacy Blitz
« Last post by Redlynne on August 30, 2024, 03:31:59 pm »
From this foundation, I then load in my bindloadfile(s) for each alt.

For my Mastermind ... that means loading a "master" Ninja control file that uses "reserved" keys that don't get overwritten by sub-options in the various sub-files.  In my case, that is the Ninja.txt file which then controls which groups of Pets and/or individual Pets I'm wanting to address at any given time.

Code: [Select]
t bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
shift+t bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaRoku.txt"
ctrl+t "petselectname Roku"
y bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
shift+y bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaNana.txt"
ctrl+y "petselectname Nana"
u bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaGenin.txt"
shift+u bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaHachi.txt"
ctrl+u "petselectname Hachi"
g bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaJounin.txt"
shift+g bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaShi.txt"
ctrl+g "petselectname Shi"
h bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaJounin.txt"
shift+h bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaItsutsu.txt"
ctrl+h "petselectname Itsutsu"
b bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaAll.txt"
shift+b bindloadfile "./binds/NinjaOni.txt"
ctrl+b "petselectname San"
ctrl+4 "petselect 0$$powexecname Train Ninjas$$unselect"
ctrl+5 "petselect 0$$powexecname Kuji In Zen$$unselect"
lshift+lbutton "powexecname Teleport"

For whatever reason, my game client simply WILL NOT accept any additional commands being appended onto a bindloadfile command.  This means I can't do something like load a bind file AND execute a power function (toggle on, toggle off, execute, etc.) within the same keybind.  It just doesn't work for me.  For this reason, I have needed to get as bare bones basic as possible with my keybinds so as to ensure that my keybinds actually WORK on my game client ... rather than FAIL spectacularly and utterly refuse to work (or even load properly, as it turns out).

Using my common core keybinds (as shown in the previous post), I've settled upon putting my summoning/training powers into Tray 5 (so Control + 1-0) and my "leave the on toggles" (such as Time's Juncture and Leadership toggles) in Tray 6 (so Control + F1-F10). As you'll see down below, I use Control+X to dismiss pets (depending on the "command bindset" I have loaded at the time) so using Control+ to (re)summon and (re)train dismissed/new summons makes for the most ergonomic and easiest arrangement to coordinate one-handed.

In this particular instance, I've assigned the Control+4-5 keys for training, but with the added twist of automatically selecting the "topmost" pet in the pets window, casting the training power and then automatically deselecting the pet as a target. This automation helps with speeding up the process of training pets and returning to combat as quickly as possible (when necessary).

When it comes to naming of my Ninjas, I simply named them as ... numbers (in Japanese) ... even my Mastermind.

  • Ku no Ichi (九の一) means literally "1 of 9" for my Mastermind ... but written as KunoIchi (くノ一), which sounds EXACTLY THE SAME to the ear, it literally means "Female Ninja" while also being the stroke order for the kanji used to write woman (女).  So yeah, multi-level linguistic pun in this context.
  • San (三) is the number 3 ... is my Oni ... uses the B key.  The pun here being this makes him Oni-San ... for those who like their onii-san jokes.
  • Shi (四) is the number 4 ... is my Jounin 1 ... uses the G key.
  • Itsutsu (五) is the number 5 ... is my Jounin 2 ... uses the H key.
  • Roku (六) is the number 6 ... is my Genin 1 ... uses the T key.
  • Nana (七) is the number 7 ... is my Genin 2 ... uses the Y key.
  • Hachi (八) is the number 8 ... is my Genin 3 ... uses the U key.
As for what happened to number 2 ... Ni (二) ... I deliberately leave that number (and pun potential) "unused" so it can mean anything anyone wants it to.  Ninjas are just mysterious that way, you know?

So that's how I named my Ninjas.  I've explained it this way so that anyone who is (still) reading at this point will be able to easily identify what they need to do a Find/Replace on when converting my bindloadfiles for their own use, either as other Ninja Masterminds (easy) or as other primary type Masterminds (a little bit more involved, but doable with some extra effort).

Also, just as an extra aside, I incorporated emotes that my Mastermind will "perform" whenever issuing any commands to my Ninjas.
  • Attack emotes a Throat Slash.
  • Goto emotes a Point.
  • Follow emotes a Thow Confetti (to signal them with sparkles where to fall back to).
  • Aggressive emotes a Bring It (as my Ninjas race to engage any hostiles nearby).
  • Passive emotes a Stop.
  • Defensive emotes a Get Some.
  • Dismissal of Ninjas emotes a Buzz Off (and the Ninjas disappearing in their own puff(s) of smoke).
If you're adapting my bindloadfiles to other Mastermind primary powersets, you may want to edit which commands incorporate which emotes, and to do so you'll want to do a simple Find/Replace All with the desired replacement emote in all of the bindloadfiles you're using for your own command set.  I picked these emotes because they're thematic to a Ninja Mastermind, but feel free to get creative on your own if you want something else.

So these are the requisite bindloadfiles called for by the "master" bindloadfile of Ninja.txt above (there are 9 of them).

Code: [Select]
z "petcomall attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcomall aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcomall goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcomall passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcomall dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcomall follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcomall defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Hachi$$petselectname Nana$$petselectname Roku$$petselectname Itsusu$$petselectname Shi$$petselectname San$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "nop"
alt+t "nop"
alt+y "nop"
alt+u "nop"
alt+g "nop"
alt+h "nop"
alt+v "nop"
alt+b "nop"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Genin attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Genin aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Genin goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Genin passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Genin dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Genin follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Genin defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Hachi$$petselectname Nana$$petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Hachi$$petselectname Nana$$petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "nop"
alt+y "nop"
alt+u "nop"
alt+g "nop"
alt+h "nop"
alt+v "nop"
alt+b "nop"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Jounin attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Jounin aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Jounin goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Jounin passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Jounin dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Jounin follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Jounin defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Itsusu$$petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Itsusu$$petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "nop"
alt+y "nop"
alt+u "nop"
alt+g "nop"
alt+h "nop"
alt+v "nop"
alt+b "nop"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Oni attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Oni aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Oni goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Oni passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Oni dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Oni follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Oni defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname San$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname San$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
alt+g "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname San$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Shi attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Shi aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Shi goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Shi passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Shi dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Shi follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Shi defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Shi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
alt+g "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname Shi$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Itsutsu attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Itsutsu aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Itsutsu goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Itsutsu passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Itsutsu dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Itsutsu follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Itsutsu defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Itsusu$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Itsusu$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
alt+g "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname Itsutsu$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Roku attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Roku aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Roku goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Roku passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Roku dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Roku follow$$em fireworksparkle"
shift+c "petcompow Roku defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Roku$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Figh$$em alakazamt"
alt+g "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname Roku$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Nana attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Nana aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Nana goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Nana passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Nana dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Nana follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Nana defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Nana$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Nana$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
alt+g "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname Nana$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Code: [Select]
z "petcompow Hachi attack$$em slash"
shift+z "petcompow Hachi aggressive$$em bringit"
x "petcompow Hachi goto$$em point"
shift+x "petcompow Hachi passive$$em stop"
ctrl+x "petcompow Hachi dismiss$$em buzzoff"
c "petcompow Hachi follow$$em throwconfetti"
shift+c "petcompow Hachi defensive$$em kissit"
+v "petselectname Hachi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
+shift+v "petselectname Hachi$$powexecname Temporal Selection$$powexecname Smoke Flash"
alt+t "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Break Free$$inspexecpettarget Emerge$$inspexecpettarget Escape$$inspexecpettarget Liberate$$em alakazam"
alt+y "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Insight$$inspexecpettarget Keen Insight$$inspexecpettarget Uncanny Insight$$inspexecpettarget Sight Beyond Sight$$em alakazam"
alt+u "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Enrage$$inspexecpettarget Focused Rage$$inspexecpettarget Righteous Rage$$inspexecpettarget Furious Rage$$em alakazam"
alt+h "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Catch a Breath$$inspexecpettarget Take a Breather$$inspexecpettarget Second Wind$$inspexecpettarget Back in the Fight$$em alakazam"
alt+g "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Respite$$inspexecpettarget Dramatic Improvement$$inspexecpettarget Resurgence$$em alakazam"
alt+v "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Luck$$inspexecpettarget Good Luck$$inspexecpettarget Phenomenal Luck$$inspexecpettarget Amazing Luck$$em alakazam"
alt+b "petselectname Hachi$$inspexecpettarget Sturdy$$inspexecpettarget Rugged$$inspexecpettarget Robust$$inspexecpettarget Resistant$$em alakazam"

Now ... if you're still reading this, there's a few things I wanted to point out as little bits of clever conveniences built into these bindloadfiles, and how they inter(re)act with the ergonomics of the keyboard setup I'm using.

So the first thing I've got is that if I've got the All, Genin or Jounin files loaded/active, because those files all address multiple Pets simultaneously, it's simply not possible to use a keybind to issue an inspiration to a specific Pet, because you need to have a $Target chosen to send the inspiration to THAT specific Pet.  This is why I've got the Alt+(T/Y/U, G-H and V/B) keys doing this work of selecting the Pet and issuing the "largest" inspiration of that type available to that individual Pet automatically for me.  All I need to do is use the Shift+(T/Y/U, G/H or B) key combination FIRST to pick the Pet I want to send the inspiration to ... and then use the Alt+(T/Y/U, G/H and V/B) to send the right inspiration TYPE to that Pet.

Alt+T = Break Free
Alt+Y = Accuracy
Alt+U = Damage
Alt+G = Endurance
Alt+H = Heal
Alt+V = Defense
Alt+B = Resistance

I set things up this way so that it's at least easier to remember "what goes where" by grouping categories together as a mnemonic aid.

Break Free / Accuracy / Damage
Endurance / Heal
Defense / Resistance

Another thing that some people may notice about my bindloadfiles is ... what's going on with that +v key in there?

Well, that's a trick stolen from the Kheldian keybinds.

By setting up +v the way I did here, it's going to try to activate Smoke Flash on the down press of the V key, and then when you release the V key (if you don't let go of it "too fast") it will queue up Temporal Selection to activate next ... all with a single keystroke.

The idea here is that in a lot of situations (not all, granted, but a lot of them) I'd want to be using Smoke Flash as either an opener for a Pet about to take an alpha strike for me ... or because that Pet is in trouble and their green bar is dropping fast and something needs to be done to save them.  The Smoke Flash will Placate nearby $Targets and enable a critical hit on their next few attacks (for 10s) by a Ninja Pet, but I'm thinking that if I need to "rescue" them from too much aggro like that, they're almost certainly going to need more healing if I'm using Smoke Flash as an "Oh S***!" button.  What the +v keybinding does for me then is allow me to cause Smoke Flash AND Temporal Selection to be used on the same Pet with "one" keystroke ... assuming I've got that specific Pet's bindloadfile active so as to issue the keybind combo to THAT specific Pet.

Now ... granted ... in this current v2.4 build I skipped Smoke Flash completely in favor of other powers available ... but that might not always be the case for every build that wants to use these keybinds. So I've left the Smoke Flash "factor" in the binds just in case it could become relevant in an alternate build ... of if someone else wants to use these bind files as the basis for their own Mastermind and they simply want to Find/Replace the Smoke Flash power with something else.

Another thing that I'm sure anyone else playing with these keybinds will notice is ... I've built in emotes for my Mastermind to "do" while directing traffic around the battlefield.  I've even got a Throw Confetti emote (that actually throws sparkly bits up into the air) for telling my Ninjas to "heel" and follow me, so as to "signal" them from afar, if need be, on where the rally point is supposed to be.

Telling my Ninjas to attack involves a throat slashing emote from my Mastermind.

It took me a while to figure out what emotes I wanted to associate with what commands, but I eventually got it all worked out and tested (that took a long time!).

At any rate, I hope that this (updated) Mastermind Control Scheme of mine winds up being useful to other people besides myself, particularly since I've gotten a few PMs from people asking me for an update on the current state of play of my bindloadfiles for my Mastermind.  Well ... here they are.

Enjoy. ^_~
Mastermind / Re: [v2.4] Ninja/Time Supremacy Blitz
« Last post by Redlynne on August 30, 2024, 03:23:46 pm »
Bindloadfiles for controlling (my, specifically) Ninja Mastermind Pets, in case anyone wants to use my scheme as a starting point for their own Mastermind build(s).
But first ... I need to explain a few more things.

I know ... this is my shocked face.

So, first of all, I need to explain what my keyboard and mouse setup is, simply so as to make the ergonomics of my user interface is like.

I use a (wired) full keyboard Apple Keyboard (I'm a Mac user) ... and I use a dirt cheap/bare bones wired Logitech M100 mouse (two buttons plus scroll wheel). My keyboard looks like this:

This is my "common for every alt I play" default keybind file (keybind.txt) that I use as a kind of "common core" for building all of my control schemes around. I then have subsidiary keybind files that I use to "personalize" any modifications that are needed for specific characters and then load those files after starting with this basic core of keybinds.

My standard layout of trays in the UI is to have all 9 trays visible at all times in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, so I can "see everything all the time" that is in those trays. Makes it easier to put the same powers in the same places on multiple characters for increased commonality (and muscle memory of locations).

Code: [Select]
w "+left"
e "+forward"
r "+right"
s "+turnleft"
d "+backward"
f "+turnright"
space "+up"
shift+space "+down"
ctrl+space "nop"
q "powexectray 5 9"
shift+q "++autorun"
ctrl+q "powexectray 10 1"
alt+q "powexectray 10 9"
a "powexectray 6 9"
shift+a "powexectray 7 9"
ctrl+a "powexectray 8 9"
alt+a "powexectray 9 9"
1 "powexectray 1 1"
2 "powexectray 2 1"
3 "powexectray 3 1"
4 "powexectray 4 1"
5 "powexectray 5 1"
6 "powexectray 6 1"
7 "powexectray 7 1"
8 "powexectray 8 1"
9 "powexectray 9 1"
0 "powexectray 10 1"
F1 "powexectray 1 2"
F2 "powexectray 2 2"
F3 "powexectray 3 2"
F4 "powexectray 4 2"
F5 "powexectray 5 2"
F6 "powexectray 6 2"
F7 "powexectray 7 2"
F8 "powexectray 8 2"
F9 "powexectray 9 2"
F10 "powexectray 10 2"
shift+1 "powexectray 1 3"
shift+2 "powexectray 2 3"
shift+3 "powexectray 3 3"
shift+4 "powexectray 4 3"
shift+5 "powexectray 5 3"
shift+6 "powexectray 6 3"
shift+7 "powexectray 7 3"
shift+8 "powexectray 8 3"
shift+9 "powexectray 9 3"
shift+0 "powexectray 10 3"
shift+F1 "powexectray 1 4"
shift+F2 "powexectray 2 4"
shift+F3 "powexectray 3 4"
shift+F4 "powexectray 4 4"
shift+F5 "powexectray 5 4"
shift+F6 "powexectray 6 4"
shift+F7 "powexectray 7 4"
shift+F8 "powexectray 8 4"
shift+F9 "powexectray 9 4"
shift+F10 "powexectray 10 4"
ctrl+1 "powexectray 1 5"
ctrl+2 "powexectray 2 5"
ctrl+3 "powexectray 3 5"
ctrl+4 "powexectray 4 5"
ctrl+5 "powexectray 5 5"
ctrl+6 "powexectray 6 5"
ctrl+7 "powexectray 7 5"
ctrl+8 "powexectray 8 5"
ctrl+9 "powexectray 9 5"
ctrl+0 "powexectray 10 5"
ctrl+F1 "powexectray 1 6"
ctrl+F2 "powexectray 2 6"
ctrl+F3 "powexectray 3 6"
ctrl+F4 "powexectray 4 6"
ctrl+F5 "powexectray 5 6"
ctrl+F6 "powexectray 6 6"
ctrl+F7 "powexectray 7 6"
ctrl+F8 "powexectray 8 6"
ctrl+F9 "powexectray 9 6"
ctrl+F10 "powexectray 10 6"
alt+1 "powexectray 1 7"
alt+2 "powexectray 2 7"
alt+3 "powexectray 3 7"
alt+4 "powexectray 4 7"
alt+5 "powexectray 5 7"
alt+6 "powexectray 6 7"
alt+7 "powexectray 7 7"
alt+8 "powexectray 8 7"
alt+9 "powexectray 9 7"
alt+0 "powexectray 10 7"
alt+F1 "powexectray 1 8"
alt+F2 "powexectray 2 8"
alt+F3 "powexectray 3 8"
alt+F4 "powexectray 4 8"
alt+F5 "powexectray 5 8"
alt+F6 "powexectray 6 8"
alt+F7 "powexectray 7 8"
alt+F8 "powexectray 8 8"
alt+F9 "powexectray 9 8"
alt+F10 "powexectray 10 8"
shift+ctrl+1 "inspexec_slot 1"
shift+ctrl+2 "inspexec_slot 2"
shift+ctrl+3 "inspexec_slot 3"
shift+ctrl+4 "inspexec_slot 4"
shift+ctrl+5 "inspexec_slot 5"
shift+ctrl "nop"
tilde "targetcustomnear enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Sapper"
shift+tilde "targetcustomnext enemy defeated"
ctrl+tilde "follow"
tab "target_enemy_next"
shift+tab "target_enemy_prev"
ctrl+tab "nop"
numpad1 "teamselect 1"
numpad2 "teamselect 2"
numpad3 "teamselect 3"
numpad4 "teamselect 4"
numpad5 "teamselect 5"
numpad6 "teamselect 6"
numpad7 "teamselect 7"
numpad8 "teamselect 8"
shift+numpad1 "petselect 0"
shift+numpad2 "petselect 1"
shift+numpad3 "petselect 2"
shift+numpad4 "petselect 3"
shift+numpad5 "petselect 4"
shift+numpad6 "petselect 5"
shift+numpad7 "petselect 6"
shift+numpad8 "petselect 7"
F11 say "Ready!$$emote thumbsup"
F12 say "$battlecry$$emote attack"
shift+F11 say "HELP!$$emote whistle"
shift+F12 say "RUN!"
enter "nop"
shift+enter "nop"
ctrl+enter "em point$$say $target sighted."
backspace "afk Sending tell…$$autoreply"
shift+backspace "afk Sending tell…$$beginchat /tell $target, "
' "afk Typing…$$startchat"
esc "unselect"
shift+[ "screenshotui 0$$screenshot$$screenshotui 1$$screenshot$$em {click}"
\ "menu"
delete "++first"
home "+zoomin"
end "+zoomout"
pageup "nop"
pagedown "sync$$camreset$$camdist 24"
; "em cellphone$$ah"
shift+; "em screen$$vault"
n "em cellphone$$windowtoggle contacts"
m "em drinkenriche$$map"
comma "em inspiration$$windowtoggle mission"
mousechord "+camrotate$$camreset$$camdist 24"
shift+mousechord "+camrotate"
rbutton "+mouselook"
mousewheel "powexecunqueue"
lalt "nop"
up "nop"
down "nop"
left "nop"
right "nop"
- "nop"
alt+- "nop"
/ "nop"
b "nop"
c "nop"
equals "nop"
alt+equals "nop"
h "nop"
lctrl "nop"
mbutton "nop"
p "nop"
ralt "nop"
sysrq "nop"
t "nop"
v "nop"
ctrl+v "nop"
x "nop"
z "nop"

The organization of these keybinds plays out like this.

First, there are the movement controling keybinds.

Rather than using a typical WASD setup for movement control by left hand on keyboard (yes, I'm right handed), I instead invert that into a WERD setup for movement control because of how much easier it makes the ergonomics of my (left) hand position on the keyboard.
  • Left Ring Finger: naturally rests on the W key
  • Left Middle Finger: naturally rests on the E key
  • Left Index Finger: naturally rests on the F key
The advantage of this arrangement is that the F key on most keyboards (including mine) has a small raised bump on it for tactile feedback recognition of correct hand position (which is helpful in touch typing). That simple bit of tactile feedback helps keep my left hand in the right placement even when I'm looking up at the screen rather than down at my hands on the keyboard.

E/D are forward/back.
W is strafe left.
R is strafe right.
S and E are spin turns, but I almost never use them since I do most of my turn control using the mouse (better fine grained control using the mouse).
Spacebar is jump/fly up (and Shift+Spacebar is fly down)

Q and A get used as "throttle up/throttle down" in other games (that use a throttle), but here in City of Heroes I use Q/A to select movement modes (and autorun) with the shift, control and alt keys as additional modifiers.

In my tray 9 I put:
  • Ninja Run (slot 5)
  • Prestige Power Surge (slot 6)
  • Sprint (slot 7)
  • Prestige Power Slide (slot 8)
  • Walk (slot 9)
  • Jump Pack (slot 10)
If I've picked a Travel Power (such as Gadgetry: Jetpack) I'll put that power into tray 1, slot 10 (all the way over on the right in the bottom corner).

With the common core keybinds I've set up, this gives me the following combinations without needing to write new binds for every character:
  • Q = Ninja Run
  • Shift+Q = Autorun toggle on/off
  • Control+Q = Travel Power
  • Shift:Control = Turbo Boost
  • Alt+Q = Jump Pack
  • A = Prestige Power Surge
  • Shift+A = Sprint
  • Control+A = Prestige Power Slide
  • Alt+A = Walk
Since the combination of Ninja Run+Prestige Power Surge (in my opinion, the most attractive looking prestige sprint power) often times winds up being my fastest mode of travel, I tend to default towards using it as a matter of routine, even when other options are available. I like using (actual) Sprint as my "stealth on demand" power once I've gotten a Celerity: +Stealth proc slotted into it because (actual) Stealth doesn't produce any light bloom or aura FX while the power is toggled on.

Next I've got my layout for (Foe) $Target selection and the binds for powers in trays, using these keys:

The combinations for the trays works out like this:
  • 1-0
  • F1-F10
  • Shift + 1-0
  • Shift + F1-F10
  • Control + 1-0
  • Control + F1-F10
  • Alt + 1-0
  • Alt + F1-F10
The tilde and tab keys get used for targeting of Foes, with different functions in combination with the Shift, Control and Alt keys again.

Tilde will target the nearest undefeated Foe.
Shift+Tilde will target nearest defeated Foe (useful for powers that require corpses).
Control+Tilde will toggle Follow of the selected $Target.
Tab is target next.
Shift+Tab is target previous.

Rapid targeting of Teammates is done via 1-8 on the numpad.
Rapid targeting of Pets is done via Shift + 1-8 on the numpad.
These functions can become quite relevant for rapid targeting of buffs and heals to teams.

Chat functions are largely sequestered over on the right hand side of the keyboard, as you can see here:

  • F11 = Ready!
  • F12 = $Battlecry
  • Shift+F11 = Help!
  • Shift+F12 = RUN
Tells chat is handled through the backspace/delete key (for getting "back" to people on private chat).

I use the apostrophe key instead of the Enter key to start chats, simply to avoid any "mode confusion" that can arise from using Enter to start a chat and to send text to a chat channel once I've finished typing.

Control+Enter is used to declare $Targets to whatever chat channel I've currently got set. I use this to announce Quantums/Voids for Kheldian allies to be aware of, along with other potential Foe hazards (so others I'm with know that I've got them).

Keyboard commands of menus and functions are broken out into binds in these locations:

  • Page Down does multiple things ... including reseting the camera position to behind my character, 24 feet away, which makes for a decent "all around view" needed for PBAoE targeting and awareness.
  • Home/End are the camera zoom in/zoom out keys
  • Delete is the first person view toggle
  • ESC is the unselect/cancel key (as usual)
  • Backslash brings up the menu (as usual)
  • Shift+[ is used for screenshots (automatically takes two screenshots per click, one with the UI off and one with the UI on)
  • Semcolon brings up the Auction House (with an emote)
  • Shift+Semcolon brings up the Vault (with an emote)
  • N toggles the Contacts window (with an emote)
  • M toggles the Map window (with an emote)
  • Comma toggles the Missions window (with an emote)

As far as keybinds to the mouse go, they're fairly standard ... albeit with some nice refinements that I've only just recently perfected.
  • Right Mouse Button = turn character and camera together while held down
  • Left+Right Mouse Buttons together = turn camera independently of character and snap back to default position when released(!)
  • Shift+Left+Right Mouse Buttons together = turn camera independently of character but do not adjust camera after release (good for glamour screenshots)
  • Mousewheel rotation (any direction) = unqueue Power, useful for canceling a queued up Power that you've changed your mind about using

At the end of the keybinds.txt file there are a lot of "nop" assignments (meaning "no operation") that essentially unbind those keys to prevent them from calling their original default assignment functions. I want to be sure those keys are "unbound" in order for them to be made available when personalizing and tailoring the keybind setups of heavily UI dependent setups such as needed by Masterminds and Kheldians (and even to a more limited extent, some Soldiers of Arachnos as well).
Mastermind / Re: [v2.4] Ninja/Time Supremacy Blitz
« Last post by Redlynne on August 30, 2024, 02:04:53 pm »
I've made enough changes with the build you see above relative to previous Ninja/Time builds, that I'm thinking I really ought to do something of a deep dive on how to set everything up in order to make it all work in a User Friendly™ way.
So first things first ... my power trays, which I keep in the bottom right corner of the my screen.

As you can see, the way I've got my "universal keybinds" file set up, everything operates on a basis of 1-0 and F1-F10 ... then add Shift, Control and Alt as modifiers to reach different powertrays.
My entire UI control scheme is centered around the proposition that I want to control as much as possible with my left hand, so I do not need to "disengage" from the left side of the keyboard in order to do things (like use the Numpad for Mastermind Commands).

Over a decade ago, I figured out that the "standard" WASD movement control position was "cramped" and uncomfortable for my left hand to use, especially if I'm using the mouse to control "steering" (of the camera view and therefore turn/spin around).
Consequently, I offset my preferred movement keys to instead be WERD (which "inverts the T shape" of WASD). This does a better job of centering my left hand over the left side of the keyboard and makes it easier to reach to both the left and right with my hand size relative to my keyboard.

Using the E key as move forward and the D key as move backward ... the W and R keys become strafe left/right respectively and turning is handled by mouse movement with right mouse button engaged.
From this position of left hand middle finger on the E key to move forward, it is a very natural easy reach while keeping forward movement engaged to hit the ESC or Tilde keys in the top left or reach the Shift or Control buttons to the bottom left with my left hand pinky finger. On the other side, with my left hand middle finger pressing down on the E key to move forward, I can simultaneously hit 6 and F5 without difficulty (reaching for 7 or F6 is an uncomfortable stretch).

So as you can see, being able to keep everything in the 1-6 / F1-F5 region, particularly if needing to add Shift, Control or Alt modifier keys into the mix, makes for a relatively comfortable UI control scheme.

Since powers icons can be a bit ambiguous if you're not familiar with them, let me give everyone the rundown.
The idea is to "cluster" powers with similar purposes together so that you really only need to "reach for the same combos" for combinations that ought to go together.
Additionally, I needed to keep in mind that I'm going to want to be "proliferating" this control scheme layout with my Time/Dual Pistols Defender as well, so best to set things up for as much commonality as possible so I don't need to unlearn/relearn muscle memory for "which things do what" for different characters.

Control + F1-F10: Toggle powers.
  • Control + F1 = Time's Juncture (PBAoE debuff)
  • Control + F2 = Maneuvers (PBAoE buff)
  • Control + F3 = Assault (PBAoE buff)
  • Control + F4 = Tactics (PBAoE buff)
  • Control + F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10
Control + 1-0: These are used for summons and buffs.
  • Control + 1 = Call Genin (T1 Ninja summon)
  • Control + 2 = Call Jounin (T2 Ninja summon)
  • Control + 3 = Oni (T3 Ninja summon)
  • Control + 4 = Train Ninja
  • Control + 5 = Kuji in Zen
  • Control + 6 = Incarnate Lore
  • Shift + 7, 8, 9, 0
Shift + F1-F10: These are for "overflow" secondary powers with longer recharge times which tend to want to be "clicked together" for greatest effect.
  • Shift + F1 = Farsight (PBAoE buff)
  • Shift + F2 = Chrono Shift (PBAoE buff)
  • Shift + F3 = Temporal Selection (Single Target buff)
  • Shift + F4 = Incarnate Destiny
  • Shift + F5 = Hasten (Self buff, autofire)
  • Shift + F6, F7, F8, F9, F10
Shift + 1-0: These are for "overflow" attack powers that are used less frequently, but still get used occasionally when situations call for them.
  • Shift + 1 = Incarnate Judgement
  • Shift + 2 = Incarnate Hybrid
  • Shift + 3 = Origin Power (Taser Dart)
  • Shift + 4 = Nemesis Staff
  • Shift + 5 = Ghost Slaying Axe
  • Shift + 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
F1-F10: These are the most often used Secondary powers available to the build, which can be more timing and location/position sensitive, so ease of coordination in use is paramount.
  • F1 = Slowed Response (Target AoE debuff with procs)
  • F2 = Distortion Field (Target AoE debuff pseudopet)
  • F3 = Temporal Mending (PBAoE heal)
  • F4 = Time Crawl (Single Target debuff)
  • F5 = Time Stop (Single Target hold with procs)
  • F6, F7, F8, F9
  • F10 = Long Range Teleport (menu of zones to transfer to)
1-0: These are the most often used Primary+Pool attacks available to the build.
  • 1 = Fistful of Arrows (Cone damage attack)
  • 2 = Snap Shot (Single Target damage attack)
  • 3 = Blink (Single Target damage teleport melee attack)
  • 4 = Blink Blitz (Target AoE damage teleport attack)
  • 5 = Mass Translocate (Target AoE foe teleport)
  • 6 = Team Teleport (toggle, modifies Teleport))
  • 7, 8, 9
  • 0 = Teleport (additional keybind using shift+lbutton)

Everything on powertrays 7-9 are powers that should be substantially the same on every alt I play.
Tray 8 is a lot of clicks (and a couple of Temp Pets) along with a Mission Teleporter and Rocket Board (all the way on the right).
Tray 9 is for the Ouroboros Portal, Pocket D Teleport and Rest in the first 3 slots. Ninja Run, Prestige Surge, Sprint, Prestige Power Slide, Walk and Jump Pack (with alternate keybinds for easy access using the Q and A keys plus modifiers) are here for ease of visibility.
Mastermind / [v2.4] Ninja/Time Supremacy Blitz
« Last post by Redlynne on August 29, 2024, 04:35:20 pm »
Well, well, well … isn't that interesting?
I got an idea, that has prompted me to make yet another (next NEXT) revision relative to the previous builds which you can find here in the Mastermind Builds forum at these links:
There are some rather significant structural changes relative to the previous build iteration, so I really ought to preview those before getting into the build details.

  • Aimed Shot
  • Stealth
  • Grant Invisibility
  • Vengeance
  • Teleport
  • Blink
  • Blink Blitz
  • Mass Translocate
I can already hear the head scratching going on in response to this, since it really is a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot level of structural change that forces a rework of the slotting for Call Genin, Call Jounin, Oni and some other somewhat significant slot investments in order to be able to shoehorn everything in so tightly that there's no wiggle room left anywhere.

If you look at the build plan and "can't figure out how it all fits together nicely and neatly" … do not despair, there's a lot of Player Skill Dependency™ going on for being able to usefully employ all of the Gameplay Tactical Tricks that are going on here.

Spoiler Alert: Ninjas + Time Manipulation + Teleport = Bad Day™ For $Targets
The mobility tricks at the tactical level are what make this iteration of my Ninja/Time build particularly fiendish and slippery.
Enough so that I'm thinking that for anyone who wants to envision what it's like to play, use Mission (FUGA) as a starting point for the dynamism and rhythm of how it plays in terms of *FEEL*.

You can have three guesses as to who's going to win.
The first two don't count.

I am (still) unable to provide a proper export from Mids' Reborn.
1. My computer is a M2 iMac Mini, so any wind0ze programming needs to get run through a WINE emulator (in my case, Whisky+GPTK).
2. I am completely unable to get Mids' Reborn to work at all. There desperately needs to be a complete top to bottom refactoring of Mids' Reborn into a web page online character builder, in which the details of the build are dynamically updated as a hash code added to the URL, the same as is done for the (much simpler) talent build online calculators used for World of Warcraft.

So everything you see below is a manual "by hand" transcription from what my build looks like inside the game copied into this posting. If someone would like to transcribe everything I've written here into Mids' Reborn so as to do a "proper" export (with full details and code hash), that would be welcome.

Level 50 Technology Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation

Power Pool: Teleportation
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership

Praetorian Profile:

Level 1: Call Genin
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Damage: Attuned
  • (3) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance: Attuned
  • (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (5) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Attuned
  • (9) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10
  • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: 50
Level 1: Time Crawl
  • (A) Pacing of the Turtle - Accuracy/Endurance: 50+5
Level 2: Snap Shot
  • (A) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27+5
  • (5) Decimation - Damage/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (7) Decimation - Accuracy//Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (7) Decimation - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (23) Decimation - Chance for Buildup: Level 25
  • (25) Devastation - Chance to Hold: Level 30
Level 4: Temporal Mending
  • (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 20
  • (42) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27+5
  • (43) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (43) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27+5
  • (43) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27+5
  • (45) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27+5
Level 6: Train Ninjas
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 8: Fistful of Arrows
  • (A) Rolling Barrage - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27+5
  • (9) Rolling Barrage - Damage/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (19) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 20
  • (19) Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure++ (Damage/Range)
  • (33) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure++ (Damage/Range)
Level 10: Time's Juncture
  • (A) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (11) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/ Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (11) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (17) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
Level 12: Call Jounin
  • (A) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (15) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Attuned
  • (15) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15
  • (17) Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff: Attuned
Level 14: Teleport
  • (A) Time & Space Manipulation - +Stealth: Level 15
Level 16: Distortion Field
  • (A) Superior Winter Storm - Recharge/Chance for Cold Damage: Attuned
  • (40) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Slow: Attuned
  • (40) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Slow: Attuned
  • (42) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Damage/Slow: Attuned
  • (42) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Endurance/Slow: Attuned
Level 18: Temporal Selection
  • (A) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration: Level 10
  • (45) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (45) Regenerative Tissue - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (46) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (46) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
Level 20: Time Stop
  • (A) Superior Entomb - Accuracy/Endurance/Hold: Attuned
  • (21) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 10
  • (21) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 10
  • (23) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 20
  • (25) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30
  • (50) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
Level 22: Blink
  • (A) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage: Level 31+5
  • (33) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance: Level 31+5
  • (33) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 31+5
  • (34) Crushing Impact - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 31+5
  • (34) Crushing Impact - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 31+5
  • (34) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5
Level 24: Blink Blitz
  • (A) Obliteration - Damage: Level 31+5
  • (37) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge: Level 31+5
  • (37) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 31+5
  • (39) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 31+5
  • (39) Obliteration - Chance of Damage(Smashing): Level 30
  • (40) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25+5
Level 26: Oni
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist(All) and +Regen Aura: Attuned
  • (27) Sovereign Right - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (29) Sovereign Right - Resist Bonus: Level 25
  • (29) Expedient Reinforcement - Resist Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 30
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Peroxisome Exposure++ (Damage/Mez)
Level 28: Farsight
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
Level 30: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 32: Kuji In Zen
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 35: Slowed Response
  • (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 10
  • (36) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 10
  • (37) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 21
Level 38: Chrono Shift
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
  • (39) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 41: Maneuvers
  • (A) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 20
  • (46) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 22+5
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 22+5
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
  • (50) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22+5
Level 44: Tactics
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure++ (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
Level 47: Assault
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 49: Mass Translocate
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Protection (4 points): Level 10
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) empty
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 10
  • (9) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20
  • (17) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 30
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 21
  • (13) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 27+5
  • (23) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 27+5
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50
Level 1: Genin
Level 12: Jounin
Level 14: Team Teleport
Level 14: Long Range Teleport
Level 26: Oni

Level 50: Alpha Intuition Radial Paragon
Level 50: Judgement Void Radial Final Judgement
Level 50: Interface Diamagnetic Core Flawless Interface
Level 50: Lore Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Level 50: Destiny Barrier Core Epiphany
Level 50: Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment
Level 50: Genesis Socket Radial Flawless

Set Bonuses (to verify The Law of Fives is not being violated)

15% Accuracy (Superior Winter Storm: 4)
7% Accuracy (Crushing Impact: 4)
9% Accuracy (Obliteration: 4)

4% Damage (Superior Witchcraft: 2)
4% Damage (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 2)
3% Damage (Obliteration: 3)

5% E/N Defense, 2.5% Ranged Defense (Superior Witchcraft: 3)

3.75% Endurance Discount (Preventative Medicine: 5)
3.75% Endurance Discount (Reactive Defenses: 5)

4% Improved Healing (Regenerative Tissue: 4)

7.5% Improved Range (Rolling Barrage: 2)

4% Improved Slow (Superior Winter Storm: 3)

2.25% Max Endurance (Decimation: 4)

1.13% Max Health (Decimation: 3)
1.13% Max Health (Crushing Impact: 3)
1.5% Max Health (Regenerative Tissue: 3)
1.88% Max Health (Preventative Medicine: 3)
1.88% Max Health (Reactive Defenses: 3)
1.88% Max Health (Performance Shifter: 3)
3% Max Health (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 3)

6% Movement (Regenerative Tissue: 2)
7.5% Movement (Performance Shifter: 2)

5% Recharge (Regenerative Tissue: 5)
5% Recharge (Crushing Impact: 5)
5% Recharge (Obliteration: 5)
6.25% Recharge (Decimation: 5)
7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
7.5% Recharge (Luck of the Gambler: 1)
8.75% Recharge (Preventative Medicine: 6)
8.75% Recharge (Reactive Defenses: 6)
10% Recharge (Superior Mark of Supremacy: 2)
10% Recharge (Superior Witchcraft: 4)
10% Recharge (Superior Command of the Mastermind: 4)
10% Recharge (Superior Winter Storm: 5)
10% Recharge (Superior Mark of Supremacy: 2)

2.5% Recovery (Shield Breaker: 2)
4% Recovery (Superior Winter Storm: 2)

8% Regeneration (Sovereign Right: 2)
12% Regeneration (Overwhelming Force: 2)

2.25% S/L Resist, 3.75% Mez Resist (Preventative Medicine: 2)
1.5% S/L Resist, 2.5% Mez Resist (Crushing Impact: 2)
1.5% S/L Resist, 2.5% Mez Resist (Reactive Defenses: 2)
2.25% S/L Resist, 3.75% Mez Resist (Obliteration: 2)
3% F/C Resist, 5% Mez Resist (Preventative Medicine: 4)
3% F/C Resist, 5% Mez Resist (Reactive Defenses: 4)
1.5% E/N Resist, 2.5% Mez Resist (Decimation: 2)

Proc chances:
Snap Shot: Decimation (1.0 PPM), Devastation (3.0 PPM), Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM)
  • 1.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 42.1 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 6.50% (Pre-clamp: 4.01%)
  • 3.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 42.1 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 12.04%
  • 6.0 * ((2 / ( 1 + 42.1 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 24.07%
Fistful of Arrows: Annihilation (3.0 PPM), Positron's Blast (3.5 PPM), Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM)
  • 3.0 * ((8 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 24.52% per $Target
  • 3.5 * ((8 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 28.61% per $Target
  • 6.0 * ((8 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 49.04% per $Target
Call Jounin: Superior Witchcraft (6 PPM)
  • Basic: Gambler's Cut (-DEF, 3s recharge)
  • Basic: Sting of the Wasp (-DEF, 5s recharge)
  • Basic: Caltrops (Slow, 30s recharge)
  • Train: Soaring Dragon (-DEF, Knockback, 9s recharge)
  • Zen: Golden Dragonfly (-DEF, Knockup, 12s recharge)
  • Zen: Blinding Powder (-To-hit, 120s recharge)
Distortion Field: Superior Winter Storm (4.5 PPM)
  • 4.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 23.08% per $Target
Time Stop: Gladiator's Net (3.5 PPM), Neuronic Shutdown (3.5 PPM), Ghost Widow's Embrace (3.5 PPM), Lockdown (2.5 PPM), Unbreakable Contstraint (4.5 PPM)
  • 2.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 75.71%
  • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 105.99%)
  • 4.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 136.28%)
Blink: Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM)
  • 6.0 * ((4 / ( 1 + 35.2 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 39.59%
Blink Blitz: Obliteration (3.5 PPM), Hybrid Assault Radial Embodiment (6.0 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((32 / ( 1 + 68.8 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 30 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 26.61% per $Target
  • 6.0 * ((32 / ( 1 + 68.8 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 30 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 45.62% per $Target
Slowed Response: Shield Breaker (3.5 PPM), Achilles' Heel (3.5 PPM), Touch of Lady Grey (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 47.6 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.77%) per $Target
Mastermind / Re: [v2.3.3] Ninja/Time Supremacy Incarnate
« Last post by Redlynne on August 28, 2024, 10:27:09 am »
So I've been playing the build above in iTrials (rather successfully) and been able to determine somewhat conclusively that the build above is capable of:
  • BAF Trial: soloing a bunker during the Mindwashed Resistance Escape Phase
  • MoM Trial: soloing the portals during the Aurora Rescue Phase
  • DD Trial: soloing a Repulsive Spine to destruction
So ... performance is "pretty decent" when it counts.  8)

However, that said ... I'm looking at the distribution of Powers (and Slotting) and realizing that there is STILL some "wasteful muling" going on in the build.
Specifically, Aimed Shot is spending an uncomfortable fraction of time on my powers bar in a fully recharged state ... unused. When fully buffed, the recharge on Aimed Shot gets down to ~1 second, but Snap Shot is down around ~0.5 seconds (and visually "inflates" to recharge almost instantly) because Snap Shot has a 2 second recharge (base).

Set Bonus slotting adds up to +108.75% combined global recharge.
Hasten adds another +70% global recharge.
Chrono Shift adds another +50% global recharge.
6-slotting Decimation into Snap Shot adds +68.5% enhancement recharge through enhancement slotting alone.

100 (base) + 68.5 + 108.75 + 70 + 50 = 397.25% total recharge

So Snap Shot's 2 second recharge becomes 2/3.9725=0.503461296412838 seconds ... which is only slightly slower than Player Reaction Speed.
Even with ZERO slotted enhancement on Snap Shot, due to global recharge factors the 2 second recharge would become 328.75% total recharge ... and 2/3.2875=0.608365019011407 seconds ... a difference of +0.105 seconds (which in practice would be barely noticeable).

My point being that I'm coming to the conclusion that it would be "acceptable" to drop Aimed Shot (and recoup 5 slots in the process) towards an alternative build choice.
But what to build?

Well, right now I've got Luck of the Gambler +7.5% global enhancements getting muled in Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Vengeance and Farsight ... and 3 of those powers (Stealth, Grant Invisibility and Vengeance) are rarely used.
Stealth is something I wind up using during the Lambda Trial during the gathering phase, but effectively at no other time.
Grant Invisibility gets used (briefly) during the TPN Trial (to reduce Pet catchup delays when rushing indoors) and during the Keyes Trial (to reduce Pet catchup delays after Ninja Leaping from bunkers up onto the third reactor to join the fight up there) ... but other than that, Grant Invisibility just sits on my power bar unused.
Vengeance occasionally gets used, but it's so rare (because Creed and others are so quick to resurrect the fallen) that it also spends a supermajority of time on my powers bar fully recharged with no opportunities for usage.

Then I noticed that the revamped Teleportation Pool includes 2 powers that add +Defense and which can be slotted for +Defense ... Blink and Blink Blitz. Those powers also accept Melee Sets (Blink) and PBAoE Sets (Blink Blitz) so a 5-slot (for global recharge) + Luck of the Gambler global recharge in those 2 powers becomes an option for replacing Stealth and Grant Invisibility.

Which means ...

  • Aimed Shot
  • Stealth
  • Grant Invisibility
  • Vengeance

  • Blink
  • Teleport
  • Blink Blitz
  • Mass Translocate
Also Gain:
  • Team Teleport
  • Mass Translocation

Needless to say, this has some VERY interesting options and possibilities going on with it, but it is going to ROYALLY MESS UP the slotting arrangement I've been using up to this point (because of Rule of Five for set bonuses, among other concerns) so I'm going to have to do an almost top to bottom build refactoring in order to make this work ... but I can already see a path that will be usable, particularly for a Level 50 Incarnate respec.

This is going to take some major work to try and get everything sorted (especially since I can't get Mids' Reborn to work on my M2 iMac Mini!), but it's a possibility worth investigating. If nothing else, Teleportation looks like it will "see more use" than the Aimed Shot, Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Vengeance combination has been achieving. Teleportation will enable NEW TACTICS and strategies to be put into play (such as "relocating to cluster" Clockworks during the Keyes Reactor Trial), including repositioning Foes into my Distortion Field bubbles.  8)
It's now the fall and once again the servers bills are now due. Nothing fancy this time around, there were no back charges or credits made. (Everything from the Spring/Summer bill is coming over to this bill.) Again, this is the normal price of the server going forward barring any form of price increases. (So far we're not in line for any)

Planned Bills (for six months)

  • 2x $456.00 : These are rented baremetal servers that hold the Main Live server and the public PTS server. (as well as some web components, like our manifests)
  • $240.00 : This is the staff's internal PTS server (Beta). This server pretty much lets the staff make changes to the code and test internally before we push it to the public PTS. We tried to run two servers on one box by toggling which one you log in to but that caused issues when people consistently tried to log in on the PTS server outside of the test times. So this server was bought to accommodate a change.
  • $30.00 : This is currently being used to host the web forums, wiki, main website and the beta ground for the new web page.
  • $120.00: This is the new Alpha shard, hosting the new game world for internal testing to not disturb the PTS with our changes. Additionally, this server hosts all of the git repositories that we use to power, code, and make changes the game in a collaborative manner.
  • Grand Total: $1302.00

How to Donate:
Currently PayPal is being used to collect donations via "PayPal Fundraisers". Additionally, a few people have reached out to donate via Wise (f/k/a TransferWise) and while that is possible, will need to be handled privately. If you are an international player and wish to donate in Euro or GBP, you can reach out to me (retched) via Discord and I'll provide details on how you can donate should you choose not to use PayPal.


I also, cannot stress this enough:
Most times we always end up with a bit of overflow. If you miss the cut, do not stress it. We still enjoy you and thank you for your time that you spend playing on COH: Rebirth!

The bill is due on September 1, 2024. Any extra funds will be used to prepay the next six months in March 2024. Any questions, feel free to reach out on the Discord in DM or Forums in DM.

Please remember that donating does NOT grant any additional benefits or rewards in game and any donations received are final, not subject to a refund.

As always thank you for your consideration and donations!

- retched

Mastermind / Re: VERIFIED. Hybrid: Assault Radial Double Hit CAN be used by Pets.
« Last post by Redlynne on August 21, 2024, 09:59:45 am »
Did some additional testing last night and the results are ... interesting.

So what I did was summon my Ninja Pets and upgraded them in Pocket D, so everything was ready to go, while Assault Radial was toggled OFF.
When the iTrial queue popped and asked me to join, I would Accept and then toggle ON Assault Radial.
The timer to accept entry into the iTrial is 1 minute and Assault Radial remains toggled ON for 2 minutes before automatically toggling OFF ... so Assault Radial remained toggle ON while zoning into the instance.

Upon entry into the iTrial instance, all Pets get resummoned (anew) and have all boosts (Level 6 and 32 buff powers) applied to them automatically (no need to recast).
This INCLUDES the Assault Radial Grant Power for Double Hit, because Assault Radial was toggled ON while zoning in.
So no need to wait to summon, train and upgrade inside the instance.

If the Pets survive(!), whenever Assault Radial gets toggled ON ... ALL Pets who were summoned while Assault Radial was toggled ON will "inherit" Double Hit (a 6 PPM extra damage proc) from their caster.
This includes Lore Pets, not just Mastermind (or Controller/Dominator or Soldier of Arachnos, etc.) Pets.
ALL PETS GET THIS ... it's just that Masterminds "get the most Pets" so they benefit maximally from this Assault Radial "inheritance" of Double Hit effect.

To be clear ... ALL Archetypes who have Pet summoning powers can benefit from this "toggle ON Assault Radial before summoning Pet(s)" effect.
I figure that the reason why everything works like this is one of those "it has to" limitations of the programming ... kind of like the "unexpected interaction" between Oil Slick (Trick Arrow) and Howling Twilight (Dark Miasma) for being able to mass rez groups of allies. Oil Slick "has to be" coded as something that can be attacked in order to trigger lighting up the Oil Slick for the flame effect. That then makes Oil Slick a "legal target" for Howling Twilight to mass rez piles of allies within range.
I suspect that something similar is going on with Assault Radial interacting with Pets to enable the Pets to also use Double Hits. It "works" because that's the only way the programming can work, such that the interaction with Pets is something of a side effect (or a bonus, if you prefer) rather than something that is design intentional from the beginning.
Mastermind / VERIFIED. Hybrid: Assault Radial Double Hit CAN be used by Pets.
« Last post by Redlynne on August 17, 2024, 06:46:46 pm »
Hybrid: Assault Radial Embodiment

I was able to verify during iTrials today that Pets CAN gain Double Hit from Hybrid: Assault Radial.
However, there are some pre-conditions that need to be met in order for this to work.
  • Assault must be toggled ON before summoning Pets. This enables the Pets to "inherit" the Double Hit effect from their caster.
  • Double Hit will be active on summoned Pets while Assault is toggled ON, but not while Assault is toggled OFF and recharging.
  • If the Pet has not been defeated after initial casting while Assault was ON, when the you later toggle ON Assault again later, Pets will regain Double Hit.
I was able to verify this information with the combat log limited to Pet Damage Inflicted readout.

Furthermore, I was able to verify that if a Pet DOES get defeated and you need to resummon them, the simplest thing to do is to WAIT until you have Assault toggled ON again and then simply resummon with Assault toggled ON.
Note that Double Hit can also be "inherited" by Lore Pets as well, not just Mastermind Pets (or Soldier of Arachnos Pets, or Controller Pets, or ... you get the idea).

I have NOT extended the testing to the notion of having Assault toggled ON and all Pets summoned during the Click to Accept Queue phase prior to entering an iTrial.
It is common knowledge that any time you zone, all of your Pets "die" in the previous zone and get summoned anew in the new zone (for free). I know that Ninjas will zone transfer in such as way as to automatically receive both Level 6 and 32 power training power buffs simultaneously upon arrival into a new zone (which I see frequently when entering and exiting from iTrials).

If you can toggle ON Assault Radial while waiting for an iTrial Queue to fill up with responses and then summon all of your Pets and Level 6+32 buff them prior to entering an iTrial instance ... and have the Pets "persist" with their "inherit Double Hit" behavior without needing to be summoned inside the iTrial instance ... that would be good to know.
That's going to be the next test.
Looking for Group / Re: WST Schedule 2024 - Currently (08/12/2024 - 09/08/2024)
« Last post by FarmTank on August 12, 2024, 08:47:45 am »
WST SCHEDULE (08/12/2024 - 09/08/2024)

08/12: Katie Hannon (30-34), Positron (10-15/11-16), Silver Mantis (20-25), Dr. Kahn (45-50)

08/19: Faathim (44-50), Penelope Yin (20-25), Mortimer Kal (20-40), ITF (35-50)

08/26: Apex (50 w/ Alpha), Manticore (30-35), Lord Recluse (45-50), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

09/02: Terra Volta (44-50), Citadel (25-30), Tin Mage (50 w/ Alpha), LGTF (45-50)
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