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Messages - FarmTank

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6
Developers Diary / Re: FARM TANK - Slash Command Abbreviations
« on: February 10, 2023, 08:44:29 pm »
Added inspiration combine and delete

Developers Diary / Re: FARM TANK - Slash Command Abbreviations
« on: February 05, 2023, 06:27:49 pm »
POST EDITED: Feb. 5, 2023

*Missing power exec commands added.

*Added Inspiration commands.

(Almost Tested) Bug Reporting / Re: list of PTS Slash commands Please!
« on: January 20, 2023, 11:23:00 pm »
Re-posting a pinned comment for the benefit of those not on the discord.

/levelup_xp X = X being the level you want to be.
/Influence x X = being the amount of Inf you want
/autoenhance = to automatically enhance yourself with SOs.
/badgegrant spiderskisspatron to gain Patron access

Calendar / Double xp
« on: December 25, 2022, 08:21:17 pm »
Double xp

Developers Diary / Re: FARM TANK - Slash Command Abbreviations
« on: December 21, 2022, 09:12:17 pm »

Player Help/Guides / Re: City of Data v2.0
« on: December 16, 2022, 07:40:21 pm »
I remember there was some discussion at the dev level about city of data stuff for rebirth a while ago.  I can bring it up with the rest of the team to see if anything came from that.

Tanker / Re: SR/MA = NO GET HITSU!!
« on: November 15, 2022, 01:34:59 pm »
General question, what's your opinion on the how necessary getting tough is for the resists on SR?

Nevermind just saw that part.

Calendar / Fright before Chrismas
« on: November 13, 2022, 08:03:40 pm »
Halloween's not quite over as Eoachi and the gang put on winter hats and decide to chill for a couple weeks.

Developers Diary / FARM TANK - Slash Command Abbreviations
« on: November 03, 2022, 08:06:23 pm »
Greetings,  I'm writing this to let you know about some upcoming changes.  I wanted to make sure this information was in an easy to reference location all on its own.  Some new slash commands are coming to Rebirth and I hope some of the players find them useful. First is a new command for screenshots that allows you to save images to a custom folder.  This folder will still be in the same location as your game folder but will have whatever name you give it.

/screenfile "foldername"

The next grouping is a series of commands intended specifically for use in macros. They may seem bizarre but the specific "abbreviations" are a result of technical limitations in the existing code.  This work came from an understanding that char limits are a problem for some macro users.  This should go some way to help with that.  They do not do anything different from the longer versions of the same command.

"/tge_x", CMD_TARGET_ENEMY_NEXT, "Cycles through visible target-able enemies in near to far order."

"/tge_p", CMD_TARGET_ENEMY_PREV, "Cycles through visible target-able enemies in far to near order."

 "/tge_n", CMD_TARGET_ENEMY_NEAR, "Targets the nearest enemy."

"/tge_f", CMD_TARGET_ENEMY_FAR, "Targets the farthest enemy."

"/tgf_n", CMD_TARGET_FRIEND_NEAR, "Targets the nearest friend."

"/tgf_f", CMD_TARGET_FRIEND_FAR, "Targets the farthest friend."

"/tgf_x", CMD_TARGET_FRIEND_NEXT, "Cycles through visible target-able friends in near to far order."

"/tgf_p", CMD_TARGET_FRIEND_PREV, "Cycles through visible target-able friends in far to near order."

The following group of commands are just like the ones above but also took params that have also been shortened as well.  For instance the command for target custom near enemy would be "/tgt_r em"

"/tgt_n", CMD_TARGET_CUSTOM_NEAR, "Targets the nearest match."

"/tgt_f", CMD_TARGET_CUSTOM_FAR, "Targets the farthest match."

"/tgt_x", CMD_TARGET_CUSTOM_NEXT, "Cycles through matching targets in near to far order."

"/tgt_p", CMD_TARGET_CUSTOM_PREV, "Cycles through matching targets in far to near order."

These are the shortened params available for above commands.  The original in game system for any non-param matching tokens being matched against the name for specific targeting is still available.  As long as it does not match the original or shortened form of the params that system should still work just fine.

em = "enemy - Hostile enemies"

fd = "friend - Friendlies (including pets)"

dd = "defeated - 0 HP targets"

ae = "alive - Living targets"

mp = "mypet - Include only your pets"

np = "notmypet - Exclude your pets"

bc = "base - Include only passive base items"

bn = "notbase - Exclude passive base items"

tm = "teammate - Include only teammates"

tn = "notteammate - Exclude teammates"

UPDATE EDIT - By request the following powerexec commands have also been given abbreviations.

"px_na" = "powexec_name" = "Executes a power with the given name."

"px_lo" = "powexec_location" = "Executes a power at a specified location with the given name."

"px_sl" = "powexec_slot" = "Executes the given power slot from the current tray."

"px_tgon" = "powexec_toggleon" - "Toggles a given power on. If its already on, does nothing."

"px_tgof" = "powexec_toggleoff" - "Toggles a given power off. If its already off, does nothing."

"px_at1" = "powexec_altslot"  - "Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray."

"px_at2" = "powexec_alt2slot" - "Executes the given power slot from the second alternate tray."

"px_at3" = "powexec_alt3slot" - "Executes the given power slot from the third alternate tray."

"px_sv" = "powexec_serverslot" - "Executes the given power slot from the server-controlled tray."

"px_tr" = "powexec_tray" - "Executes a power in the given slot and tray."

"px_ab" = "powexec_abort" - "Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power."

"px_uq" = "powexec_unqueue" - "Cancels the queued power."

"px_at" = "powexec_auto" - "Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or blank to shut it off, or toggles if it's on already)."


"ip_sl" = "inspexec_slot" = "Activate an inspiration slot in the first row."

"ip_tr" = "inspexec_tray" = "Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column."

"ip_nm" = "inspexec_name" = "Activate an inspiration by name."

"ip_pn" = "inspexec_pet_name" = "Activate an inspiration on a pet by name. Inspiration Name then Pet Name"

"ip_pt" = "inspexec_pet_target" = "Activate an inspiration on a pet by name. Takes Inspiration Name"

"ip_cb" = "insp_combine" = "Combines 3 of same type inspiration into one new type"

"ip_dl" = "insp_delete" = "Removes and inspiration"

General Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Bring over Pretorean weather
« on: October 23, 2022, 11:39:23 am »
We do have zone skybox work on the road map.

Because the UI is hardcoded in C from scratch this could either be really easy or impossible.  I can't make any promises until I get a chance to look into it.  However if it looks easy enough I can make a note to throw this in.

Tech Issues / Re: Having Issue logging to a Server
« on: September 11, 2022, 09:50:31 pm »
How are you trying to connect to the server?  Can you provide a brief rundown?  (launcher, manifest, ect...)

Calendar / Last day of Summer Block Buster
« on: July 24, 2022, 10:13:54 pm »
Event will end after the server reset at roughly 9PM est.

Calendar / Rebirth Issue 4 release
« on: July 24, 2022, 11:16:23 am »
Server will be taken offline to update to Rebirth issue 4 on the 24'th at 6pm est. Downtime will be longer than normal.

Patch Notes / PTS July 17, 2022 (Test Server) - Ri4
« on: July 17, 2022, 09:48:00 pm »
- Fixed one instance of glowing armor that did not look like armor
- Eliminated opportunity for accidental nudity with a particular glowing skin
- Cleaned up edge seams in one instance of a particular glowing skin


High Contrast Option:
-Move enable selector in the options menu to the Misc section of the General tab.
-Due to how the selector in the options menu works High Contrast mode may only apply to the char you where on when you turned it on.
-Added "-highContrast" as a startup arg to the game.  Adding this line to your launcher args will start the game with High Contrast mode enabled for all chars on your client.
-Some effects cleaned up and added to the mode.
-Help Description strings added for the options menu selector.


Bug fixes:
- Fixed Gadgetry Wrist Blaster and Blaster Barrage occasionally playing wrong/partial animations
- Some Kheldian powers did not play animations in Nova form, this has been corrected
- Savage Melee powers now have finalized sound effects
- Corrected a few bugs with the visual FX on some savage Melee Powers

Former Mayor Devito's Babbage daycare center has been shut down and associated assets seized by the city for unpaid property taxes and utilities bills.  No one was able to provide an adequate defense of the facility after recent events.

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