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At the rogue merit vendor in Cap if I set the slider below 30 I see the recipes for the other five pieces, but not the proc.  Bringing the slider to 30 the proc recipe shows up.

At the reward merit vendor below level 30 all six recipes show up, so this seems to only be an issue with the alignment merit vendor and not the reward merit one.
Looking for Group / Re: WST Schedule 2024 - Currently (06/17/2024 - 07/08/2024)
« Last post by FarmTank on July 14, 2024, 08:10:32 pm »
WST SCHEDULE (07/15/2024 - 08/11/2024)

07/15: Moonfire (23-28), Citadel (25-30), Virgil Tarikoss (15-20), Ms. Liberty (45-50)

07/22: Sara Moore (40-50), Manticore (30-35), Renault (25-30), ITF (35-50)

07/29: Sutter (20-40), Numina (35-40), Ice Mistral (35-40), Barracuda (45-50)

08/05: Justin Augustine (44-50), Synapse (15-20), Tree of Thorns (44-50), LGTF (45-50)
Mastermind / [v2.3] Ninja/Time Supremacy Incarnate
« Last post by Redlynne on July 12, 2024, 04:08:44 pm »
Needless to say, there have been ... some changes (informed by actual gameplay here on Rebirth) ... that have prompted me to make yet another (next) revision relative to the previous builds which you can find here in the Mastermind Builds forum at these links:
The main changes in this build relative to the v2.2 is some shifting of powers and slotting to improve efficiency even further than the previous iterations were able to achieve.

The biggest difference is the synergistic effects of slotting a damage proc into Fistful of Arrows along with the combination of Interface: T4 Spectral Radial and Genesis: T4 Socket Radial yielding a surprisingly hefty boost in Cone AoE damage out of Fistful of Arrows. Due to the high global recharge and click powers recharge buffs stacking in this build, it becomes possible to use Fistful of Arrows at a reasonably high rate of fire. Interface damage (negative energy) has an 85% chance to proc, which tends to yield significant "bonus damage" on every hit. Fistful of Arrows tends to proc the Positron's Blast for extra energy damage relatively frequently, which can cause the damage output of Fistful of Arrows increase by 2x to 3x per use, laying down a respectable amount of damage throughput from a Mastermind Personal Attack that does AoE (Cone). The slotting that I use in this build extends the Cone range out to a VERY respectable distance, greatly enhancing its area of effect far in excess of what could be achieved by slotting the Rolling Barrage set.

You can have three guesses as to who's going to win.
The first two don't count.

This time, I am unable to provide a proper export from Mids' Reborn.
1. My computer is now a M2 iMac Mini, so any wind0ze programming needs to get run through a WINE emulator (in my case, Whisky+GPTK).
2. I am completely unable to get Mids' Reborn to work at all. There desperately needs to be a complete top to bottom refactoring of Mids' Reborn into a web page online character builder, in which the details of the build are dynamically updated as a hash code added to the URL, the same as is done for the (much simpler) talent build online calculators used for World of Warcraft.

So everything you see below is a manual "by hand" transcription from what my build looks like inside the game copied into this posting. If someone would like to transcribe everything I've written here into Mids' Reborn so as to do a "proper" export (with full details and code hash), that would be welcome, since there are some relatively significant changes from the previous iteration (-1 Pool for starters).

Level 50 Technology Mastermind
Primary Power Set: Ninjas
Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation

Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Call Genin
  • (A) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage: Attuned
  • (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Attuned
  • (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (5) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Attuned
  • (7) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10
  • (50) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: Level 50
Level 1: Time Crawl
  • (A) Impeded Swiftness - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27+5
  • (7) Impeded Swiftness - Chance of Damage(Smashing): Level 10
  • (17) Pacing of the Turtle - Chance of -Recharge: Level 20
Level 2: Aimed Shot
  • (A) Apocalypse - Damage: Level 50
  • (5) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50
  • (9) Apocalypse - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50
  • (11) Apocalypse - Damage/Endurance: Level 50
  • (19) Apocalypse - Chance of Damage(Negative): Level 50
  • (19) Gladiator's Javelin - Chance of Damage(Toxic): Level 10
Level 4: Temporal Mending
  • (A) Preventive Medicine - Chance for +Absorb: Level 20
  • (45) Preventive Medicine - Heal: Level 27
  • (45) Preventive Medicine - Heal/Endurance: Level 27
  • (45) Preventive Medicine - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 27
  • (46) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime: Level 27
  • (46) Preventive Medicine - Heal/RechargeTime/Endurance: Level 27
Level 6: Train Ninjas
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 8: Fistful of Arrows
  • (A) Annihilation - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (9) Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20
  • (11) Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 20
  • (25) Detonation - Damage/Endurance/Range: Level 50+5
  • (34) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure (Accuracy/Range)
  • (34) Hamidon Origin: Centriole Exposure (Accuracy/Range)
Level 10: Time's Juncture
  • (A) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (40) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/ Universal Debuff: Attuned
  • (40) Superior Witchcraft - Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
  • (40) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Attuned
Level 12: Call Jounin
  • (A) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage:  Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge:  Attuned
  • (13) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance:  Attuned
  • (15) Superior Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura:  Attuned
  • (15) Superior Witchcraft - Accuracy/Recharge: Attuned
  • (17) Superior Witchcraft - Chance for Res Debuff: Attuned
Level 14: Temporal Selection
  • (A) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration: Level 10
  • (42) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Endurance: Level 27
  • (43) Regenerative Tissue - Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
  • (43) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Recharge: Level 27
  • (43) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27
Level 16: Distortion Field
  • (A) Basilisk's Gaze - Chance of -Recharge: Level 10
  • (34) Superior Winter Storm - Recharge/Chance for Cold Damage: Attuned
  • (36) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Slow: Attuned
  • (37) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Slow: Attuned
  • (42) Superior Winter Storm - Accuracy/Damage/Slow: Attuned
  • (42) Superior Winter Storm - Damage/Endurance/Slow: Attuned
Level 18: Smoke Flash
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
  • (25) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+2
Level 20: Time Stop
  • (A) Lockdown - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge/Hold: Level 31+5
  • (21) Lockdown - Chance for +2 Mag Hold: Level 30
  • (21) Ghost Widow's Embrace - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 20
  • (23) Neuronic Shutdown - Chance of Damage(Psionic): Level 10
  • (23) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage(Lethal): Level 10
  • (50) Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage: Level 50
Level 22: Stealth
  • (A) Karma - Knockback Reduction (4 points): Level 10
  • (33) Shield Wall - Teleport Protection, Res(All): Level 10
  • (33) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
Level 24: Grant Invisibility
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
Level 26: Oni
  • (A) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage:  Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance:  Attuned
  • (27) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance:  Attuned
  • (29) Superior Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen:  Attuned
  • (29) Edict of the Master - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27
  • (31) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15
Level 28: Farsight
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
  • (31) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
  • (33) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
Level 30: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
  • (31) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 32: Kuji In Zen
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 35: Slowed Response
  • (A) Analyze Weakness - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 50+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (36) Shield Breaker - Chance for Lethal Damage: Level 10
  • (37) Achilles' Heel - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 10
  • (37) Touch of Lady Grey - Chance for Negative Damage: Level 21
Level 38: Chrono Shift
  • (A) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (39) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (39) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Recharge: Level 27+5
  • (39) Regenerative Tissue - Heal/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27+5
Level 41: Maneuvers
  • (A) Reactive Defenses - Scaling Resist Damage: Level 20
  • (46) Reactive Defenses - Defense: Level 22
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance: Level 22
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22
  • (48) Reactive Defenses - Defense/RechargeTime: Level 22
  • (50) Reactive Defenses - Defense/Endurance/RechargeTime: Level 22
Level 44: Tactics
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Cytoskeleton Exposure (+Defense/+ToHit/Endurance Reduction)
Level 47: Assault
  • (A) Endurance Reduction IO: Level 50+5
Level 49: Vengeance
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed: Level 25
Level 1: Supremacy
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Hamidon Origin: Nucleolus Exposure (Acc/Dam)
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Celerity - +Stealth: Level 15
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO: Level 50
Level 2: Swift
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO: Level 50+5
Level 2: Health
  • (A) Panacea - +Hit Points/Endurance: Level 10
  • (9) Miracle - +Recovery: Level 20
  • (17) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery: Level 30
Level 2: Stamina
  • (A) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End: Level 21
  • (13) Performance Shifter - EndMod: Level 27
  • (23) Performance Shifter - EndMod/Accuracy: Level 27
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge
  • (A) Run Speed IO: Level 50+5
Level 50: Intuition Radial Paragon
Level 50: Ion Radial Final Judgement
Level 50: Spectral Radial Flawless Interface
Level 50: Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Level 50: Rebirth Radial Epiphany
Level 50: Support Radial Embodiment
Level 50: Socket Radial Flawless Genesis
Level 50: Born In Battle
Level 50: High Pain Threshold
Level 50: Invader
Level 50: Marshal
Level 1: Genin
Level 12: Jounin
Level 26: Oni

Proc chances:
Time Crawl: Impeded Swiftness (3.5 PPM), Pacing of the Turtle (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((15 / ( 1 + 0 / 100 )) + 1.6) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 96.83%)
Aimed Shot: Apocalypse (4.5 PPM), Gladiator's Javelin (3.5 PPM)
  • 4.5 * ((4 / ( 1 + 59.62 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 26.29%
  • 3.5 * ((4 / ( 1 + 59.62 / 100 )) + 1) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 20.45%
Fistful of Arrows: Annihilation (3.0 PPM), Positron's Blast (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.0 * ((8 / ( 1 + 18.43 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 21.19% per $Target
  • 3.5 * ((8 / ( 1 + 18.43 / 100 )) + 1.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 24.72% per $Target
Call Jounin: Superior Witchcraft (6 PPM)
  • Basic: Gambler's Cut (-DEF, 3s recharge)
  • Basic: Sting of the Wasp (-DEF, 5s recharge)
  • Basic: Caltrops (Slow, 30s recharge)
  • Train: Soaring Dragon (-DEF, Knockback, 9s recharge)
  • Zen: Golden Dragonfly (-DEF, Knockup, 12s recharge)
  • Zen: Blinding Powder (-To-hit, 120s recharge)
Distortion Field: Basilisk's Gaze (3.5 PPM), Superior Winter Storm (4.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 17.95% per $Target
  • 4.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 23.08% per $Target
Time Stop: Lockdown (2.5 PPM), Ghost Widow's Embrace (3.5 PPM), Neuronic Shutdown (3.5 PPM), Gladiator's Net (3.5 PPM), Unbreakable Contstraint (4.5 PPM)
  • 2.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 19.25 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 64.95%
  • 3.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 19.25 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.93%)
  • 4.5 * ((16 / ( 1 + 19.25 / 100 )) + 2.17) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 116.91%)
Slowed Response: Shield Breaker (3.5 PPM), Achilles' Heel (3.5 PPM), Touch of Lady Grey (3.5 PPM)
  • 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 59.11 / 100 )) + 2.27) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (Pre-clamp: 90.02%) per $Target
Blaster / Re: My Latest Hot Mess: Dynamo Rose (Electric/Martial)
« Last post by Redlynne on July 01, 2024, 01:15:41 pm »
Trying Ageless Destiny will be an experimental move for me.  I'm going to see if I can get by with just Inner Will to deal with mez (no it's not Perma, but if it's "enough", that's all I need).  And hey if it doesn't work out as well as I want, I can pivot to Clarion later.

Depends on what you're wanting out of your Destiny slot.
In my experience (running iTrials, where Incarnate slotting is most relevant) Ageless is substantially superfluous (not entirely, just mostly). Most builds do not still have END problems by the time they reach 50 and and getting slotted out with Incarnates (and if they do have END problems, they need to be rebuilt in Mids' so they don't have END problems). The other substantially beneficial boost from Ageless is the +Recharge option ... but even then, by the time you reach 50, most builds "have enough +Recharge" in them already and either don't "need" more or they can't make all that much use of "more" +Recharge from Ageless. So in that respect, I often times look upon Ageless as being more of a crutch for poor build choices than an advantage which cannot be obtained by other means.

My personal Go To(s) for Destiny slotting are either Clarion (mez protection, but I tend to go Radial for the Power Boost and +Range buffing) or Rebirth (my preference is for Radial over Core). Clarion Radial is nice on builds which have a significant share of controls (soft and hard) which prefer to fight beyond melee range. Rebirth Radial is great because all of the "healing" (and regeneration?) that it yields in league play winds up attributing to your caster, helping you to work on any Healing Badges that you might not have otherwise been able to fill up. I can often times wind up with something like 10-30k (or more) added to my Healing Badge accounts after each and every single iTrial when I'm playing Redlynne (my SR/MA Tanker, who has no "heal" powers aside from Rebirth Radial). In my experience, the +Regeneration from Rebirth Radial is better for survival than the +Max HP option from Rebirth Core ... and the reason that I say that is that when I'm taking damage, over the 2 minute duration of each Rebirth casting, I'll often times gain more HP (recovered) from the added regeneration than I would have done by increasing Max HP. So on balance, I feel like Rebirth Radial is better for survival (need less healing) than Rebirth Core.

The RR +Per piece is pure necessity.  I've found that with all the -Per that Night Widows and Tarantula Mistresses can throw around,  yellow insps aren't enough to keep up.  And I know if I could get Tactics cooking, that would be a win on a couple of fronts for that, but I have a tough time kicking powers off the life raft.  So the RR piece is my least-worst option.

Tactics is useful for MORE than just +Perception.
Rectified Reticle is essentially superfluous in a build that has Tactics running.
If it comes to a choice between a single slot (Rectified Reticle) and a power slot (Tactics), it's better to have Tactics as a One Slot Wonder (my preference is for a Hami-O: Cytoskeleton Exposure that grants +Def/+End/+Tohit) as the "densest possible enhancement values (that matter)" that can be squeezed into a single enhancement slot (see: One Slot Wonder).

Then again, I'm also pretty keen on 6-slotting Maneuvers with Reactive Defenses for all those sweet sweet set bonuses and scaling resistances. With that slotting, Maneuvers becomes "pretty respectable" as a +Defense power that is working for EVERYONE nearby ... not just yourself.

The way that I think about Maneuvers (as a "useful" power) is to make this kind of comparison:
Weave = 2x Maneuvers in terms of +Defense, but for SELF ONLY.

However, this leads to a somewhat curious effect when taking stacking considerations into account.

  • Team-1: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-2: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-3: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-4: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-5: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-6: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-7: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-8: Weave = 2x Maneuvers to Self
  • Team-1: 1x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-2: 2x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-3: 3x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-4: 4x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-5: 5x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-6: 6x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-7: 7x Maneuvers to All
  • Team-8: 8x Maneuvers to All

As you can see from this simplified analysis ... Maneuvers is "only inferior when soloing" (or when you're the only one in the group with the Maneuvers power). As soon as a SECOND character in the group has Maneuvers, then EVERYONE effectively gets 1x Weave in the group. That means that if you have Maneuvers yourself(!), you only need "+1 more" with Maneuvers to achieve parity with the +Defense offered by Weave. Needless to say, it's a LOT easier to find "+1 more" with Maneuvers in groups when you've got Maneuvers yourself (protecting everyone around you!) rather than expecting "+2 more" to achieve the same effect because you didn't want to contribute yourself. Stack enough Maneuvers together and everyone can be close to (if not comfortably beyond) the Defense Softcap (and into the realm of NO GET HITSU!!).

Note that the same mentality applies to Assault and Tactics as well (although not quite as neatly).
3x Assault = an extra Damage SO of throughput for everyone.
2-3x Tactics = insta-snipes

Being one of the "Leadership MAKERS" rather than just being a "Leadership TAKER" has some pretty surprising long term benefits, since EVERY TEAM/League that you join is "better off" for having you in it.
Don't think of the Leadership Pool as something you'll add "if you can find the space for it" ... MAKE THE SPACE FOR LEADERSHIP ... and if necessary, figure out what else you want to drop in favor of Leadership.

Acrobatics not having the LOTG piece is just a Mids miss on my part.  I'll change that later.

My personal preference of LotG proc mules wind up being Leadership: Vengeance, Concealment: Stealth and Concealment: Grant Invisibility. If I'm short on slots for Maneuvers (so can't 6-slot Reactive Defenses, my fallback option is to 4-slot Luck of the Gambler into Maneuvers.

I don't often plan around purple sets (they're usually a bit over my budget), which is why Ragnarok wasn't part of my initial setup.  But I might try getting a hold of that later (right now I'm in the process of getting a set of Unbreakable Constraint for Shocking Bolt).

Purples are obtainable from the Ouroboros Incarnate Vendors if you can't obtain from drops (HA!) or from the auction house.
Pretty sure you can use Merits and or Hero/Villan Merits as well to obtain purples, although the "economics" of doing so via these methods are going to be a lot more "grindy" to obtain.

When it comes to 6-slotting ranged single target attacks (pre-Level 50), my personal preference is:
  • ATO Set
  • 5-set Entropic Chaos + (optional) Proc
  • 5-set Decimation (including Build Up proc) + (optional) Proc

I'm not really in love with the Dervish set, but Obliteration gives me pause in certain context because of its low EndRdx component.  I'll take another look, and reassess my options.

The only time(s) I've ever considered Scirroco's Dervish for 6-slotting a PBAoE is when I need a set bonus that can't be obtained elsewhere.

If I need the +Defense, my personal preference is for the full 6-slot Eradication set.
If I need Damage/Accuracy/Recharge set bonuses, I reach for 5-slot Obliteration plus the proc from Fury of the Gladiator (-Resistance).
At Level 50+, 5-slot Armageddon + proc of choice becomes the "go to" option.

As for your choice of Preemptive Interface ... may I make an alternative suggestion to you?
Try T4 Gravitic Radial instead of Preemptive.

Endurance/Recovery (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% defense (ALL), healing, tohit, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Compare the -Recovery debuffs between the 2 options.

Preemptive 4x stacks = -4 END and -20% Recovery for 4.3 seconds
Gravitic 4x stacks = -40% Recharge, -40% Recovery, -40% Defense (ALL), -40% Healing, -40% ToHit, -40% Movement, -40% Controls for 8.3 seconds

Recovery debuffing needs to "last a while" in order to be useful.
Gravitic will debuff Recovery "twice as strong for twice as long" compared to Preemptive ... while also piling on a lot of other debuffs that will ALL be helpful to Blaster survival.

Think about it.
Blaster / Re: My Latest Hot Mess: Dynamo Rose (Electric/Martial)
« Last post by Generator on July 01, 2024, 10:36:54 am »
Heya Kismet,

First off, thanks for the feedback.  Even if I don't follow it all (because I am a stubborn SOB), it's always good to have food for thought.

I don't dispute in the slightest that Blasters have a strong melee component, and I've always used that, hell I love it (going back to the earliest days of Live, I remember Havoc Punching toward glory and having a friend ask, "How long have you thought you are a Scrapper?").  But I simply don't feel the need to run at max difficulty all the time (I hate fighting at +4, it feels too much like work!).  I just kind of "find my level, and that's where I'll do my solo stuff.  Teams, I'll adjust as needed, if that requires me to dart in and out, and not just live at point blank range, that's  always been a plan with which I've been comfortable.

Trying Ageless Destiny will be an experimental move for me.  I'm going to see if I can get by with just Inner Will to deal with mez (no it's not Perma, but if it's "enough", that's all I need).  And hey if it doesn't work out as well as I want, I can pivot to Clarion later.

The RR +Per piece is pure necessity.  I've found that with all the -Per that Night Widows and Tarantula Mistresses can throw around,  yellow insps aren't enough to keep up.  And I know if I could get Tactics cooking, that would be a win on a couple of fronts for that, but I have a tough time kicking powers off the life raft.  So the RR piece is my least-worst option.

Acrobatics not having the LOTG piece is just a Mids miss on my part.  I'll change that later.

Kismet, again, if I could find room to throw in Tactics, that would be the second bird that stone takes care of.  I get it, but so far I don't have room to fit it yet.

In Reaction Time, honestly this is the first time I'm ever slotting +EndMod into a Sustain power.   often just slot for Heal/Absorb and the power's base Recovery is enough to carry me.  I'd been thinking of dropping the EndMod slot altogether.  DW pieces are there just because they're cheaper than Preventive, I'll probably upgrade later.

I don't often plan around purple sets (they're usually a bit over my budget), which is why Ragnarok wasn't part of my initial setup.  But I might try getting a hold of that later (right now I'm in the process of getting a set of Unbreakable Constraint for Shocking Bolt).

I'm not really in love with the Dervish set, but Obliteration gives me pause in certain context because of its low EndRdx component.  I'll take another look, and reassess my options.

Again, thanks for the feedback.  Even if I don't follow it all right away, it gives me "stress points" I know I should be watching on the build.  Much appreciated.

Later on,
Blaster / Re: My Latest Hot Mess: Dynamo Rose (Electric/Martial)
« Last post by Kismet on June 30, 2024, 02:43:31 am »
Hey Generator!

Thanks for sharing your build.

Unfortunately, some of my suggestions revolve around things you've already said that you don't want to do (i.e. Hasten, Fighting Pool, and Tactics for the wonder of perma-insta-snipe). I don't know if you've looked at it, but in my character profile of Icebox I include much of my philosophy on Blasters and some reasons for taking Hasten, Tactics, and the Fighting pool. Here's the link,3800.0.html

Setting that aside, I would submit that with Ki Push, Storm Kick, Short Circuit, Burst of Speed, Dragon's Tail, and Eagle's Claw, 6 powers that all require you to be in melee range, this actually is a melee character. I suppose you could use Burst of Speed without taking advantage of the melee damage, and you could argue that you're stuck with Ki Push, but that still leaves 4 affirmative choices to be in melee. I don't know if that observation changes your calculus on trying to hit the S/L soft-cap. If you really don't plan on being in melee, I'd suggest dropping all of them that you can because you're never going to use them.

All Blasters (except /Devices) are actually hybrid ranged/melee characters like Dominators and Guardians. Sure, you can choose not to take most of the melee powers, but I'd argue that, with the exception of missing out on a nuke, that character would be almost as effective at dealing ranged damage if it was a Guardian and would be much more survivable, as well as having access to some sweet buffs/debuffs that (depending on the secondary chosen) can go a long way toward not only closing the ranged damage gap with a Blaster but also increase team damage/survivability. Just some food for thought.

Working inside your constraints, I'd encourage you to consider Clarion for your Destiny. Defiant Barrage procs have to be stacked up and maintained, and I've frankly never been impressed with them beyond being a nice perk while leveling. At end game, which is what we're talking about with a Destiny pick, there are far more mez effects. Without much defense to make them miss, you're likely to get mezzed a lot, which usually means dead.

I'm with you in shaking my fist at Mids. I wish we could effectively export data chunks. So, I'm a little limited in making intelligent comments on your enhancement choices without rebuilding your character by hand.

Here are some suggestions:

Ball Lightning: 5 pieces of Ragnarok would give you more recharge and a wonderful CC proc. The sixth slot could be a Posi's proc, Annihilation proc, or simply moved elsewhere,

Aim: While the increased perception of Rectified Reticle is nice, the Gaussian's proc is almost like adding a short-acting Build-Up which will dramatically increase the kill potential of Thunderous Blast, as well as help with general Boss/EB beatdowns.

Combat Jumping: The Kismet proc is nice, but it's far less appealing on a Blaster without an over-slotted Tactics to make for the sweet, sweet insta-snipe. I'd put an LotG proc in here.

Reaction Time: I'm always inclined to maximize the +rec from Blaster sustain powers, so I'd swap out the Slow enhancement and put a second End Mod IO in it. Also, I'd swap out the Doctored Wounds for Preventive Medicine to get more S/L resistance and HP. There's almost no cold damage in the game, and fire rarely appears in any concentration, but the HP is always useful. The other choice I'd consider would be just going with 2 level 50 Heal IOs and +5 them both, which would save you a slot.

Acrobatics: Once again, I'd suggest muling a LotG proc in here.

Dragon's Tail: I'm not impressed with the full set bonuses for Scirocco's Dervish. I'd put either an Obliteration set in here for more S/L res, recharge, and melee defense or 5 slots of Armageddon for more recharge and a great damage proc, then fill with a Force Feedback proc for more recharge. You could do 5 pieces of Obliteration and a FF proc, also. Or frankenslot with 3 pieces of Scirocco's, 2 pieces of Obliteration, and the FF proc. This would yield 2 damage procs, the FF proc, reasonable accuracy and damage, 2.25% S/L res, 2,25% En/NEn, and a trivial amount of +regen. That same methodology could be applied to Short Circuit, but subbing in the Avalanche proc instead of the FF proc for CC.

I don't know if any of that is helpful to you, but those are my insights/feedback.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Edit: I totally missed that you had Inner Will in your build. I'll curse Mids first, then my own carelessness second. If you feel like that's enough Mez protection, then ignore my comments about Clarion. Of your two choices for Destiny, I'd go with Ageless to get your nuke, Aim, and other heavy hitters back faster. Rebirth just does not provide enough survivability for a Blaster, IMO.
Player Help/Guides / Re: Interface slotting ... a Why To
« Last post by Redlynne on June 28, 2024, 01:27:34 pm »
Got some more testing done with my Ninja/Time MM ... Ku no Ichi ... last night and got some eye watering results.
  • Switching from Effect primary to DoT primary on Interface slotting, particularly with Genesis: T4 Socket in play, was DEFINITELY the right way to go! Occasionally I'd look up just to see how many damage numbers were "smoking" off the pile of mobs in front of me ... and even without my Oni Pet's Rain of Fire being in the mix, I was just seeing an almost constant stream of orange numbers (my damage) rising upwards. Better yet, a LOT of those numbers were stacking DoT ticks from my damaging attacks piling up for significant quantities of additional damage throughput.
  • Time Manipulation is a "soft control" debuff powerset, primarily focused on Slows (-movement, -recharge) with a few other controls thrown in for flavor. Previously, I had been using T4 Cognitive Core as my Interface slotting, so as to get the maximum proc chances for Mag 2 Confuse out of my own attacks and the damaging attacks of my Ninjas. However, I've realized that Slow+Confuse makes for a sub-optimal combination when there are other options on offer. The downside is that the Cognitive Confuse procs are "weighted" with the notion that a mob that gets Confused will add some additional damage dealing output in favor of the Players. However, when heavy -Recharge debuffing is involved, it is extremely likely that mobs of EB and below ranks will have expended their attacks and be "stuck" waiting for 4x recharge durations to elapse before they can attack again (while Confused). So in combination with -Recharge debuffing, stacking a Confuse effect on top of that is essentially "wasted effort" because attacks will be few and far between (due to -Recharge debuffing) and at most you're going to be "avoiding" 1-2 attacks from an NPC on PC before the NPC gets defeated ... so, not that useful of an effect.
  • Shifting from T4 Cognitive Core over to T4 Spectral Radial, however, was very nearly game changing ... particularly with Genesis: Socket adding +10% proc chance to Spectral. MOST attacks with a native damage component (such as the Ninja MM personal attacks using their Bow) are extremely likely to proc 1-5 DoT ticks of extra damage. This was especially obvious with Fistful of Arrows (the cone attack) where I could shoot into a crowd and just start seeing DoT ticks start "smoking" off almost everything I'd just shot. Then a few seconds later, Fistful of Arrows would be recharged and I could hit everything in that pile AGAIN, stacking MORE DoT ticks onto everything. It's absolutely fair to say that the DoT ticks I could pile onto stuff was easily adding 2x or more damage throughput just to my MM Personal Attacks before adding in other factors (such as IO Set procs, etc.). It was positively OBSCENE just how much extra damage I was able to output onto $Targets.
  • The switch to T4 Spectral Radial had the added benefit that the Mag 2 Immobilize proc was useful support for my Ninjas since it meant my Ninjas could get into melee range to deal their heaviest attacks and not need to give chase to remain within melee contact. This is a very subtle side effect, but I did on more than one occasion see NPC mobs trying to move around suddenly STOP when hit with damaging attacks (and the gold rings on black pool appeared under the mob's feet, showing the Interface proc was affecting them) forcing them to "halt" in place ... presumably because they had succumbed to Immobilize Mag stacking from the Spectral procs (12.5+10=22.5% chance to Immobilize Mag 2 for 4.3s). So the Immobilization "bonus" effect wound up making my Ninjas more effective melee damage throughput producers, increasing my collective DPS output.
  • During the BAF iTrial, I went to my "typical" location of the N bunker to the NE (where Nightstar spawns in) and set up to handle everything. A Blaster joined me, but found so few pickings after my Ninjas had "pre-defeated" almost everything that the Blaster wound up wandering off to go help elsewhere. With my new Incarnate slotting (and Robotics Core in Lore slot) I was basically able to SOLO that one bunker all by myself with just my Ninjas and Lore Pets, thanks to the added DoTs from Spectral procs being more reliable thanks to Genesis: T4 Socket slotting. In case that's not obvious enough, previously I needed at least 1 extra PC to help ensure there were "no leaks" from the bunker I was intercepting escapees from ... but now, that's unnecessary, because I can SOLO intercept ALL escapees from a single bunker.
However, just because Ninja/Time + T4 Spectral Radial + T4 Socket Radial looks like it's going to be one of the optimal "blends" for my particular build, because of all the debuffing (-movement, -recharge, -tohit, etc. etc. etc.) going on in concert with melee oriented MM Pets ... that doesn't mean that the particular solution I've found for MY Mastermind is going to be optimal for every other MM build out there.

For example:
I would expect that a Robots/* MM whose build is NOT heavily reliant on Slows (-movement, -recharge) would gain far more advantage out of use of the T4 Cognitive Radial + T4 Socket (Radial) so as to stack Mag 2 Confuse onto mobs while also piling on the Psionic DoTs into the bargain. That way, the Confused mobs "contribute extra damage" on the MM's behalf in a "timely fashion" because those mobs are not being -Recharge debuffed.

So as far as the 2 "control" effect Interface options are concerned, I would argue that Cognitive is better for MM with Pets that are more Ranged+AoE damage oriented (like Mercenaries, Robots and Thugs are) and that Spectral is better for MM with Pets that are more melee damage oriented (like Beasts, Demons, Necromancers and Ninjas are). Additionally, Cognitive is better for MM without -Recharge debuffing powers, while Spectral is better for MM who rely heavily on -Recharge debuffing powers as an integral part of their protection scheme for themselves and their Pets.

One of the other things I've been contemplating changing on my Ninja/Time MM build is switching from T4 Assault Radial to a T4 Support Radial in my Hybrid slot.

The downside to doing that would be a loss of +10% Damage on all attacks (and Doublehit when the Assault Hybrid is toggled on) ... but I'm playing a Mastermind, where most of my damage output is coming from procs ANYWAY and as a MM the AT multiplier for damage is pretty low to begin with (as you can see HERE). So switching from a +10% Damage "at all times" to a +8% damage "half the time" arrangement (because of the difference between Assault and Support in Hybrid) I'll be averaging less damage myself (at best, +8% for 2 minutes out of every 4 minutes, instead of +10% for 4 minutes out of every 4 minutes plus 2 minutes of Doublehit out of every 4 minutes) due to uptime on the effect vs the auto ... but it will also make my Ninjas sturdier (+8% Defense vs All) when within 80ft ... which is where I want them to be anyway for Leadership toggles and Supremacy reasons.

Ultimately, I figure that the improved 85% chance DoT stacking from Spectral+Socket will easily counterbalance any damage throughput that result from switching Assault to Support in my Hybrid slot.
Player Help/Guides / Interface slotting ... a Why To
« Last post by Redlynne on June 27, 2024, 01:49:16 pm »
Credit to Placta at Homecoming for posting this information in the first place concerning Interface slot abilities. For purposes of this discussion, I'm going to be looking at the T4 effects, just to keep the permutations simple.
Increased level of detail obtained from City of Data v2 for Homecoming with some modifications to the information layout added by me.

Confuse (20% Core/10% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 seecond magnitude 2 confuse (I know the text says 12.5%, but the power data says 10%)
Psionic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Max HP (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -3.5% max hp (capped at 1000 for archvillains and similarly strong enemies) for 8.3 seconds
Toxic DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 toxic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

ToHit (100% Core/50% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (50% Core/100% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds

Recharge (75% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (50% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(75% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(75% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% defense (ALL), healing, tohit, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Defense (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds
Damage (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Endurance/Recovery (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Resistance (75% Core/25% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% damage resistance for 8.3 seconds
Fire DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 fire damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (25% Core/12.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (25% Core/75% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

The thing that stands out to me from this presentation of information is just how GOOD of a debuffer the T4 Gravitic Radial option is, simply because of how many things it does adequately well.
Gravitic (Radial) is better than Diamagnetic for tohit debuffing (-10% vs -5%) over 8.3 seconds.
Gravitic (Radial) is better than Preemptive for recovery debuffing (-10% for 8.3s vs -5% for 4.3s).
Gravitic (Radial) is possibly even better than Paralytic at defense debuffing when the target's defense is over 25% ... however, considering that defense debuffing is largely superfluous/wasted effort at Level 45+ the value/merit of this distinction is more a matter of quibbling rather than decisive.

Gravitic (Radial) just winds up being remarkably good at a wide variety of debuffing opportunities ... so much so that I'm starting to wonder if END Sapper builds might be better off using Gravitic (Radial) to further augment their blue bar drain potential than relying on Preemptive.

Another thing to consider is that of the 5 DoT proc options, Cognitive (Psionic) and Degenerative (Toxic) are both slightly lower per damage tick (13.3863-10.709=2.6773 difference) but are also two of the most heavily resisted damage types when playing at Level 45+ (when the Interface slot option is relevant). Robots and Seers heavily resist psionic damage. Devouring Earth heavily resist toxic damage. Both of which tend to be "plentiful" during Incarnate Trials.

Bopper has a very good primer on how the DoT procs compute due to their Cancel On Miss behavior posted on the Homecoming forums.

Bottom Line:
  • 25% proc means on average, each attack will do 0.333 ticks of damage. Given that a Minor DoT does 10.71 damage (Major DoT does 13.39 damage), this equates to averaging only +3.57 and +4.46 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively.
  • 50% proc on average, each attack will do 0.96875 ticks of damage, which equates to averaging +10.375 and +12.969 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively. In this case, doubling our Proc probability nearly tripled out added damage performance.
  • 75% proc on average, each attack will do 2.288 ticks of damage, which equates to averaging +24.505 and +30.632 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs, respectively. In this case, using a 75% DoT proc instead of a 25% DoT proc has increased the average DoT output by 587% (so nearly 7x damage). Using a 75% DoT proc instead of a 50% DoT proc increased the average DoT output by 136% (more than 2x damage).
What this means in practice is that in order to make an Interface DoT "relevant" as a dependable factor in your damage throughput, you need to be using the 75% chance T4 Radial. The best way to be thinking about using T4 Radial Interface slotting for DoT stacking is that the DoT is the purpose of your choice of Interface to slot, with the "other effect" being more or less a "nice to have bonus" that happens occasionally, rather than something that happens consistently.

Another thing to consider when looking at DoT vs -Resist with respect to slotting Reactive is the notion that a single DoT delivering an average of +30.632 damage (Preemptive, Reactive or Spectral) achieves parity of throughput with a -2.5% Resist debuff if 1,225.28 damage gets delivered over 8.3 seconds.

My point being that although -Resist debuffing is REALLY NICE in large groups, in Solo through Team-8 situations it's probably better to rely on DoT stacking rather than -Resist debuff stacking as a means to power through to defeating hard targets. The knock on side effect of that being that a diversity of DoT proc damage types will easily overpower the results of everyone in a raid all slotting nothing but Degenerative and Reactive for their Interface slot choices.

So viewed in that light, how do the Raidal "proc extra effects" compare (which can all stack up to 4x) when your primary concern is to inflict maximum DoT(age)?
  • Cognitive (12.5%): Mag 2 Confuse for 4.3s
  • Degenerative (25%): -3.5% Max HP for 8.3s
  • Preemptive (25%): -1 END and -5% Recovery for 4.3s
  • Reactive (25%): -2.5% Damage Resistance (All) for 8.3s
  • Spectral (12.5%): Mag 2 Immobilize for 4.3s
Cognitive and Spectral have the side benefit of setting up Containment for Controllers and also having synergies with the Hybrid: T4 Control Core which has a 75% chance to deal additional psionic damage to controlled foes (confuse and immobilize count for this).

The discussion of Degenerative vs Reactive has already been argued at length previously, so I'll gloss over those options here for brevity.

Preemptive delivers such a short window of Recovery debuffing as to make the effect marginal at best (especially at a 25% proc chance), effectively making this additional effect something of a "rounding error" in how this choice of Interface slot behaves.

However, what makes all of these considerations MUCH more interesting to contemplate is the synergy with the Genesis: Socket slot options.
Genesis: T4 Socket (Core and Radial) both offer +10% Max HP and +10 Max END @ Levels 45+ ... but also includes a +10% chance to proc on whatever you've got slotted into Interface ... which makes things REALLY interesting.

Take the listing I provided at the top of this post and add +10% to all the proc chances and look what happens!

Genesis: T4 Socket (Core or Radial) @ Levels 45+

Confuse (30% Core/20% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 seecond magnitude 2 confuse
Psionic DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 psionic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Max HP (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -3.5% max hp (capped at 1000 for archvillains and similarly strong enemies) for 8.3 seconds
Toxic DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 10.709 toxic damage per second for 4.3 seconds

ToHit (110% Core/60% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% tohit for 8.3 seconds
Regeneration (60% Core/110% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% regeneration for 8.3 seconds

Recharge (85% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recharge for 8.3 seconds
Recovery (60% Core and Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% recovery for 8.3 seconds
(85% Core) Movement, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% jump height, run speed, flying speed, jumping speed for 8.3 seconds
(85% Radial) Special, stacks up to 4 times collectively: -10% defense (ALL), healing, tohit, run speed, flying speed, confuse, terrorize, hold, immobilize, stun, sleep, knockup, knockback, repel for 8.3 seconds

Defense (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% base defense for 8.3 seconds
Damage (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -5% damage for 8.3 seconds

Endurance/Recovery (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -1% endurance per second for 4.3 seconds, -5% recovery for 4.3 seconds
Energy DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 energy damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Resistance (85% Core/35% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: -2.5% damage resistance for 8.3 seconds
Fire DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 fire damage per second for 4.3 seconds

Immobilize (35% Core/22.5% Radial), stacks up to 4 times collectively: 4.3 second magnitude 2 immobilize
Negative DoT (35% Core/85% Radial), stacks up to 8 times collectively: 13.3863 negative damage per second for 4.3 seconds

As already demonstrated above, increasing the proc chance for DoTs dramatically improves their opportunities to deal damage and to keep dealing damage beyond the first damage tick. I haven't done a full computation of the throughput, but consider it safe to say that +24 to +30 more damage per hit for the Minor and Major DoTs starts to feel like a lowball estimate of the damage opportunity from Interface DoTs. For one thing, the odds of getting DoT stacks to last the full 4 ticks rises dramatically. And just to be clear, 4 DoT ticks yields (4*10.709)=+42.836 and (4*13.3863)=+53.5452 more damage per hit for the Minor (Cognitive, Degenerative) and Major (Preemptive, Reactive, Spectral) DoTs at maximum, which starts feeling ... respectable ... like "have an extra damage proc set IO slotted into every damage power" respectable. Now start stacking those bonus DoT ticks up to 4-8 deep and watch the green bars just BLEED AWAY ...

I acutually tested this using a Spectral T4 Radial + Socket T4 Radial during last night's iTrials being run out of Dark Astoria while playing on Redlynne, my SR/MA Tanker (NO GET HITSU!!).
The results were pretty stark and impressive.

I don't think anyone else in the those trial raids was using Spectral in their Interface slot, so every time I saw and black pool with rings appear at the feet of my $Target(s), I knew that it was my Interface slot responsible for that effect. I was seeing Negative Energy DoTs proc VERY RELIABLY on almost everything I kicked. LOTS of DoT damage "smoking" off $Target(s) getting stacked up and doing some pretty respectable bonus damage ... enough so that it started to feel a bit like being able to "critical hit" for extra damage from a Scrapper, rather than being a Tanker. The nice thing about stacking up the DoT damage from Interface was that it would occasionally "finish off the last slivers" of HP all by itself, saving me the effort of animating another attack to deliver defeats. It was actually kind of remarkable, because all of those extra DoT ticks were something that was NOT limited by the +damage buff cap on a Tanker, allowing me to "go beyond" the amount of damage output I ought to have been capable of while using my Build Up power (Focus Chi, 6-slotted with Gaussian's to enable a 2x Buildup when activated because of the Gaussian's proc).

So for anyone who has been itching to "diversify" their options with Interface slotting in iTrials ... I would honestly recommend moving away from Degenerative or Reactive into Cognitive, Preemptive or Spectral when you have your Genesis slot loaded with Socket for +10% proc chances. Increasing the diversity of DoT damage types will deliver much harder "beatdowns" in trial leagues onto AVs and the like, simply due to the 8x collective stacking limit for DoTs of specific damage types.

Brute / Re: Rad/Fire Brute for fire farms
« Last post by Redlynne on June 26, 2024, 08:09:39 pm »
I'm really only posting this to test whether a decent forum share from Mids Reborn is possible now

The raw export does not measure up to previous iterations.
However, the information can be edited manually to provide more easily readable results.

Burning Higher - Villain Brute
Build plan made with Mids' Reborn v3.7.4 rev. 8
Primary powerset: Radiation Melee
Secondary powerset: Fiery Aura
Pool powerset (#1): Speed
Pool powerset (#2): Fighting
Pool powerset (#3): Teleportation
Pool powerset (#4): Leadership
Ancillary powerset: Earth Mastery


Powers taken:

Level 1: Radioactive Smash
A: Superior Vampire's Bite: Accuracy/Damage
3: Superior Vampire's Bite: Damage/Endurance
3: Superior Vampire's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
7: Superior Vampire's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
11: Superior Vampire's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
13: Superior Vampire's Bite: Recharge/Chance to Heal

Level 1: Fire Shield
A: Aegis: Resistance
46: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance
46: Aegis: Resistance/Recharge

Level 2: Blazing Aura
A: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage
5: Superior Avalanche: Damage/Endurance
5: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
11: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
13: Superior Avalanche: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
40: Superior Avalanche: Recharge/Chance for Knockdown

Level 4: Hasten
A: Invention: Recharge Reduction
7: Invention: Recharge Reduction

Level 6: Boxing

Level 8: Radiation Siphon
A: Superior Blistering Cold: Accuracy/Damage
9: Superior Blistering Cold: Damage/Endurance
9: Superior Blistering Cold: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
23: Superior Blistering Cold: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
23: Superior Blistering Cold: Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime
40: Superior Blistering Cold: Recharge/Chance for Hold

Level 10: Teleport
A: Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points)

Level 12: Healing Flames
A: Numina's Convalesence: Heal/Endurance
37: Numina's Convalesence: Heal/Endurance/Recharge
39: Numina's Convalesence: Heal
43: Numina's Convalesence: Heal/Recharge

Level 14: Blink
A: Hecatomb: Damage/Recharge
15: Hecatomb: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
15: Hecatomb: Accuracy/Recharge
17: Hecatomb: Damage/Endurance
17: Hecatomb: Chance of Damage(Negative)
40: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 16: Plasma Shield
A: Aegis: Resistance
43: Aegis: Resistance/Endurance
48: Aegis: Resistance/Recharge

Level 18: Irradiated Ground
A: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage
19: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Endurance
19: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Recharge
39: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
39: Scirocco's Dervish: Chance of Damage(Lethal)

Level 20: Consume
A: Performance Shifter: EndMod/Accuracy
21: Performance Shifter: EndMod/Accuracy/Recharge
21: Performance Shifter: EndMod

Level 22: Taunt
A: Perfect Zinger: Chance for Psi Damage

Level 24: Blink Blitz
A: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage
25: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Endurance
25: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Recharge
34: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Recharge
36: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
36: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

Level 26: Devastating Blow
A: Superior Brute's Fury: Accuracy/Damage
27: Superior Brute's Fury: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
27: Superior Brute's Fury: Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
31: Superior Brute's Fury: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
31: Superior Brute's Fury: Recharge/Fury Bonus
31: Superior Witchcraft: Chance for Res Debuff

Level 28: Burn
A: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage
29: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Endurance
29: Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Recharge
37: Scirocco's Dervish: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
37: Scirocco's Dervish: Chance of Damage(Lethal)

Level 30: Assault
A: Invention: Endurance Reduction

Level 32: Atom Smasher
A: Armageddon: Damage/Recharge
33: Armageddon: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
33: Armageddon: Accuracy/Recharge
33: Armageddon: Damage/Endurance
34: Armageddon: Chance for Fire Damage
34: Superior Unrelenting Fury: RechargeTime/+Regen/+End

Level 35: Fiery Embrace
A: Invention: Recharge Reduction
36: Invention: Recharge Reduction

Level 38: Tough
A: Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All)
46: Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3%

Level 41: Stone Prison
A: Superior Winter's Bite: Accuracy/Damage
42: Superior Winter's Bite: Damage/RechargeTime
42: Superior Winter's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
42: Superior Winter's Bite: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
43: Superior Winter's Bite: Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime
48: Superior Winter's Bite: Recharge/Chance for -Speed & -Recharge

Level 44: Quick Sand
A: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/ Universal Debuff
45: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/Recharge
45: Superior Witchcraft: Universal Debuff/Endurance/Recharge
45: Superior Witchcraft: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge

Level 47: Maneuvers
A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance
48: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
50: Luck of the Gambler: Defense

Level 49: Weave
A: Luck of the Gambler: Defense
50: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Endurance
50: Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed



Level 1: Fury

Level 1: Brawl
A: Invention: Accuracy

Level 1: Sprint
A: Invention: Run Speed

Level 2: Rest
A: Invention: Recharge Reduction

Level 2: Swift
A: Invention: Run Speed

Level 2: Hurdle
A: Invention: Jumping

Level 2: Health
A: Panacea: +Hit Points/Endurance
9: Numina's Convalesence: +Regeneration/+Recovery
17: Preventive Medicine: Chance for +Absorb

Level 2: Stamina
A: Performance Shifter: EndMod
13: Performance Shifter: EndMod/Recharge
23: Performance Shifter: Chance for +End

Level 24: Team Teleport


Born In Battle
High Pain Threshold


Pyronic Core Final Judgement
Reactive Core Flawless Interface
Robotic Drones Core Superior Ally
Ageless Core Epiphany
Assault Radial Embodiment
Musculature Core Paragon
Stats Breakdown:

- Defense -
Smashing: 32.83%
Lethal: 32.83%
Fire: 46.27%
Cold: 46.27%
Energy: 30.33%
Negative: 30.33%
Psionic: 15.29%
Melee: 30.33%
Ranged: 25.33%
AoE: 40.33%

- Resistance -
Smashing: 47.41%
Lethal: 47.41%
Fire: 90%
Cold: 41.56%
Energy: 47.44%
Negative: 47.44%
Toxic: 0%
Psionic: 0%

- HP & Endurance -
Regeneration: 218%
Max HP: 2006.87
End Recovery: 3.25/s
End Use: 2.51/s End. (Net gain: 0.74/s)
Max End: 113.6

- Movement -
Run Speed: 53.13 mph
Jump Speed: 44 mph
Jump Height: 15.1 ft
Fly Speed: 30.85 mph

- Stealth & Perception -
Stealth (PvE): 0 ft
Stealth (PvP): 0 ft
Perception: 500 ft

- Misc -
Haste: 250%
ToHit: 0%
Accuracy: 57%
Damage: 118.5%
End Rdx: 0%
Threat: 400

- Status Protection -
Held: 12.98
Stunned: 12.97
Sleep: 12.98
Immobilized: 12.98
Knockback: 4
Repel: 0
Confused: 0
Terrorized: 0
Taunt: 0
Placate: 0
Teleport: 2

- Status Resistance -
Held: 71.25%
Stunned: 71.25%
Sleep: 131.8%
Immobilized: 131.8%
Knockback: 0%
Repel: 0%
Confused: 71.25%
Terrorized: 71.25%
Taunt: 42.39%
Placate: 42.39%
Teleport: 100%

- Debuff Resistance -
Defense: 0%
Endurance: 50%
Recovery: 0%
PerceptionRadius: 0%
ToHit: 0%
RechargeTime: 45%
SpeedRunning: 45%
Regeneration: 0%


Set Effects Breakdown

Superior Vampire's Bite
(Radioactive Smash)
6% Resistance(Energy,Negative), 10% Status Resistance44.98 HP (3%) HitPoints3.6% Max End16% (1 HP/sec) Regeneration+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

(Fire Shield)
7.5% Movement Speed3.13% Defense(Fire,Cold), 1.56% Defense(AoE)

Superior Avalanche
(Blazing Aura)
15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 15% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying)6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery5% Defense(Melee), 2.5% Defense(Lethal), 2.5% Defense(Smashing)5% Defense(Fire,Cold), 2.5% Defense(AoE)

Superior Blistering Cold
(Radiation Siphon)
15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 15% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying)4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance5% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 2.5% Defense(Melee)5% Defense(Fire,Cold), 2.5% Defense(AoE)

Blessing of the Zephyr
Knockback Protection (Mag 4)

Numina's Convalesence
(Healing Flames)
12% (0.75 HP/sec) Regeneration28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints+6% Enhancement(Heal)

4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance+15% Enhancement(Accuracy)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Luck of the Gambler
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

(Plasma Shield)
7.5% Movement Speed3.13% Defense(Fire,Cold), 1.56% Defense(AoE)

Scirocco's Dervish
(Irradiated Ground)
10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration2.25% Resistance(Energy,Negative), 3.75% Status Resistance+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)3.13% Defense(AoE), 1.56% Defense(Fire), 1.56% Defense(Cold)

Performance Shifter
7.5% Movement Speed28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints

Scirocco's Dervish
(Blink Blitz)
10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration2.25% Resistance(Energy,Negative), 3.75% Status Resistance+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)3.13% Defense(AoE), 1.56% Defense(Fire), 1.56% Defense(Cold)

Luck of the Gambler
(Blink Blitz)
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Superior Brute's Fury
(Devastating Blow)
44.98 HP (3%) HitPoints5% Defense(Smashing,Lethal), 2.5% Defense(Melee)4% DamageBuff(All)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Scirocco's Dervish
10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration2.25% Resistance(Energy,Negative), 3.75% Status Resistance+9% Enhancement(Accuracy)3.13% Defense(AoE), 1.56% Defense(Fire), 1.56% Defense(Cold)

(Atom Smasher)
4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance+15% Enhancement(Accuracy)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Gladiator's Armor
3% Defense(All), 100% MezResist(Teleport) (20% chance)

Steadfast Protection
3% Defense(All)

Superior Winter's Bite
(Stone Prison)
6% Resistance(Fire,Cold), 10% Status Resistance15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 15% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying)4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 2.5% Defense(Ranged)5% Defense(Fire,Cold), 2.5% Defense(AoE)

Superior Witchcraft
(Quick Sand)
4% DamageBuff(All)5% Defense(Energy,Negative), 2.5% Defense(Ranged)+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Luck of the Gambler
10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration16.87 HP (1.13%) HitPoints+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Luck of the Gambler
10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration16.87 HP (1.13%) HitPoints+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)

Preventive Medicine
GrantPower Preventive Medicine (10% chance), GrantPower Preventive Medicine

Performance Shifter
7.5% Movement Speed28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints


Set Buffs Totals

Damage(All) (8% Total)
+4% Damage(All) (From Superior Brute's Fury in Devastating Blow)
+4% Damage(All) (From Superior Witchcraft in Quick Sand)

S/L Defense (18.5% Total)
+5% S/L Defense (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+5% S/L Defense (From Superior Brute's Fury in Devastating Blow)
+3% S/L Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% S/L Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)
+2.5% S/L Defense (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)

Fire/Cold Defense (31.94% Total)
+5% Fire/Cold Defense (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+5% Fire/Cold Defense (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+5% Fire/Cold Defense (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)
+3.13% Fire/Cold Defense (From Aegis in Fire Shield)
+3.13% Fire/Cold Defense (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)
+3% Fire/Cold Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Fire/Cold Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)
+1.56% Fire/Cold Defense (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+1.56% Fire/Cold Defense (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+1.56% Fire/Cold Defense (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)

Energy/Negative Defense (16% Total)
+5% Energy/Negative Defense (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)
+5% Energy/Negative Defense (From Superior Witchcraft in Quick Sand)
+3% Energy/Negative Defense (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Energy/Negative Defense (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)

Defense (Psionic) (6% Total)
+3% Defense(Psionic) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Defense(Psionic) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)

Defense (Melee) (16% Total)
+5% Defense(Melee) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+3% Defense(Melee) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Defense(Melee) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)
+2.5% Defense(Melee) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+2.5% Defense(Melee) (From Superior Brute's Fury in Devastating Blow)

Defense (Ranged) (11% Total)
+3% Defense(Ranged) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Defense(Ranged) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)
+2.5% Defense(Ranged) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)
+2.5% Defense(Ranged) (From Superior Witchcraft in Quick Sand)

Defense (AoE) (26% Total)
+3.13% Defense(AoE) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+3.13% Defense(AoE) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+3.13% Defense(AoE) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)
+3% Defense(AoE) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)
+3% Defense(AoE) (From Steadfast Protection: Resistance/+Def 3% in Tough)
+2.5% Defense(AoE) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+2.5% Defense(AoE) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+2.5% Defense(AoE) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)
+1.56% Defense(AoE) (From Aegis in Fire Shield)+1.56% Defense(AoE) (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)

Max Endurance (3.6% Total)
+3.6% Max Endurance (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)

Enhancement (Accuracy) (57% Total)
+15% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Hecatomb in Blink)
+15% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Armageddon in Atom Smasher)
+9% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+9% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+9% Enhancement(Accuracy) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)

Enhancement (Heal) (6% Total)
+6% Enhancement(Heal) (From Numina's Convalesence in Healing Flames)

Enhancement (RechargeTime) (80% Total)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Hecatomb in Blink)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Brute's Fury in Devastating Blow)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Armageddon in Atom Smasher)
+10% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Superior Witchcraft in Quick Sand)
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Blink)
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Blink Blitz)
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Maneuvers)
+7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) (From Luck of the Gambler: Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed in Weave)

HitPoints (208.02 HP Total / 13.88% of Base HP)
+44.98 HP (3%) HitPoints (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)
+44.98 HP (3%) HitPoints (From Superior Brute's Fury in Devastating Blow)
+28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Numina's Convalesence in Healing Flames)
+28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Performance Shifter in Consume)
+28.11 HP (1.88%) HitPoints (From Performance Shifter in Stamina)
+16.87 HP (1.13%) HitPoints (From Luck of the Gambler in Maneuvers)
+16.87 HP (1.13%) HitPoints (From Luck of the Gambler in Weave)

JumpHeight (30% Total)
+7.5% JumpHeight (From Aegis in Fire Shield)
+7.5% JumpHeight (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)
+7.5% JumpHeight (From Performance Shifter in Consume)
+7.5% JumpHeight (From Performance Shifter in Stamina)

Mez (Knockback) (-4 Total)
+Knockback (Mag -4) (From Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) in Teleport)

Mez (Knockup) (-4 Total)
+Knockup (Mag -4) (From Blessing of the Zephyr: Knockback Reduction (4 points) in Teleport)

MezResist(All) (71.25% Total)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Hecatomb in Blink)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Armageddon in Atom Smasher)
+10% MezResist(All) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)
+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+3.75% MezResist(All) (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)

MezResist (Teleport) (100% Total)
+100% MezResist(Teleport) (20% chance) (From Gladiator's Armor: TP Protection +3% Def (All) in Tough)

Recovery (20% Total)
+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Hecatomb in Blink)
+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Armageddon in Atom Smasher)
+4% (0.07 End/sec) Recovery (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)

Regeneration (78% Total / 18.23 HP/s)
+16% (1 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)
+12% (0.75 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Numina's Convalesence in Healing Flames)
+10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)
+10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Luck of the Gambler in Maneuvers)
+10% (0.62 HP/sec) Regeneration (From Luck of the Gambler in Weave)

ResEffect (SpeedFlying) (45% Total)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)

ResEffect (RechargeTime) (45% Total)
+15% ResEffect(RechargeTime) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+15% ResEffect(RechargeTime) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+15% ResEffect(RechargeTime) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)

ResEffect (SpeedRunning) (45% Total)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning) (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning) (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning) (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)

Fire/Cold Resistance (30% Total)
+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Superior Avalanche in Blazing Aura)
+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Superior Blistering Cold in Radiation Siphon)
+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Hecatomb in Blink)
+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Armageddon in Atom Smasher)
+6% Fire/Cold Resistance (From Superior Winter's Bite in Stone Prison)

Energy/Negative Resistance (12.75% Total)
+6% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Superior Vampire's Bite in Radioactive Smash)
+2.25% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Scirocco's Dervish in Irradiated Ground)
+2.25% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Scirocco's Dervish in Blink Blitz)
+2.25% Energy/Negative Resistance (From Scirocco's Dervish in Burn)

SpeedFlying (30% Total)
+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Aegis in Fire Shield)
+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)
+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Performance Shifter in Consume)
+7.5% SpeedFlying (From Performance Shifter in Stamina)

SpeedJumping (30% Total)
+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Aegis in Fire Shield)
+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)
+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Performance Shifter in Consume)
+7.5% SpeedJumping (From Performance Shifter in Stamina)

SpeedRunning (30% Total)
+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Aegis in Fire Shield)
+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Aegis in Plasma Shield)
+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Performance Shifter in Consume)
+7.5% SpeedRunning (From Performance Shifter in Stamina)

So as you can see ... the information is "all there" but is just BADLY FORMATTED/laid out in the original export.
The only thing I did to clean it up was to add carriage returns/line breaks there they should have been included so as to manually edit the output into something that I'd want to look at and peruse for information in a forum.
Blaster / Re: My Latest Hot Mess: Dynamo Rose (Electric/Martial)
« Last post by Redlynne on June 26, 2024, 07:47:42 pm »
Redlynne, I gave up on the Mids Reborn installers a while ago, and instead download their zip and use the exe from an extracted folder of their zip - that has been working. I also never use the Mids Reborn updater utility.

If it's not too much trouble for you, wyldhaunt, can you provide an itemized step by step for what you do (including URL to download from)?
I have the added complication of being an M2 iMac Mini user, so I have to go to the extra length of trying to make this work under emulation (currently using Whisky for this, which means and outdated version of the WINE emulation layer).

This is how I've been able to log into Rebirth since Saturday morning (and participate in a couple of MSRs that day) along with the Monday and Tuesday iTrials.
However, all is not well in mudville.
The game client is a bit janky under emulation (go figure), even when using Winetricks to provide the requisite DLLs to resolve some sound issues and make the game playable.
Entire classes of objects and world geometry do not render properly (my base that I'm so proud of on Blueside is just geometry without textures mapped onto objects). The western HALF of Port Oakes has something going on in it that reliably fatal crashes the game client to desktop, so a Soldier of Arachnos character I sent over there to get to a mission door is "unplayable" now (can't complete zone in without fatal crash to desktop). Had something similar happen to my main Redlynne as well in Atlas Park, but got lucky enough on a subsequent random attempt to log in to be able to zone in and escape Atlas Park.

As matters stand, I'm going to have to wait for further developments of WINE and Whisky before my gameplay can get more stable.
Even now, after repeated zone ins to places that I've already been in during a single session, the texture maps start degrading and the particle effects just get lower and lower quality until ... fatal crash to desktop. Fortunately, I can log back in after such events, but still ... it's clear that the emulation lash up I'm using through GTPK and Whisky are very much sub-optimal in their current form.

Ideally, I'd want to be able to play around in a character builder for Rebirth ... but right now that's all "locked" behind a windows app with a .NET dependency that should have been retired 5-10 years ago in favor of a webpage execution of the same character build calculator functions.
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